singletons 0.9.2 ================ This is the README file for the singletons library. This file contains all the documentation for the definitions and functions in the library. The singletons library was written by Richard Eisenberg, See also _Dependently typed programming with singletons_, available [here]( Purpose of the singletons library --------------------------------- The library contains a definition of _singleton types_, which allow programmers to use dependently typed techniques to enforce rich constraints among the types in their programs. See the paper cited above for a more thorough introduction. Compatibility ------------- The singletons library requires GHC version 7.6.3 or greater. Any code that uses the singleton generation primitives will also need to enable a long list of GHC extensions. This list includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: * `ScopedTypeVariables` (absolutely required) * `TemplateHaskell` * `TypeFamilies` * `GADTs` * `KindSignatures` * `DataKinds` * `PolyKinds` * `TypeOperators` * `FlexibleContexts` * `RankNTypes` * `UndecidableInstances` * `FlexibleInstances` * `EmptyCase` (for GHC 7.8) Functions to generate singletons -------------------------------- The top-level functions used to generate singletons are documented in the `Data.Singletons.TH` module. The most common case is just calling `singletons`, which I'll describe here: singletons :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] Generates singletons from the definitions given. Because singleton generation requires promotion, this also promotes all of the definitions given to the type level. To use: $(singletons [d| data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat pred :: Nat -> Nat pred Zero = Zero pred (Succ n) = n |]) Definitions used to support singletons -------------------------------------- Please refer to the paper cited above for a more in-depth explanation of these definitions. Many of the definitions were developed in tandem with Iavor Diatchki. data family Sing (a :: k) The data family of singleton types. A new instance of this data family is generated for every new singleton type. class SingI (a :: k) where sing :: Sing a A class used to pass singleton values implicitly. The `sing` method produces an explicit singleton value. data SomeSing (kproxy :: KProxy k) where SomeSing :: Sing (a :: k) -> SomeSing ('KProxy :: KProxy k) The `SomeSing` type wraps up an _existentially-quantified_ singleton. Note that the type parameter `a` does not appear in the `SomeSing` type. Thus, this type can be used when you have a singleton, but you don't know at compile time what it will be. `SomeSing ('KProxy :: KProxy Thing)` is isomorphic to `Thing`. class (kparam ~ 'KProxy) => SingKind (kparam :: KProxy k) where type DemoteRep kparam :: * fromSing :: Sing (a :: k) -> DemoteRep kparam toSing :: DemoteRep kparam -> SomeSing kparam This class is used to convert a singleton value back to a value in the original, unrefined ADT. The `fromSing` method converts, say, a singleton `Nat` back to an ordinary `Nat`. The `toSing` method produces an existentially-quantified singleton, wrapped up in a `SomeSing`. The `DemoteRep` associated kind-indexed type family maps a proxy of the kind `Nat` back to the type `Nat`. data SingInstance (a :: k) where SingInstance :: SingI a => SingInstance a singInstance :: Sing a -> SingInstance a Sometimes you have an explicit singleton (a `Sing`) where you need an implicit one (a dictionary for `SingI`). The `SingInstance` type simply wraps a `SingI` dictionary, and the `singInstance` function produces this dictionary from an explicit singleton. The `singInstance` function runs in constant time, using a little magic. Equality classes ---------------- There are two different notions of equality applicable to singletons: Boolean equality and propositional equality. * Boolean equality is implemented in the type family `(:==)` (which is actually a synonym for the type family `(==)` from `Data.Type.Equality`) and the class `SEq`. See the `Data.Singletons.Eq` module for more information. * Propositional equality is implemented through the constraint `(~)`, the type `(:~:)`, and the class `SDecide`. See modules `Data.Type.Equality` and `Data.Singletons.Decide` for more information. Which one do you need? That depends on your application. Boolean equality has the advantage that your program can take action when two types do _not_ equal, while propositional equality has the advantage that GHC can use the equality of types during type inference. Instances of both `SEq` and `SDecide` are generated when `singletons` is called on a datatype that has `deriving Eq`. You can also generate these instances directly through functions exported from `Data.Singletons.TH`. Pre-defined singletons ---------------------- The singletons library defines a number of singleton types and functions by default: * `Bool` * `Maybe` * `Either` * `Ordering` * `()` * tuples up to length 7 * lists These are all available through `Data.Singletons.Prelude`. Functions that operate on these singletons are available from modules such as `Data.Singletons.Bool` and `Data.Singletons.Maybe`. On names -------- The singletons library has to produce new names for the new constructs it generates. Here are some examples showing how this is done: original datatype: `Nat` promoted kind: `Nat` singleton type: `SNat` (which is really a synonym for `Sing`) original datatype: `:/\:` promoted kind: `:/\:` singleton type: `:%/\:` original constructor: `Zero` promoted type: `'Zero` (you can use `Zero` when unambiguous) singleton constructor: `SZero` original constructor: `:+:` promoted type: `':+:` singleton constructor: `:%+:` original value: `pred` promoted type: `Pred` singleton value: `sPred` original value: `+` promoted type: `:+` singleton value: `%:+` Special names ------------- There are some special cases: original datatype: `[]` singleton type: `SList` original constructor: `[]` singleton constructor: `SNil` original constructor: `:` singleton constructor: `SCons` original datatype: `(,)` singleton type: `STuple2` original constructor: `(,)` singleton constructor: `STuple2` All tuples (including the 0-tuple, unit) are treated similarly. original value: `undefined` promoted type: `Any` singleton value: `undefined` Supported Haskell constructs ---------------------------- The following constructs are fully supported: * variables * tuples * constructors * if statements * infix expressions * !, ~, and _ patterns * aliased patterns (except at top-level) * lists * (+) sections * (x +) sections * undefined * error * deriving Eq * class constraints * literals (for `Nat` and `Symbol`) The following constructs will be coming soon: * unboxed tuples * records * scoped type variables * overlapping patterns * pattern guards * (+ x) sections * case * let * list comprehensions * lambda expressions * do * arithmetic sequences As described briefly in the paper, the singletons generation mechanism does not currently work for higher-order datatypes (though higher-order functions are just peachy). So, if you have a declaration such as data Foo = Bar (Bool -> Maybe Bool) its singleton will not work correctly. It turns out that getting this to work requires fairly thorough changes to the whole singleton generation scheme. Please shout (to if you have a compelling use case for this and I can take a look at it. No promises, though. Support for `*` --------------- The built-in Haskell promotion mechanism does not yet have a full story around the kind `*` (the kind of types that have values). Ideally, promoting some form of `TypeRep` would yield `*`, but the implementation of TypeRep would have to be updated for this to really work out. In the meantime, users who wish to experiment with this feature have two options: 1) The module `Data.Singletons.TypeRepStar` has all the definitions possible for making `*` the promoted version of `TypeRep`, as `TypeRep` is currently implemented. The singleton associated with `TypeRep` has one constructor: data instance Sing (a :: *) where STypeRep :: Typeable a => Sing a Thus, an implicit `TypeRep` is stored in the singleton constructor. However, any datatypes that store `TypeRep`s will not generally work as expected; the built-in promotion mechanism will not promote `TypeRep` to `*`. 2) The module `Data.Singletons.CustomStar` allows the programmer to define a subset of types with which to work. See the Haddock documentation for the function `singletonStar` for more info. Changes from earlier versions ----------------------------- singletons 0.9 contains a bit of an API change from previous versions. Here is a summary: * There are no more "smart" constructors. Those were necessary because each singleton used to carry both explicit and implicit versions of any children nodes. However, this leads to exponential overhead! Now, the magic (i.e., a use of `unsafeCoerce`) in `singInstance` gets rid of the need for storing implicit singletons. The smart constructors did some of the work of managing the stored implicits, so they are no longer needed. * `SingE` and `SingRep` are gone. If you need to carry an implicit singleton, use `SingI`. Otherwise, you probably want `SingKind`. * The Template Haskell functions are now exported from `Data.Singletons.TH`. * The Prelude singletons are now exported from `Data.Singletons.Prelude`.