-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Singletons.TypeLits.Internal
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2014 Richard Eisenberg
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Richard Eisenberg (rae@cs.brynmawr.edu)
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Defines and exports singletons useful for the Nat and Symbol kinds.
-- This exports the internal, unsafe constructors. Use Data.Singletons.TypeLits
-- for a safe interface.

{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances,
             UndecidableInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes,
             GADTs, FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators, ConstraintKinds,
             TypeInType, TemplateHaskell, StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Data.Singletons.TypeLits.Internal (

  Nat, Symbol,
  SNat, SSymbol, withKnownNat, withKnownSymbol,
  Error, ErrorSym0, ErrorSym1, sError,
  KnownNat, natVal, KnownSymbol, symbolVal,

  (:^), (:^$), (:^$$), (:^$$$)
  ) where

import Data.Singletons.Promote
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.Eq
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.Ord
import Data.Singletons.Decide
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.Bool
import GHC.TypeLits as TL
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Unsafe.Coerce

import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text ( Text )

---- TypeLits singletons ---------------------------------------------

data instance Sing (n :: Nat) = KnownNat n => SNat

instance KnownNat n => SingI n where
  sing = SNat

instance SingKind Nat where
  type Demote Nat = Integer
  fromSing (SNat :: Sing n) = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
  toSing n = case someNatVal n of
               Just (SomeNat (_ :: Proxy n)) -> SomeSing (SNat :: Sing n)
               Nothing -> error "Negative singleton nat"

data instance Sing (n :: Symbol) = KnownSymbol n => SSym

instance KnownSymbol n => SingI n where
  sing = SSym

instance SingKind Symbol where
  type Demote Symbol = Text
  fromSing (SSym :: Sing n) = T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))
  toSing s = case someSymbolVal (T.unpack s) of
               SomeSymbol (_ :: Proxy n) -> SomeSing (SSym :: Sing n)

-- SDecide instances:
instance SDecide Nat where
  (SNat :: Sing n) %~ (SNat :: Sing m)
    | natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) == natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m)
    = Proved $ unsafeCoerce Refl
    | otherwise
    = Disproved (\_ -> error errStr)
    where errStr = "Broken Nat singletons"

instance SDecide Symbol where
  (SSym :: Sing n) %~ (SSym :: Sing m)
    | symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) == symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy m)
    = Proved $ unsafeCoerce Refl
    | otherwise
    = Disproved (\_ -> error errStr)
    where errStr = "Broken Symbol singletons"

-- PEq instances
instance PEq Nat where
  type (a :: Nat) :== (b :: Nat) = a == b
instance PEq Symbol where
  type (a :: Symbol) :== (b :: Symbol) = a == b

-- need SEq instances for TypeLits kinds
instance SEq Nat where
  a %:== b
    | fromSing a == fromSing b    = unsafeCoerce STrue
    | otherwise                   = unsafeCoerce SFalse

instance SEq Symbol where
  a %:== b
    | fromSing a == fromSing b    = unsafeCoerce STrue
    | otherwise                   = unsafeCoerce SFalse

-- POrd instances
instance POrd Nat where
  type (a :: Nat) `Compare` (b :: Nat) = a `TL.CmpNat` b

instance POrd Symbol where
  type (a :: Symbol) `Compare` (b :: Symbol) = a `TL.CmpSymbol` b

-- | Kind-restricted synonym for 'Sing' for @Nat@s
type SNat (x :: Nat) = Sing x

-- | Kind-restricted synonym for 'Sing' for @Symbol@s
type SSymbol (x :: Symbol) = Sing x

-- SOrd instances
instance SOrd Nat where
  a `sCompare` b = case fromSing a `compare` fromSing b of
                     LT -> unsafeCoerce SLT
                     EQ -> unsafeCoerce SEQ
                     GT -> unsafeCoerce SGT

instance SOrd Symbol where
  a `sCompare` b = case fromSing a `compare` fromSing b of
                     LT -> unsafeCoerce SLT
                     EQ -> unsafeCoerce SEQ
                     GT -> unsafeCoerce SGT

-- Convenience functions

-- | Given a singleton for @Nat@, call something requiring a
-- @KnownNat@ instance.
withKnownNat :: Sing n -> (KnownNat n => r) -> r
withKnownNat SNat f = f

-- | Given a singleton for @Symbol@, call something requiring
-- a @KnownSymbol@ instance.
withKnownSymbol :: Sing n -> (KnownSymbol n => r) -> r
withKnownSymbol SSym f = f

-- | The promotion of 'error'. This version is more poly-kinded for
-- easier use.
type family Error (str :: k0) :: k
$(genDefunSymbols [''Error])

-- | The singleton for 'error'
sError :: Sing (str :: Symbol) -> a
sError sstr = error (T.unpack (fromSing sstr))

-- TODO: move this to a better home:
type a :^ b = a ^ b
infixr 8 :^
$(genDefunSymbols [''(:^)])

-- TypeLits singleton non-singleton instances

-- Thanks to @cumber on #179

instance Show (SNat n) where
  showsPrec p n@SNat
    = showParen (p > atPrec)
      ( showString "SNat @"
        . showsPrec (atPrec + 1) (natVal n)
    where atPrec = 10

instance Show (SSymbol s) where
  showsPrec p s@SSym
    = showParen (p > atPrec)
      ( showString "SSym @"
        . showsPrec (atPrec + 1) (symbolVal s)
    where atPrec = 10

deriving instance Show (SomeSing Nat)
deriving instance Show (SomeSing Symbol)