Singletons/OrdDeriving.hs:(0,0)-(0,0): Splicing declarations singletons [d| data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq, Ord) data Foo a b c d = A a b c d | B a b c d | C a b c d | D a b c d | E a b c d | F a b c d deriving (Eq, Ord) |] ======> data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq, Ord) data Foo a b c d = A a b c d | B a b c d | C a b c d | D a b c d | E a b c d | F a b c d deriving (Eq, Ord) type family Equals_0123456789 (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) :: Bool where Equals_0123456789 Zero Zero = TrueSym0 Equals_0123456789 (Succ a) (Succ b) = (:==) a b Equals_0123456789 (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) = FalseSym0 instance PEq (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) where type (:==) (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) = Equals_0123456789 a b type ZeroSym0 = Zero type SuccSym1 (t :: Nat) = Succ t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings SuccSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) SuccSym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data SuccSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat Nat) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply SuccSym0 arg) ~ KindOf (SuccSym1 arg) => SuccSym0KindInference type instance Apply SuccSym0 l = SuccSym1 l type family Equals_0123456789 (a :: Foo k k k k) (b :: Foo k k k k) :: Bool where Equals_0123456789 (A a a a a) (A b b b b) = (:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:==) a b))) Equals_0123456789 (B a a a a) (B b b b b) = (:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:==) a b))) Equals_0123456789 (C a a a a) (C b b b b) = (:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:==) a b))) Equals_0123456789 (D a a a a) (D b b b b) = (:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:==) a b))) Equals_0123456789 (E a a a a) (E b b b b) = (:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:==) a b))) Equals_0123456789 (F a a a a) (F b b b b) = (:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:&&) ((:==) a b) ((:==) a b))) Equals_0123456789 (a :: Foo k k k k) (b :: Foo k k k k) = FalseSym0 instance PEq (KProxy :: KProxy (Foo k k k k)) where type (:==) (a :: Foo k k k k) (b :: Foo k k k k) = Equals_0123456789 a b type ASym4 (t :: a0123456789) (t :: b0123456789) (t :: c0123456789) (t :: d0123456789) = A t t t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ASym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) ASym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data ASym3 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: c0123456789) (l :: TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (ASym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (ASym4 l l l arg) => ASym3KindInference type instance Apply (ASym3 l l l) l = ASym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ASym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) ASym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data ASym2 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (ASym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (ASym3 l l arg) => ASym2KindInference type instance Apply (ASym2 l l) l = ASym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ASym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) ASym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data ASym1 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (ASym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (ASym2 l arg) => ASym1KindInference type instance Apply (ASym1 l) l = ASym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ASym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) ASym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data ASym0 (l :: TyFun a0123456789 (TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply ASym0 arg) ~ KindOf (ASym1 arg) => ASym0KindInference type instance Apply ASym0 l = ASym1 l type BSym4 (t :: a0123456789) (t :: b0123456789) (t :: c0123456789) (t :: d0123456789) = B t t t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings BSym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) BSym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data BSym3 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: c0123456789) (l :: TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (BSym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (BSym4 l l l arg) => BSym3KindInference type instance Apply (BSym3 l l l) l = BSym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings BSym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) BSym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data BSym2 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (BSym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (BSym3 l l arg) => BSym2KindInference type instance Apply (BSym2 l l) l = BSym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings BSym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) BSym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data BSym1 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (BSym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (BSym2 l arg) => BSym1KindInference type instance Apply (BSym1 l) l = BSym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings BSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) BSym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data BSym0 (l :: TyFun a0123456789 (TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply BSym0 arg) ~ KindOf (BSym1 arg) => BSym0KindInference type instance Apply BSym0 l = BSym1 l type CSym4 (t :: a0123456789) (t :: b0123456789) (t :: c0123456789) (t :: d0123456789) = C t t t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings CSym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) CSym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data CSym3 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: c0123456789) (l :: TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (CSym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (CSym4 l l l arg) => CSym3KindInference type instance Apply (CSym3 l l l) l = CSym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings CSym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) CSym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data CSym2 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (CSym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (CSym3 l l arg) => CSym2KindInference type instance Apply (CSym2 l l) l = CSym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings CSym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) CSym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data CSym1 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (CSym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (CSym2 l arg) => CSym1KindInference type instance Apply (CSym1 l) l = CSym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings CSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) CSym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data CSym0 (l :: TyFun a0123456789 (TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply CSym0 arg) ~ KindOf (CSym1 arg) => CSym0KindInference type instance Apply CSym0 l = CSym1 l type DSym4 (t :: a0123456789) (t :: b0123456789) (t :: c0123456789) (t :: d0123456789) = D t t t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings DSym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) DSym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data DSym3 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: c0123456789) (l :: TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (DSym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (DSym4 l l l arg) => DSym3KindInference type instance Apply (DSym3 l l l) l = DSym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings DSym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) DSym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data DSym2 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (DSym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (DSym3 l l arg) => DSym2KindInference type instance Apply (DSym2 l l) l = DSym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings DSym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) DSym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data DSym1 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (DSym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (DSym2 l arg) => DSym1KindInference type instance Apply (DSym1 l) l = DSym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings DSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) DSym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data DSym0 (l :: TyFun a0123456789 (TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply DSym0 arg) ~ KindOf (DSym1 arg) => DSym0KindInference type instance Apply DSym0 l = DSym1 l type ESym4 (t :: a0123456789) (t :: b0123456789) (t :: c0123456789) (t :: d0123456789) = E t t t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ESym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) ESym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data ESym3 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: c0123456789) (l :: TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (ESym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (ESym4 l l l arg) => ESym3KindInference type instance Apply (ESym3 l l l) l = ESym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ESym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) ESym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data ESym2 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (ESym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (ESym3 l l arg) => ESym2KindInference type instance Apply (ESym2 l l) l = ESym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ESym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) ESym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data ESym1 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (ESym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (ESym2 l arg) => ESym1KindInference type instance Apply (ESym1 l) l = ESym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ESym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) ESym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data ESym0 (l :: TyFun a0123456789 (TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply ESym0 arg) ~ KindOf (ESym1 arg) => ESym0KindInference type instance Apply ESym0 l = ESym1 l type FSym4 (t :: a0123456789) (t :: b0123456789) (t :: c0123456789) (t :: d0123456789) = F t t t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings FSym3 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) FSym3KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data FSym3 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: c0123456789) (l :: TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (FSym3 l l l) arg) ~ KindOf (FSym4 l l l arg) => FSym3KindInference type instance Apply (FSym3 l l l) l = FSym4 l l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings FSym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) FSym2KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data FSym2 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: b0123456789) (l :: TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (FSym2 l l) arg) ~ KindOf (FSym3 l l arg) => FSym2KindInference type instance Apply (FSym2 l l) l = FSym3 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings FSym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) FSym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data FSym1 (l :: a0123456789) (l :: TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (FSym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (FSym2 l arg) => FSym1KindInference type instance Apply (FSym1 l) l = FSym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings FSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) FSym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data FSym0 (l :: TyFun a0123456789 (TyFun b0123456789 (TyFun c0123456789 (TyFun d0123456789 (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply FSym0 arg) ~ KindOf (FSym1 arg) => FSym0KindInference type instance Apply FSym0 l = FSym1 l type family Compare_0123456789 (a :: Nat) (a :: Nat) :: Ordering where Compare_0123456789 Zero Zero = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) '[] Compare_0123456789 (Succ a_0123456789) (Succ b_0123456789) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) '[]) Compare_0123456789 Zero (Succ _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (Succ _z_0123456789) Zero = GTSym0 type Compare_0123456789Sym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: Nat) = Compare_0123456789 t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Compare_0123456789Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Compare_0123456789Sym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Compare_0123456789Sym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun Nat Ordering) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Compare_0123456789Sym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (Compare_0123456789Sym2 l arg) => Compare_0123456789Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Compare_0123456789Sym1 l) l = Compare_0123456789Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Compare_0123456789Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Compare_0123456789Sym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Compare_0123456789Sym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun Nat Ordering -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply Compare_0123456789Sym0 arg) ~ KindOf (Compare_0123456789Sym1 arg) => Compare_0123456789Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Compare_0123456789Sym0 l = Compare_0123456789Sym1 l instance POrd (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) where type Compare (a :: Nat) (a :: Nat) = Apply (Apply Compare_0123456789Sym0 a) a type family Compare_0123456789 (a :: Foo a b c d) (a :: Foo a b c d) :: Ordering where Compare_0123456789 (A a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789) (A b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) '[])))) Compare_0123456789 (B a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789) (B b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) '[])))) Compare_0123456789 (C a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789) (C b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) '[])))) Compare_0123456789 (D a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789) (D b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) '[])))) Compare_0123456789 (E a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789) (E b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) '[])))) Compare_0123456789 (F a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789) (F b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) '[])))) Compare_0123456789 (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (A _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (B _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (C _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (D _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 Compare_0123456789 (F _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) (E _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789) = GTSym0 type Compare_0123456789Sym2 (t :: Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) (t :: Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) = Compare_0123456789 t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Compare_0123456789Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Compare_0123456789Sym1KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Compare_0123456789Sym1 (l :: Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) (l :: TyFun (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) Ordering) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply (Compare_0123456789Sym1 l) arg) ~ KindOf (Compare_0123456789Sym2 l arg) => Compare_0123456789Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Compare_0123456789Sym1 l) l = Compare_0123456789Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Compare_0123456789Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings _ = snd (GHC.Tuple.(,) Compare_0123456789Sym0KindInference GHC.Tuple.()) data Compare_0123456789Sym0 (l :: TyFun (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) (TyFun (Foo a0123456789 b0123456789 c0123456789 d0123456789) Ordering -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. KindOf (Apply Compare_0123456789Sym0 arg) ~ KindOf (Compare_0123456789Sym1 arg) => Compare_0123456789Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Compare_0123456789Sym0 l = Compare_0123456789Sym1 l instance POrd (KProxy :: KProxy (Foo a b c d)) where type Compare (a :: Foo a b c d) (a :: Foo a b c d) = Apply (Apply Compare_0123456789Sym0 a) a data instance Sing (z :: Nat) = z ~ Zero => SZero | forall (n :: Nat). z ~ Succ n => SSucc (Sing (n :: Nat)) type SNat = (Sing :: Nat -> GHC.Types.Type) instance SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) = Nat fromSing SZero = Zero fromSing (SSucc b) = Succ (fromSing b) toSing Zero = SomeSing SZero toSing (Succ b) = case toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) of { SomeSing c -> SomeSing (SSucc c) } instance SEq (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) where (%:==) SZero SZero = STrue (%:==) SZero (SSucc _) = SFalse (%:==) (SSucc _) SZero = SFalse (%:==) (SSucc a) (SSucc b) = (%:==) a b instance SDecide (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) where (%~) SZero SZero = Proved Refl (%~) SZero (SSucc _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SSucc _) SZero = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SSucc a) (SSucc b) = case (%~) a b of { Proved Refl -> Proved Refl Disproved contra -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) } data instance Sing (z :: Foo a b c d) = forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d). z ~ A n n n n => SA (Sing (n :: a)) (Sing (n :: b)) (Sing (n :: c)) (Sing (n :: d)) | forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d). z ~ B n n n n => SB (Sing (n :: a)) (Sing (n :: b)) (Sing (n :: c)) (Sing (n :: d)) | forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d). z ~ C n n n n => SC (Sing (n :: a)) (Sing (n :: b)) (Sing (n :: c)) (Sing (n :: d)) | forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d). z ~ D n n n n => SD (Sing (n :: a)) (Sing (n :: b)) (Sing (n :: c)) (Sing (n :: d)) | forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d). z ~ E n n n n => SE (Sing (n :: a)) (Sing (n :: b)) (Sing (n :: c)) (Sing (n :: d)) | forall (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d). z ~ F n n n n => SF (Sing (n :: a)) (Sing (n :: b)) (Sing (n :: c)) (Sing (n :: d)) type SFoo = (Sing :: Foo a b c d -> GHC.Types.Type) instance (SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy a), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy b), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy c), SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy d)) => SingKind (KProxy :: KProxy (Foo a b c d)) where type DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy (Foo a b c d)) = Foo (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (DemoteRep (KProxy :: KProxy d)) fromSing (SA b b b b) = A (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) fromSing (SB b b b b) = B (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) fromSing (SC b b b b) = C (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) fromSing (SD b b b b) = D (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) fromSing (SE b b b b) = E (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) fromSing (SF b b b b) = F (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) (fromSing b) toSing (A b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (SA c c c c) } toSing (B b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (SB c c c c) } toSing (C b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (SC c c c c) } toSing (D b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (SD c c c c) } toSing (E b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (SE c c c c) } toSing (F b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy a)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy b)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy c)) (toSing b :: SomeSing (KProxy :: KProxy d)) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) (SomeSing c) -> SomeSing (SF c c c c) } instance (SEq (KProxy :: KProxy a), SEq (KProxy :: KProxy b), SEq (KProxy :: KProxy c), SEq (KProxy :: KProxy d)) => SEq (KProxy :: KProxy (Foo a b c d)) where (%:==) (SA a a a a) (SA b b b b) = (%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:==) a b))) (%:==) (SA _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SA _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SA _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SA _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SA _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SB _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SB a a a a) (SB b b b b) = (%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:==) a b))) (%:==) (SB _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SB _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SB _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SB _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SC _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SC _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SC a a a a) (SC b b b b) = (%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:==) a b))) (%:==) (SC _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SC _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SC _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SD _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SD _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SD _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SD a a a a) (SD b b b b) = (%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:==) a b))) (%:==) (SD _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SD _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SE _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SE _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SE _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SE _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SE a a a a) (SE b b b b) = (%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:==) a b))) (%:==) (SE _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SF _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SF _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SF _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SF _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SF _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = SFalse (%:==) (SF a a a a) (SF b b b b) = (%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:&&) ((%:==) a b) ((%:==) a b))) instance (SDecide (KProxy :: KProxy a), SDecide (KProxy :: KProxy b), SDecide (KProxy :: KProxy c), SDecide (KProxy :: KProxy d)) => SDecide (KProxy :: KProxy (Foo a b c d)) where (%~) (SA a a a a) (SA b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) -> Proved Refl GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Disproved contra) _ _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ (Disproved contra) _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ (Disproved contra) _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ _ (Disproved contra) -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) } (%~) (SA _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SA _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SA _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SA _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SA _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SB _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SB a a a a) (SB b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) -> Proved Refl GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Disproved contra) _ _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ (Disproved contra) _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ (Disproved contra) _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ _ (Disproved contra) -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) } (%~) (SB _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SB _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SB _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SB _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SC _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SC _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SC a a a a) (SC b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) -> Proved Refl GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Disproved contra) _ _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ (Disproved contra) _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ (Disproved contra) _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ _ (Disproved contra) -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) } (%~) (SC _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SC _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SC _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SD _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SD _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SD _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SD a a a a) (SD b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) -> Proved Refl GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Disproved contra) _ _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ (Disproved contra) _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ (Disproved contra) _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ _ (Disproved contra) -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) } (%~) (SD _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SD _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SE _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SE _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SE _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SE _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SE a a a a) (SE b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) -> Proved Refl GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Disproved contra) _ _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ (Disproved contra) _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ (Disproved contra) _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ _ (Disproved contra) -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) } (%~) (SE _ _ _ _) (SF _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SF _ _ _ _) (SA _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SF _ _ _ _) (SB _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SF _ _ _ _) (SC _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SF _ _ _ _) (SD _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SF _ _ _ _) (SE _ _ _ _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of { _ -> error "Empty case reached -- this should be impossible" }) (%~) (SF a a a a) (SF b b b b) = case GHC.Tuple.(,,,) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) ((%~) a b) of { GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) (Proved Refl) -> Proved Refl GHC.Tuple.(,,,) (Disproved contra) _ _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ (Disproved contra) _ _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ (Disproved contra) _ -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) GHC.Tuple.(,,,) _ _ _ (Disproved contra) -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) } instance SOrd (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) => SOrd (KProxy :: KProxy Nat) where sCompare :: forall (t0 :: Nat) (t1 :: Nat). Sing t0 -> Sing t1 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (CompareSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun Nat Ordering -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) t0 :: TyFun Nat Ordering -> GHC.Types.Type) t1 :: Ordering) sCompare SZero SZero = let lambda :: (t0 ~ ZeroSym0, t1 ~ ZeroSym0) => Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda = applySing (applySing (applySing (singFun3 (Proxy :: Proxy FoldlSym0) sFoldl) (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp)) SEQ) SNil in lambda sCompare (SSucc sA_0123456789) (SSucc sB_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall a_0123456789 b_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply SuccSym0 a_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply SuccSym0 b_0123456789) => Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda a_0123456789 b_0123456789 = applySing (applySing (applySing (singFun3 (Proxy :: Proxy FoldlSym0) sFoldl) (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp)) SEQ) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) SNil) in lambda sA_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sCompare SZero (SSucc _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ ZeroSym0, t1 ~ Apply SuccSym0 _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SSucc _s_z_0123456789) SZero = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply SuccSym0 _z_0123456789, t1 ~ ZeroSym0) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 instance (SOrd (KProxy :: KProxy a), SOrd (KProxy :: KProxy b), SOrd (KProxy :: KProxy c), SOrd (KProxy :: KProxy d)) => SOrd (KProxy :: KProxy (Foo a b c d)) where sCompare :: forall (t0 :: Foo a b c d) (t1 :: Foo a b c d). Sing t0 -> Sing t1 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (CompareSym0 :: TyFun (Foo a b c d) (TyFun (Foo a b c d) Ordering -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) t0 :: TyFun (Foo a b c d) Ordering -> GHC.Types.Type) t1 :: Ordering) sCompare (SA sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789) (SA sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) => Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 = applySing (applySing (applySing (singFun3 (Proxy :: Proxy FoldlSym0) sFoldl) (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp)) SEQ) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) SNil)))) in lambda sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sCompare (SB sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789) (SB sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) => Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 = applySing (applySing (applySing (singFun3 (Proxy :: Proxy FoldlSym0) sFoldl) (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp)) SEQ) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) SNil)))) in lambda sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sCompare (SC sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789) (SC sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) => Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 = applySing (applySing (applySing (singFun3 (Proxy :: Proxy FoldlSym0) sFoldl) (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp)) SEQ) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) SNil)))) in lambda sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sCompare (SD sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789) (SD sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) => Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 = applySing (applySing (applySing (singFun3 (Proxy :: Proxy FoldlSym0) sFoldl) (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp)) SEQ) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) SNil)))) in lambda sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sCompare (SE sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789) (SE sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) => Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 = applySing (applySing (applySing (singFun3 (Proxy :: Proxy FoldlSym0) sFoldl) (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp)) SEQ) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) SNil)))) in lambda sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sCompare (SF sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789) (SF sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789) a_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) b_0123456789) => Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing a_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing b_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 a_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 b_0123456789 = applySing (applySing (applySing (singFun3 (Proxy :: Proxy FoldlSym0) sFoldl) (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp)) SEQ) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy (:$)) SCons) (applySing (applySing (singFun2 (Proxy :: Proxy CompareSym0) sCompare) a_0123456789) b_0123456789)) SNil)))) in lambda sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sA_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sB_0123456789 sCompare (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SLT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SA _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ASym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SB _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply BSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SC _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply CSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SD _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply DSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 sCompare (SF _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) (SE _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789) = let lambda :: forall _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789. (t0 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply FSym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789, t1 ~ Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ESym0 _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) _z_0123456789) => Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing _z_0123456789 -> Sing (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 t0) t1 :: Ordering) lambda _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 _z_0123456789 = SGT in lambda _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 _s_z_0123456789 instance SingI Zero where sing = SZero instance SingI n => SingI (Succ (n :: Nat)) where sing = SSucc sing instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI (A (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d)) where sing = SA sing sing sing sing instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI (B (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d)) where sing = SB sing sing sing sing instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI (C (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d)) where sing = SC sing sing sing sing instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI (D (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d)) where sing = SD sing sing sing sing instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI (E (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d)) where sing = SE sing sing sing sing instance (SingI n, SingI n, SingI n, SingI n) => SingI (F (n :: a) (n :: b) (n :: c) (n :: d)) where sing = SF sing sing sing sing