Singletons/Tuples.hs:0:0: Splicing declarations genSingletons [''(), ''(,), ''(,,), ''(,,,), ''(,,,,), ''(,,,,,), ''(,,,,,,)] ======> Singletons/Tuples.hs:(0,0)-(0,0) type Tuple0Sym0 = '() data instance Sing (z :: ()) = z ~ '() => STuple0 type STuple0 (z :: ()) = Sing z instance SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy ()) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy ()) = () fromSing STuple0 = GHC.Tuple.() toSing GHC.Tuple.() = SomeSing STuple0 instance SingI '() where sing = STuple0 type Tuple2Sym2 (t :: a) (t :: b) = '(t, t) instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple2Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple2Sym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple2Sym1 (l :: a) (l :: TyFun b (a, b)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple2Sym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple2Sym2 l arg) => Tuple2Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple2Sym1 l) l = Tuple2Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple2Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple2Sym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple2Sym0 (l :: TyFun a (TyFun b (a, b) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply Tuple2Sym0 arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple2Sym1 arg) => Tuple2Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Tuple2Sym0 l = Tuple2Sym1 l data instance Sing (z :: (a, b)) = forall (n :: a) (n :: b). z ~ '(n, n) => STuple2 (Sing n) (Sing n) type STuple2 (z :: (a, b)) = Sing z instance (SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy a), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy b)) => SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b)) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b)) = (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy a), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy b)) fromSing (STuple2 b b) = GHC.Tuple.(,) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) toSing (GHC.Tuple.(,) b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (STuple2 c c) } instance (SingI n, SingI n) => SingI '((n :: a), (n :: b)) where sing = STuple2 sing sing type Tuple3Sym3 (t :: a) (t :: b) (t :: c) = '(t, t, t) instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple3Sym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple3Sym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple3Sym2 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: TyFun c (a, b, c)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple3Sym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple3Sym3 l l arg) => Tuple3Sym2KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple3Sym2 l l) l = Tuple3Sym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple3Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple3Sym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple3Sym1 (l :: a) (l :: TyFun b (TyFun c (a, b, c) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple3Sym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple3Sym2 l arg) => Tuple3Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple3Sym1 l) l = Tuple3Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple3Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple3Sym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple3Sym0 (l :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (a, b, c) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply Tuple3Sym0 arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple3Sym1 arg) => Tuple3Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Tuple3Sym0 l = Tuple3Sym1 l data instance Sing (z :: (a, b, c)) = forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c). z ~ '(n, n, n) => STuple3 (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) type STuple3 (z :: (a, b, c)) = Sing z instance (SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy a), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy b), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy c)) => SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c)) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c)) = (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy a), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy b), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy c)) fromSing (STuple3 b b b) = GHC.Tuple.(,,) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) toSing (GHC.Tuple.(,,) b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (STuple3 c c c) } instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI '((n :: a), (n :: b), (n :: c)) where sing = STuple3 sing sing sing type Tuple4Sym4 (t :: a) (t :: b) (t :: c) (t :: d) = '(t, t, t, t) instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple4Sym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple4Sym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple4Sym3 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: TyFun d (a, b, c, d)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple4Sym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple4Sym4 l l l arg) => Tuple4Sym3KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple4Sym3 l l l) l = Tuple4Sym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple4Sym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple4Sym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple4Sym2 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: TyFun c (TyFun d (a, b, c, d) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple4Sym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple4Sym3 l l arg) => Tuple4Sym2KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple4Sym2 l l) l = Tuple4Sym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple4Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple4Sym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple4Sym1 (l :: a) (l :: TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (a, b, c, d) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple4Sym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple4Sym2 l arg) => Tuple4Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple4Sym1 l) l = Tuple4Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple4Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple4Sym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple4Sym0 (l :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (a, b, c, d) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply Tuple4Sym0 arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple4Sym1 arg) => Tuple4Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Tuple4Sym0 l = Tuple4Sym1 l data instance Sing (z :: (a, b, c, d)) = forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d). z ~ '(n, n, n, n) => STuple4 (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) type STuple4 (z :: (a, b, c, d)) = Sing z instance (SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy a), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy b), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy c), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy d)) => SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c, d)) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c, d)) = (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy a), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy b), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy c), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy d)) fromSing (STuple4 b b b b) = GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) toSing (GHC.Tuple.(,,,) b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (STuple4 c c c c) } instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI '((n :: a), (n :: b), (n :: c), (n :: d)) where sing = STuple4 sing sing sing sing type Tuple5Sym5 (t :: a) (t :: b) (t :: c) (t :: d) (t :: e) = '(t, t, t, t, t) instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple5Sym4 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple5Sym4KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple5Sym4 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: d) (l :: TyFun e (a, b, c, d, e)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple5Sym4 l l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple5Sym5 l l l l arg) => Tuple5Sym4KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple5Sym4 l l l l) l = Tuple5Sym5 l l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple5Sym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple5Sym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple5Sym3 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: TyFun d (TyFun e (a, b, c, d, e) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple5Sym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple5Sym4 l l l arg) => Tuple5Sym3KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple5Sym3 l l l) l = Tuple5Sym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple5Sym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple5Sym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple5Sym2 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (a, b, c, d, e) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple5Sym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple5Sym3 l l arg) => Tuple5Sym2KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple5Sym2 l l) l = Tuple5Sym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple5Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple5Sym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple5Sym1 (l :: a) (l :: TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (a, b, c, d, e) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple5Sym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple5Sym2 l arg) => Tuple5Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple5Sym1 l) l = Tuple5Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple5Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple5Sym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple5Sym0 (l :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (a, b, c, d, e) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply Tuple5Sym0 arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple5Sym1 arg) => Tuple5Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Tuple5Sym0 l = Tuple5Sym1 l data instance Sing (z :: (a, b, c, d, e)) = forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d) (n :: e). z ~ '(n, n, n, n, n) => STuple5 (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) type STuple5 (z :: (a, b, c, d, e)) = Sing z instance (SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy a), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy b), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy c), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy d), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy e)) => SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c, d, e)) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c, d, e)) = (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy a), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy b), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy c), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy d), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy e)) fromSing (STuple5 b b b b b) = GHC.Tuple.(,,,,) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) toSing (GHC.Tuple.(,,,,) b b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy e)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (STuple5 c c c c c) } instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI '((n :: a), (n :: b), (n :: c), (n :: d), (n :: e)) where sing = STuple5 sing sing sing sing sing type Tuple6Sym6 (t :: a) (t :: b) (t :: c) (t :: d) (t :: e) (t :: f) = '(t, t, t, t, t, t) instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple6Sym5 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple6Sym5KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple6Sym5 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: d) (l :: e) (l :: TyFun f (a, b, c, d, e, f)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple6Sym5 l l l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple6Sym6 l l l l l arg) => Tuple6Sym5KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple6Sym5 l l l l l) l = Tuple6Sym6 l l l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple6Sym4 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple6Sym4KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple6Sym4 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: d) (l :: TyFun e (TyFun f (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple6Sym4 l l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple6Sym5 l l l l arg) => Tuple6Sym4KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple6Sym4 l l l l) l = Tuple6Sym5 l l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple6Sym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple6Sym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple6Sym3 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple6Sym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple6Sym4 l l l arg) => Tuple6Sym3KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple6Sym3 l l l) l = Tuple6Sym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple6Sym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple6Sym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple6Sym2 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple6Sym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple6Sym3 l l arg) => Tuple6Sym2KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple6Sym2 l l) l = Tuple6Sym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple6Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple6Sym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple6Sym1 (l :: a) (l :: TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple6Sym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple6Sym2 l arg) => Tuple6Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple6Sym1 l) l = Tuple6Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple6Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple6Sym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple6Sym0 (l :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply Tuple6Sym0 arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple6Sym1 arg) => Tuple6Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Tuple6Sym0 l = Tuple6Sym1 l data instance Sing (z :: (a, b, c, d, e, f)) = forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d) (n :: e) (n :: f). z ~ '(n, n, n, n, n, n) => STuple6 (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) type STuple6 (z :: (a, b, c, d, e, f)) = Sing z instance (SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy a), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy b), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy c), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy d), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy e), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy f)) => SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c, d, e, f)) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c, d, e, f)) = (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy a), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy b), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy c), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy d), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy e), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy f)) fromSing (STuple6 b b b b b b) = GHC.Tuple.(,,,,,) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) toSing (GHC.Tuple.(,,,,,) b b b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy e)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy f)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (STuple6 c c c c c c) } instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI '((n :: a), (n :: b), (n :: c), (n :: d), (n :: e), (n :: f)) where sing = STuple6 sing sing sing sing sing sing type Tuple7Sym7 (t :: a) (t :: b) (t :: c) (t :: d) (t :: e) (t :: f) (t :: g) = '(t, t, t, t, t, t, t) instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple7Sym6 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple7Sym6KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple7Sym6 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: d) (l :: e) (l :: f) (l :: TyFun g (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple7Sym6 l l l l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple7Sym7 l l l l l l arg) => Tuple7Sym6KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple7Sym6 l l l l l l) l = Tuple7Sym7 l l l l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple7Sym5 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple7Sym5KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple7Sym5 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: d) (l :: e) (l :: TyFun f (TyFun g (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple7Sym5 l l l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple7Sym6 l l l l l arg) => Tuple7Sym5KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple7Sym5 l l l l l) l = Tuple7Sym6 l l l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple7Sym4 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple7Sym4KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple7Sym4 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: d) (l :: TyFun e (TyFun f (TyFun g (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple7Sym4 l l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple7Sym5 l l l l arg) => Tuple7Sym4KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple7Sym4 l l l l) l = Tuple7Sym5 l l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple7Sym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple7Sym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple7Sym3 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: c) (l :: TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (TyFun g (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple7Sym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple7Sym4 l l l arg) => Tuple7Sym3KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple7Sym3 l l l) l = Tuple7Sym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple7Sym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple7Sym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple7Sym2 (l :: a) (l :: b) (l :: TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (TyFun g (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple7Sym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple7Sym3 l l arg) => Tuple7Sym2KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple7Sym2 l l) l = Tuple7Sym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple7Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple7Sym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple7Sym1 (l :: a) (l :: TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (TyFun g (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Tuple7Sym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple7Sym2 l arg) => Tuple7Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Tuple7Sym1 l) l = Tuple7Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Tuple7Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Tuple7Sym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Tuple7Sym0 (l :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (TyFun g (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *) -> *)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply Tuple7Sym0 arg) ~ KindOf (Tuple7Sym1 arg) => Tuple7Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Tuple7Sym0 l = Tuple7Sym1 l data instance Sing (z :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) = forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d) (n :: e) (n :: f) (n :: g). z ~ '(n, n, n, n, n, n, n) => STuple7 (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) (Sing n) type STuple7 (z :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) = Sing z instance (SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy a), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy b), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy c), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy d), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy e), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy f), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy g)) => SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) = (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy a), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy b), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy c), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy d), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy e), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy f), DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy g)) fromSing (STuple7 b b b b b b b) = GHC.Tuple.(,,,,,,) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) toSing (GHC.Tuple.(,,,,,,) b b b b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy e)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy f)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy g)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (STuple7 c c c c c c c) } instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI '((n :: a), (n :: b), (n :: c), (n :: d), (n :: e), (n :: f), (n :: g)) where sing = STuple7 sing sing sing sing sing sing sing