{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-binds -Wno-unused-matches -Wno-name-shadowing #-} module Singletons.LetStatements where import Data.Singletons import Data.Singletons.Prelude import Data.Singletons.SuppressUnusedWarnings import Data.Singletons.TH import Singletons.Nat $(singletons [d| -- type signature required for a constant foo1 :: Nat -> Nat foo1 x = let y :: Nat y = Succ Zero in y -- nothing in scope, no type signatures required foo2 :: Nat foo2 = let y = Succ Zero z = Succ y in z -- using in-scope variable foo3 :: Nat -> Nat foo3 x = let y :: Nat y = Succ x in y -- passing in-scope variable to a function. Tests also adding in-scope binders -- at the call site of f foo4 :: Nat -> Nat foo4 x = let f :: Nat -> Nat f y = Succ y in f x -- nested lets, version 1. This could potentially be problematic. foo5 :: Nat -> Nat foo5 x = let f :: Nat -> Nat f y = let z :: Nat z = Succ y in Succ z in f x -- nested lets, version 2. This shouldn't cause any problems, so that's just a -- sanity check. foo6 :: Nat -> Nat foo6 x = let f :: Nat -> Nat f y = Succ y in let z :: Nat z = f x in z -- name shadowing foo7 :: Nat -> Nat foo7 x = let x :: Nat x = Zero in x -- lambda binder in let shadows pattern-bound variable foo8 :: Nat -> Nat foo8 x = let z :: Nat z = (\x -> x) Zero in z -- let-declaring lambdas foo9 :: Nat -> Nat foo9 x = let z :: Nat -> Nat z = (\x -> x) in z x -- infix declaration foo10 :: Nat -> Nat foo10 x = let (+) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat Zero + m = m (Succ n) + m = Succ (n + m) in (Succ Zero) + x -- infix call uses let-bound binder foo11 :: Nat -> Nat foo11 x = let (+) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat Zero + m = m (Succ n) + m = Succ (n + m) z :: Nat z = x in (Succ Zero) + z -- infix let-declaration uses in-scope variable foo12 :: Nat -> Nat foo12 x = let (+) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat Zero + m = m (Succ n) + m = Succ (n + x) in x + (Succ (Succ Zero)) -- make sure that calls to functions declared outside of let don't receive -- extra parameters with in-scope bindings. See #18. foo13 :: forall a. a -> a foo13 x = let bar :: a bar = x in foo13_ bar foo13_ :: a -> a foo13_ y = y -- tuple patterns in let statements. See #20 foo14 :: Nat -> (Nat, Nat) foo14 x = let (y, z) = (Succ x, x) in (z, y) |]) foo1a :: Proxy (Foo1 Zero) foo1a = Proxy foo1b :: Proxy (Succ Zero) foo1b = foo1a foo2a :: Proxy Foo2 foo2a = Proxy foo2b :: Proxy (Succ (Succ Zero)) foo2b = foo2a foo3a :: Proxy (Foo3 (Succ Zero)) foo3a = Proxy foo3b :: Proxy (Succ (Succ Zero)) foo3b = foo3a foo4a :: Proxy (Foo4 (Succ Zero)) foo4a = Proxy foo4b :: Proxy (Succ (Succ Zero)) foo4b = foo4a foo5a :: Proxy (Foo5 Zero) foo5a = Proxy foo5b :: Proxy (Succ (Succ Zero)) foo5b = foo5a foo6a :: Proxy (Foo6 Zero) foo6a = Proxy foo6b :: Proxy (Succ Zero) foo6b = foo6a foo7a :: Proxy (Foo7 (Succ (Succ Zero))) foo7a = Proxy foo7b :: Proxy Zero foo7b = foo7a foo8a :: Proxy (Foo8 (Succ (Succ Zero))) foo8a = Proxy foo8b :: Proxy Zero foo8b = foo8a foo9a :: Proxy (Foo9 (Succ (Succ Zero))) foo9a = Proxy foo9b :: Proxy (Succ (Succ Zero)) foo9b = foo9a foo10a :: Proxy (Foo10 (Succ (Succ Zero))) foo10a = Proxy foo10b :: Proxy (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) foo10b = foo10a foo11a :: Proxy (Foo11 (Succ (Succ Zero))) foo11a = Proxy foo11b :: Proxy (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) foo11b = foo11a foo12a :: Proxy (Foo12 (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))) foo12a = Proxy foo12b :: Proxy (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))) foo12b = foo12a foo13a :: Proxy (Foo13 Zero) foo13a = Proxy foo13b :: Proxy Zero foo13b = foo13a foo14a :: Proxy (Foo14 Zero) foo14a = Proxy foo14b :: Proxy '(Zero, Succ Zero) foo14b = foo14a