Singletons/Nat.hs:(0,0)-(0,0): Splicing declarations singletons [d| plus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat plus Zero m = m plus (Succ n) m = Succ (plus n m) pred :: Nat -> Nat pred Zero = Zero pred (Succ n) = n data Nat where Zero :: Nat Succ :: Nat -> Nat deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord) |] ======> data Nat where Zero :: Nat Succ :: Nat -> Nat deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord) plus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat plus Zero m = m plus (Succ n) m = Succ ((plus n) m) pred :: Nat -> Nat pred Zero = Zero pred (Succ n) = n type ZeroSym0 = Zero type SuccSym1 (t :: Nat) = Succ t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings SuccSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) SuccSym0KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data SuccSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat Nat) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply SuccSym0 arg) (SuccSym1 arg) => SuccSym0KindInference type instance Apply SuccSym0 l = Succ l type PredSym1 (t :: Nat) = Pred t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings PredSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) PredSym0KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data PredSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat Nat) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply PredSym0 arg) (PredSym1 arg) => PredSym0KindInference type instance Apply PredSym0 l = Pred l type PlusSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: Nat) = Plus t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings PlusSym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) PlusSym1KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data PlusSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun Nat Nat) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply (PlusSym1 l) arg) (PlusSym2 l arg) => PlusSym1KindInference type instance Apply (PlusSym1 l) l = Plus l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings PlusSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) PlusSym0KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data PlusSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun Nat Nat -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply PlusSym0 arg) (PlusSym1 arg) => PlusSym0KindInference type instance Apply PlusSym0 l = PlusSym1 l type family Pred (a :: Nat) :: Nat where Pred Zero = ZeroSym0 Pred (Succ n) = n type family Plus (a :: Nat) (a :: Nat) :: Nat where Plus Zero m = m Plus (Succ n) m = Apply SuccSym0 (Apply (Apply PlusSym0 n) m) type family ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210 (a :: GHC.Types.Nat) (a :: Nat) (a :: GHC.Types.Symbol) :: GHC.Types.Symbol where ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210 _ Zero a_0123456789876543210 = Apply (Apply ShowStringSym0 "Zero") a_0123456789876543210 ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210 p_0123456789876543210 (Succ arg_0123456789876543210) a_0123456789876543210 = Apply (Apply (Apply ShowParenSym0 (Apply (Apply (>@#@$) p_0123456789876543210) (Data.Singletons.Prelude.Num.FromInteger 10))) (Apply (Apply (.@#@$) (Apply ShowStringSym0 "Succ ")) (Apply (Apply ShowsPrecSym0 (Data.Singletons.Prelude.Num.FromInteger 11)) arg_0123456789876543210))) a_0123456789876543210 type ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym3 (t :: GHC.Types.Nat) (t :: Nat) (t :: GHC.Types.Symbol) = ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210 t t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym2 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym2KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym2 (l :: GHC.Types.Nat) (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun GHC.Types.Symbol GHC.Types.Symbol) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply (ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym2 l l) arg) (ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym3 l l arg) => ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym2KindInference type instance Apply (ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym2 l l) l = ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210 l l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym1KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym1 (l :: GHC.Types.Nat) (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun GHC.Types.Symbol GHC.Types.Symbol -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply (ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym1 l) arg) (ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym2 l arg) => ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym1 l) l = ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym2 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym0 (l :: TyFun GHC.Types.Nat (TyFun Nat (TyFun GHC.Types.Symbol GHC.Types.Symbol -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym0 arg) (ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym1 arg) => ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference type instance Apply ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym0 l = ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym1 l instance PShow Nat where type ShowsPrec a a a = Apply (Apply (Apply ShowsPrec_0123456789876543210Sym0 a) a) a type family Compare_0123456789876543210 (a :: Nat) (a :: Nat) :: Ordering where Compare_0123456789876543210 Zero Zero = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) '[] Compare_0123456789876543210 (Succ a_0123456789876543210) (Succ b_0123456789876543210) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 ThenCmpSym0) EQSym0) (Apply (Apply (:@#@$) (Apply (Apply CompareSym0 a_0123456789876543210) b_0123456789876543210)) '[]) Compare_0123456789876543210 Zero (Succ _) = LTSym0 Compare_0123456789876543210 (Succ _) Zero = GTSym0 type Compare_0123456789876543210Sym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: Nat) = Compare_0123456789876543210 t t instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Compare_0123456789876543210Sym1 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) Compare_0123456789876543210Sym1KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data Compare_0123456789876543210Sym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun Nat Ordering) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply (Compare_0123456789876543210Sym1 l) arg) (Compare_0123456789876543210Sym2 l arg) => Compare_0123456789876543210Sym1KindInference type instance Apply (Compare_0123456789876543210Sym1 l) l = Compare_0123456789876543210 l l instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Compare_0123456789876543210Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((GHC.Tuple.(,) Compare_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference) GHC.Tuple.()) data Compare_0123456789876543210Sym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun Nat Ordering -> GHC.Types.Type)) = forall arg. SameKind (Apply Compare_0123456789876543210Sym0 arg) (Compare_0123456789876543210Sym1 arg) => Compare_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference type instance Apply Compare_0123456789876543210Sym0 l = Compare_0123456789876543210Sym1 l instance POrd Nat where type Compare a a = Apply (Apply Compare_0123456789876543210Sym0 a) a type family Equals_0123456789876543210 (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) :: Bool where Equals_0123456789876543210 Zero Zero = TrueSym0 Equals_0123456789876543210 (Succ a) (Succ b) = (==) a b Equals_0123456789876543210 (_ :: Nat) (_ :: Nat) = FalseSym0 instance PEq Nat where type (==) a b = Equals_0123456789876543210 a b sPred :: forall (t :: Nat). Sing t -> Sing (Apply PredSym0 t :: Nat) sPlus :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: Nat). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply PlusSym0 t) t :: Nat) sPred SZero = SZero sPred (SSucc (sN :: Sing n)) = sN sPlus SZero (sM :: Sing m) = sM sPlus (SSucc (sN :: Sing n)) (sM :: Sing m) = (applySing ((singFun1 @SuccSym0) SSucc)) ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @PlusSym0) sPlus)) sN)) sM) data instance Sing (z :: Nat) where SZero :: Sing Zero SSucc :: forall (n :: Nat). (Sing (n :: Nat)) -> Sing (Succ n) type SNat = (Sing :: Nat -> GHC.Types.Type) instance SingKind Nat where type Demote Nat = Nat fromSing SZero = Zero fromSing (SSucc b) = Succ (fromSing b) toSing Zero = SomeSing SZero toSing (Succ (b :: Demote Nat)) = case toSing b :: SomeSing Nat of { SomeSing c -> SomeSing (SSucc c) } instance SShow Nat => SShow Nat where sShowsPrec :: forall (t1 :: GHC.Types.Nat) (t2 :: Nat) (t3 :: GHC.Types.Symbol). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (ShowsPrecSym0 :: TyFun GHC.Types.Nat (TyFun Nat (TyFun GHC.Types.Symbol GHC.Types.Symbol -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) t1) t2) t3) sShowsPrec _ SZero (sA_0123456789876543210 :: Sing a_0123456789876543210) = (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @ShowStringSym0) sShowString)) (sing :: Sing "Zero"))) sA_0123456789876543210 sShowsPrec (sP_0123456789876543210 :: Sing p_0123456789876543210) (SSucc (sArg_0123456789876543210 :: Sing arg_0123456789876543210)) (sA_0123456789876543210 :: Sing a_0123456789876543210) = (applySing ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun3 @ShowParenSym0) sShowParen)) ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(>@#@$)) (%>))) sP_0123456789876543210)) (Data.Singletons.Prelude.Num.sFromInteger (sing :: Sing 10))))) ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun3 @(.@#@$)) (%.))) ((applySing ((singFun2 @ShowStringSym0) sShowString)) (sing :: Sing "Succ ")))) ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun3 @ShowsPrecSym0) sShowsPrec)) (Data.Singletons.Prelude.Num.sFromInteger (sing :: Sing 11)))) sArg_0123456789876543210)))) sA_0123456789876543210 instance SOrd Nat => SOrd Nat where sCompare :: forall (t1 :: Nat) (t2 :: Nat). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Apply (Apply (CompareSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun Nat Ordering -> GHC.Types.Type) -> GHC.Types.Type) t1) t2) sCompare SZero SZero = (applySing ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun3 @FoldlSym0) sFoldl)) ((singFun2 @ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp))) SEQ)) Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances.SNil sCompare (SSucc (sA_0123456789876543210 :: Sing a_0123456789876543210)) (SSucc (sB_0123456789876543210 :: Sing b_0123456789876543210)) = (applySing ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun3 @FoldlSym0) sFoldl)) ((singFun2 @ThenCmpSym0) sThenCmp))) SEQ)) ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(:@#@$)) Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances.SCons)) ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @CompareSym0) sCompare)) sA_0123456789876543210)) sB_0123456789876543210))) Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances.SNil) sCompare SZero (SSucc _) = SLT sCompare (SSucc _) SZero = SGT instance SEq Nat => SEq Nat where (%==) SZero SZero = STrue (%==) SZero (SSucc _) = SFalse (%==) (SSucc _) SZero = SFalse (%==) (SSucc a) (SSucc b) = ((%==) a) b instance SDecide Nat => SDecide Nat where (%~) SZero SZero = Proved Refl (%~) SZero (SSucc _) = Disproved (\ x -> case x of) (%~) (SSucc _) SZero = Disproved (\ x -> case x of) (%~) (SSucc a) (SSucc b) = case ((%~) a) b of Proved Refl -> Proved Refl Disproved contra -> Disproved (\ refl -> case refl of { Refl -> contra Refl }) instance Data.Singletons.ShowSing.ShowSing Nat => Data.Singletons.ShowSing.ShowSing Nat where Data.Singletons.ShowSing.showsSingPrec _ SZero = showString "SZero" Data.Singletons.ShowSing.showsSingPrec p_0123456789876543210 (SSucc arg_0123456789876543210) = (showParen (((>) p_0123456789876543210) 10)) (((.) (showString "SSucc ")) ((Data.Singletons.ShowSing.showsSingPrec 11) arg_0123456789876543210)) instance Data.Singletons.ShowSing.ShowSing Nat => Show (Sing (z :: Nat)) where showsPrec = Data.Singletons.ShowSing.showsSingPrec instance SingI Zero where sing = SZero instance SingI n => SingI (Succ (n :: Nat)) where sing = SSucc sing