Copyright 2013-2017 Marcelo Garlet Millani
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Module      : Simtreelo
Description :
Copyright   : (c) Marcelo Garlet Millani
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : marcelogmillani@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental

This library loads trees that are described through text. In order to preserve readability, the hierarchy of the tree is give exclusively by the indentation level, which can be any number of spaces or tabs, as long as coherence is kept.

The first line of the file describes the comment pattern. Every line contains one node of the tree, and the parent is determined by the indentation level, which is given by tabs or spaces. Whitespaces on the right of names are ignored.
If the first line is empty, comments will be disabled.

Example file:

>A node -- this is a comment
>  Child -- indentation is given by 2 spaces here
>  Debora
>    Edward

module Data.Simtreelo(loadString, loadFile, write, toString, merge) where

import Data.Tree

-- | Merges a tree into a forest, using available nodes when possible.
-- | Every node must have a unique label
merge [] tree = [ tree ]
merge (fh:fr) tree
  | rootLabel fh == rootLabel tree = Node{rootLabel = rootLabel tree, subForest = mergeForest (subForest fh) (subForest tree)} : fr
  | otherwise = fh : merge fr tree

-- | Merges two forests into one, joining duplicate nodes when possible
-- | Every node must have a unique label

mergeForest fa fb = foldl merge fa fb

-- | Writes a forest into a file using the Simtreelo format
write forest comment indent file =
  let contents = comment ++ "\n" ++ toString forest indent in
  writeFile file contents

-- | Transforms the forest into a string with the Simtreelo format
toString forest indent = concat $ map ( toString' indent 0) forest
toString' indent depth tree =
  indentation ++ (rootLabel tree) ++ "\n" ++ children
    indentation = concat $ take depth $ repeat indent
    children = concat $ map (toString' indent (depth + 1) ) $ subForest tree

-- | The input 'String' must be organized in such a way that every child is one indentation lower than its parent, and all siblings have the same indentation.
-- The 'String' used for indentation is inferred from the first indentation depth
-- The entire first line (except the newline character) represents the beginning of a comment
-- Returns the first error message on failure, or the 'Tree' on success
loadString str = do
  let (first:s:r) = lines str
      (_,spaces) = separate' s
  (tree,_,_) <- if spaces /= [] then
                  parse (s:r) 2 1 (Just spaces) first
                  parse (s:r) 2 0 Nothing first
  return tree

-- | Just applies loadString to the contents of the given file
loadFile fname = do
  str <- readFile fname
  return $ loadString str

parse [] ln _ _ _ = Right ([],[],ln)
parse (h:r) ln d Nothing comment = do
  let (name,spaces) = separate' h
  if (strip name comment) == "" then parse r (ln+1) d Nothing comment
    else do
    let (indentor,depth) = if spaces == "" then (Nothing,0) else (Just spaces,1)
    (children,rest,ln') <- parse r (ln + 1) (d + 1) indentor comment
    if depth == d then do
      (siblings,rest',ln'') <- parse rest ln' d indentor comment
      return (Node{rootLabel = (strip name comment), subForest = children}:siblings, rest',ln'')
      else return ([],(h:r),ln)

parse (h:r) ln d (Just indentor) comment = do
  (name,depth) <- separate h indentor ln
  if (strip name comment) == "" then parse r (ln+1) d (Just indentor) comment
    else do
    (children,rest,ln') <- parse r (ln + 1) (d + 1) (Just indentor) comment
    if depth == d then do
      (siblings,rest',ln'') <- parse rest ln' d (Just indentor) comment
      return (Node{rootLabel = (strip name comment), subForest = children}:siblings, rest',ln'')
      return ([],(h:r),ln)

-- checks if the first argument is a prefix of the second
-- returns whether this is true and what is left of the second after the prefix
isPrefix [] r = (True,r)
isPrefix i [] = (False,[])
isPrefix (hi:ri) (h:r)
  | h == hi =
    let (prefix,rest) = isPrefix ri r in
    (prefix,if prefix then rest else h:r)
  | otherwise = (False,h:r)

separate' [] = ([],[])
separate' (h:r)
  | h == ' ' || h == '\t' = let (name,spaces) = separate' r in
  | otherwise = (h:r,"")

strip [] _ = []
strip (h:r) [] =
  let rest = strip r [] in
  if rest /= "" then h:rest
    if h == ' ' || h == '\t' then "" else [h]
strip (h:r) comment =
  let (prefix,_) = isPrefix comment (h:r) in
  if prefix then ""
    let rest = strip r comment in
    if rest /= "" then h:rest
      if h == ' ' || h == '\t' then "" else [h]

separate a [] _ = Right (a,0)
separate [] _ _ = Right ([],0)
separate line indentor lineNumber = do
  let (prefix,rest) = isPrefix indentor line
  if prefix then do
    (name,depth) <- separate rest indentor lineNumber
    return (name,depth + 1)
    if head rest == ' ' || head rest == '\t' then
      Left $ "Invalid indentation at line " ++ show lineNumber
      Right (line,0)