{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fenable-rewrite-rules #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin Data.Type.Natural.Presburger.MinMaxSolver #-} {- | This module provides the functionality to make length-parametrized types from existing 'CFreeMonoid' sequential types. Most of the complexity of operations for @Sized f n a@ are the same as original operations for @f@. For example, '!!' is O(1) for @Sized Vector n a@ but O(i) for @Sized [] n a@. This module also provides powerful view types and pattern synonyms to inspect the sized sequence. See <#ViewsAndPatterns Views and Patterns> for more detail. -} module Data.Sized ( -- * Main Data-types Sized (), SomeSized (..), DomC (), -- * Accessors -- ** Length information length, sLength, null, -- ** Indexing (!!), (%!!), index, sIndex, head, last, uncons, uncons', Uncons (..), unsnoc, unsnoc', Unsnoc (..), -- ** Slicing tail, init, take, takeAtMost, drop, splitAt, splitAtMost, -- * Construction -- ** Initialisation empty, singleton, toSomeSized, replicate, replicate', generate, generate', -- ** Concatenation cons, (<|), snoc, (|>), append, (++), concat, -- ** Zips zip, zipSame, zipWith, zipWithSame, unzip, unzipWith, -- * Transformation map, reverse, intersperse, nub, sort, sortBy, insert, insertBy, -- * Conversion -- ** List toList, fromList, fromList', unsafeFromList, unsafeFromList', fromListWithDefault, fromListWithDefault', -- ** Base container unsized, toSized, toSized', unsafeToSized, unsafeToSized', toSizedWithDefault, toSizedWithDefault', -- * Querying -- ** Partitioning Partitioned (..), takeWhile, dropWhile, span, break, partition, -- ** Searching elem, notElem, find, findIndex, sFindIndex, findIndices, sFindIndices, elemIndex, sElemIndex, sUnsafeElemIndex, elemIndices, sElemIndices, -- * Views and Patterns -- $ViewsAndPatterns -- ** Views -- $views -- ** Patterns -- $patterns -- ** Definitions viewCons, ConsView (..), viewSnoc, SnocView (..), pattern Nil, pattern (:<), pattern (:>), ) where import Control.Applicative (ZipList (..), (<*>)) import Control.Subcategory ( CApplicative (..), CFoldable (..), CFreeMonoid (..), CFunctor (..), CPointed (..), CRepeat (..), CSemialign (..), CTraversable (..), CUnzip (..), CZip (..), Constrained (Dom), cfromList, ctoList, ) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Constraint (Dict (..), withDict) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Kind (Type) import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..), (<>)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sized.Internal import Data.These (These (..)) import Data.Type.Equality (gcastWith, (:~:) (..)) import Data.Type.Natural import Data.Type.Ordinal (Ordinal (..), ordToNatural) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) import Prelude ( Bool (..), Enum (..), Eq (..), Functor, Int, Maybe (..), Num (..), Ord (..), Ordering, Show (..), const, flip, fmap, fromIntegral, uncurry, ($), (.), ) import qualified Prelude as P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main data-types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | 'Sized' vector with the length is existentially quantified. This type is used mostly when the return type's length cannot be statically determined beforehand. @SomeSized sn xs :: SomeSized f a@ stands for the 'Sized' sequence @xs@ of element type @a@ and length @sn@. Since -} data SomeSized f a where SomeSized :: SNat n -> Sized f n a -> SomeSized f a deriving instance Typeable SomeSized instance Show (f a) => Show (SomeSized f a) where showsPrec d (SomeSized _ s) = P.showParen (d > 9) $ P.showString "SomeSized _ " . showsPrec 10 s instance Eq (f a) => Eq (SomeSized f a) where (SomeSized _ (Sized xs)) == (SomeSized _ (Sized ys)) = xs == ys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Accessors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Length infromation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Returns the length of wrapped containers. If you use @unsafeFromList@ or similar unsafe functions, this function may return different value from type-parameterized length. Since (type changed) -} length :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (Dom f a, KnownNat n) => Sized f n a -> Int length = const $ fromIntegral $ fromSNat $ sNat @n {-# INLINE CONLIKE [1] length #-} lengthTLZero :: Sized f 0 a -> Int lengthTLZero = P.const 0 {-# INLINE lengthTLZero #-} {-# RULES "length/0" [~1] length = lengthTLZero #-} {- | @SNat@ version of 'length'. Since (type changed) -} sLength :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (Dom f a, KnownNat n) => Sized f n a -> SNat n sLength _ = sNat @n {-# INLINE [2] sLength #-} {- | Test if the sequence is empty or not. Since -} null :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> Bool null = coerce $ cnull @f @a {-# INLINE CONLIKE [2] null #-} nullTL0 :: Sized f 0 a -> Bool nullTL0 = P.const True {-# INLINE nullTL0 #-} nullPeanoSucc :: Sized f (S n) a -> Bool nullPeanoSucc = P.const False {-# INLINE nullPeanoSucc #-} nullTLSucc :: Sized f (n + 1) a -> Bool nullTLSucc = P.const False {-# INLINE nullTLSucc #-} {-# RULES "null/0" [~2] null = nullTL0 "null/0" [~2] null = nullTLSucc "null/0" [~1] forall (vec :: 1 <= n => Sized f n a). null vec = False "null/Sn" [~2] null = nullPeanoSucc #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Indexing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | (Unsafe) indexing with @Int@s. If you want to check boundary statically, use '%!!' or 'sIndex'. Since -} (!!) :: forall f (m :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a, (1 <= m)) => Sized f m a -> Int -> a (!!) = coerce $ cindex @f @a {-# INLINE (!!) #-} {- | Safe indexing with 'Ordinal's. Since -} (%!!) :: forall f (n :: Nat) c. (CFoldable f, Dom f c) => Sized f n c -> Ordinal n -> c (%!!) = coerce $ (. (P.fromIntegral . ordToNatural)) . cindex @f @c {-# INLINE (%!!) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE (%!!) :: Sized [] (n :: Nat) a -> Ordinal n -> a #-} {-# SPECIALIZE (%!!) :: Sized V.Vector (n :: Nat) a -> Ordinal n -> a #-} {-# SPECIALIZE (%!!) :: UV.Unbox a => Sized UV.Vector (n :: Nat) a -> Ordinal n -> a #-} {-# SPECIALIZE (%!!) :: SV.Storable a => Sized SV.Vector (n :: Nat) a -> Ordinal n -> a #-} {-# SPECIALIZE (%!!) :: Sized Seq.Seq (n :: Nat) a -> Ordinal n -> a #-} {- | Flipped version of '!!'. Since -} index :: forall f (m :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a, (1 <= m)) => Int -> Sized f m a -> a index = flip (!!) {-# INLINE index #-} {- | Flipped version of '%!!'. Since -} sIndex :: forall f (n :: Nat) c. (CFoldable f, Dom f c) => Ordinal n -> Sized f n c -> c sIndex = flip $ (%!!) @f @n @c {-# INLINE sIndex #-} {- | Take the first element of non-empty sequence. If you want to make case-analysis for general sequence, see <#ViewsAndPatterns Views and Patterns> section. Since -} head :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a, (0 < n)) => Sized f n a -> a head = coerce $ chead @f @a {-# INLINE head #-} {- | Take the last element of non-empty sequence. If you want to make case-analysis for general sequence, see <#ViewsAndPatterns Views and Patterns> section. Since -} last :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. ((0 < n), CFoldable f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> a last = coerce $ clast @f @a {-# INLINE last #-} {- | Take the 'head' and 'tail' of non-empty sequence. If you want to make case-analysis for general sequence, see <#ViewsAndPatterns Views and Patterns> section. Since -} uncons :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a, (1 <= n)) => Sized f n a -> Uncons f n a uncons = withKnownNat (sPred $ sNat @n) $ uncurry (Uncons @f @(Pred n) @a) . coerce (fromJust . cuncons @f @a) {- | 'uncons' with explicit specified length @n@ Since -} uncons' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a proxy. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => proxy n -> Sized f (Succ n) a -> Uncons f (Succ n) a uncons' _ = withKnownNat (sSucc $ sNat @n) uncons {-# INLINE uncons' #-} data Uncons f (n :: Nat) a where Uncons :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. KnownNat n => a -> Sized f n a -> Uncons f (1 + n) a {- | Take the 'init' and 'last' of non-empty sequence. If you want to make case-analysis for general sequence, see <#ViewsAndPatterns Views and Patterns> section. Since -} unsnoc :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a, (0 < n)) => Sized f n a -> Unsnoc f n a unsnoc = withKnownNat (sPred $ sNat @n) $ uncurry (Unsnoc @f @(Pred n)) . coerce (fromJust . cunsnoc @f @a) {-# NOINLINE [1] unsnoc #-} data Unsnoc f n a where Unsnoc :: forall f n a. Sized f (n :: Nat) a -> a -> Unsnoc f (Succ n) a {- | 'unsnoc'' with explicit specified length @n@ Since -} unsnoc' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a proxy. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => proxy n -> Sized f (Succ n) a -> Unsnoc f (Succ n) a unsnoc' _ = withKnownNat (sSucc $ sNat @n) unsnoc {-# INLINE unsnoc' #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Slicing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Take the tail of non-empty sequence. If you want to make case-analysis for general sequence, see <#ViewsAndPatterns Views and Patterns> section. Since -} tail :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => Sized f (1 + n) a -> Sized f n a tail = coerce $ ctail @f @a {-# INLINE tail #-} {- | Take the initial segment of non-empty sequence. If you want to make case-analysis for general sequence, see <#ViewsAndPatterns Views and Patterns> section. Since -} init :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => Sized f (n + 1) a -> Sized f n a init = coerce $ cinit @f @a {-# INLINE init #-} {- | @take k xs@ takes first @k@ element of @xs@ where the length of @xs@ should be larger than @k@. Since -} take :: forall (n :: Nat) f (m :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a, (n <= m)) => SNat n -> Sized f m a -> Sized f n a take = coerce $ ctake @f @a . P.fromIntegral . fromSNat @n {-# INLINE take #-} {- | @'takeAtMost' k xs@ takes first at most @k@ elements of @xs@. Since -} takeAtMost :: forall (n :: Nat) f m a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => SNat n -> Sized f m a -> Sized f (Min n m) a takeAtMost = coerce $ ctake @f @a . P.fromIntegral . fromSNat @n {-# INLINE takeAtMost #-} {- | @drop k xs@ drops first @k@ element of @xs@ and returns the rest of sequence, where the length of @xs@ should be larger than @k@. Since -} drop :: forall (n :: Nat) f (m :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a, (n <= m)) => SNat n -> Sized f m a -> Sized f (m - n) a drop = coerce $ cdrop @f @a . P.fromIntegral . fromSNat @n {-# INLINE drop #-} {- | @splitAt k xs@ split @xs@ at @k@, where the length of @xs@ should be less than or equal to @k@. Since -} splitAt :: forall (n :: Nat) f m a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a, (n <= m)) => SNat n -> Sized f m a -> (Sized f n a, Sized f (m -. n) a) splitAt = coerce $ csplitAt @f @a . P.fromIntegral . fromSNat @n {-# INLINE splitAt #-} {- | @splitAtMost k xs@ split @xs@ at @k@. If @k@ exceeds the length of @xs@, then the second result value become empty. Since -} splitAtMost :: forall (n :: Nat) f (m :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => SNat n -> Sized f m a -> (Sized f (Min n m) a, Sized f (m -. n) a) splitAtMost = coerce $ csplitAt @f @a . P.fromIntegral . fromSNat @n {-# INLINE splitAtMost #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Construction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Initialisation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Empty sequence. Since (type changed) -} empty :: forall f a. (Monoid (f a), Dom f a) => Sized f (0) a empty = coerce $ mempty @(f a) {-# INLINE empty #-} {- | Sequence with one element. Since -} singleton :: forall f a. (CPointed f, Dom f a) => a -> Sized f (1) a singleton = coerce $ cpure @f @a {-# INLINE singleton #-} {- | Consruct the 'Sized' sequence from base type, but the length parameter is dynamically determined and existentially quantified; see also 'SomeSized'. Since -} toSomeSized :: forall f a. (Dom f a, CFoldable f) => f a -> SomeSized f a {-# INLINE toSomeSized #-} toSomeSized = \xs -> case toSomeSNat $ P.fromIntegral $ clength xs of SomeSNat sn -> withKnownNat sn $ SomeSized sn $ unsafeToSized sn xs {- | Replicates the same value. Since -} replicate :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => SNat n -> a -> Sized f n a replicate = coerce $ creplicate @f @a . P.fromIntegral . fromSNat @n {-# INLINE replicate #-} {- | 'replicate' with the length inferred. Since -} replicate' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat (n :: Nat), CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => a -> Sized f n a replicate' = replicate (sNat @n) {-# INLINE replicate' #-} {- | Construct a sequence of the given length by applying the function to each index. Since -} generate :: forall f (n :: Nat) (a :: Type). (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => SNat n -> (Ordinal n -> a) -> Sized f n a generate = coerce $ \sn -> withKnownNat sn $ cgenerate @f @a (P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat @n sn) . (. toEnum @(Ordinal n)) {-# INLINE [1] generate #-} {- | 'generate' with length inferred. Since -} generate' :: forall f (n :: Nat) (a :: Type). (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (Ordinal n -> a) -> Sized f n a generate' = generate sNat {-# INLINE [1] generate' #-} genVector :: forall (n :: Nat) a. SNat n -> (Ordinal n -> a) -> Sized V.Vector n a genVector n f = withKnownNat n $ Sized $ V.generate (P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat n) (f . toEnum) {-# INLINE genVector #-} genSVector :: forall (n :: Nat) a. (SV.Storable a) => SNat n -> (Ordinal n -> a) -> Sized SV.Vector n a genSVector n f = withKnownNat n $ Sized $ SV.generate (P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat n) (f . toEnum) {-# INLINE genSVector #-} genSeq :: forall (n :: Nat) a. SNat n -> (Ordinal n -> a) -> Sized Seq.Seq n a genSeq n f = withKnownNat n $ Sized $ Seq.fromFunction (P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat n) (f . toEnum) {-# INLINE genSeq #-} {-# RULES "generate/Vector" [~1] generate = genVector "generate/SVector" [~1] forall (n :: SNat (n :: Nat)) (f :: SV.Storable a => Ordinal n -> a). generate n f = genSVector n f "generate/UVector" [~1] forall (n :: SNat (n :: Nat)) (f :: UV.Unbox a => Ordinal n -> a). generate n f = withKnownNat n $ Sized (UV.generate (P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat n) (f . toEnum)) "generate/Seq" [~1] generate = genSeq #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Concatenation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Append an element to the head of sequence. Since -} cons :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => a -> Sized f n a -> Sized f (1 + n) a cons = coerce $ ccons @f @a {-# INLINE cons #-} {- | Infix version of 'cons'. Since -} (<|) :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => a -> Sized f n a -> Sized f (1 + n) a (<|) = cons {-# INLINE (<|) #-} infixr 5 <| {- | Append an element to the tail of sequence. Since -} snoc :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> a -> Sized f (n + 1) a snoc (Sized xs) a = Sized $ csnoc xs a {-# INLINE snoc #-} {- | Infix version of 'snoc'. Since -} (|>) :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> a -> Sized f (n + 1) a (|>) = snoc {-# INLINE (|>) #-} infixl 5 |> {- | Append two lists. Since -} append :: forall f (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> Sized f m a -> Sized f (n + m) a append = coerce $ mappend @(f a) {-# INLINE append #-} {- | Infix version of 'append'. Since -} (++) :: forall f (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> Sized f m a -> Sized f (n + m) a (++) = append infixr 5 ++ {- | Concatenates multiple sequences into one. Since -} concat :: forall f' (m :: Nat) f (n :: Nat) a. ( CFreeMonoid f , CFunctor f' , CFoldable f' , Dom f a , Dom f' (f a) , Dom f' (Sized f n a) ) => Sized f' m (Sized f n a) -> Sized f (m * n) a concat = coerce $ cfoldMap @f' @(Sized f n a) runSized {-# INLINE [2] concat #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Zips -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Zipping two sequences. Length is adjusted to shorter one. Since -} zip :: forall f (n :: Nat) a (m :: Nat) b. (Dom f a, CZip f, Dom f b, Dom f (a, b)) => Sized f n a -> Sized f m b -> Sized f (Min n m) (a, b) zip = coerce $ czip @f @a @b {- | 'zip' for the sequences of the same length. Since -} zipSame :: forall f (n :: Nat) a b. (Dom f a, CZip f, Dom f b, Dom f (a, b)) => Sized f n a -> Sized f n b -> Sized f n (a, b) zipSame = coerce $ czip @f @a @b {-# INLINE [1] zipSame #-} {- | Zipping two sequences with funtion. Length is adjusted to shorter one. Since -} zipWith :: forall f (n :: Nat) a (m :: Nat) b c. (Dom f a, CZip f, Dom f b, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f c) => (a -> b -> c) -> Sized f n a -> Sized f m b -> Sized f (Min n m) c zipWith = coerce $ czipWith @f @a @b @c {-# INLINE [1] zipWith #-} {- | 'zipWith' for the sequences of the same length. Since -} zipWithSame :: forall f (n :: Nat) a b c. (Dom f a, CZip f, Dom f b, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f c) => (a -> b -> c) -> Sized f n a -> Sized f n b -> Sized f n c zipWithSame = coerce $ czipWith @f @a @b @c {-# INLINE [1] zipWithSame #-} {- | Unzipping the sequence of tuples. Since -} unzip :: forall f (n :: Nat) a b. (CUnzip f, Dom f a, Dom f b, Dom f (a, b)) => Sized f n (a, b) -> (Sized f n a, Sized f n b) unzip = coerce $ cunzip @f @a @b {-# INLINE unzip #-} {- | Unzipping the sequence of tuples. Since -} unzipWith :: forall f (n :: Nat) a b c. (CUnzip f, Dom f a, Dom f b, Dom f c) => (a -> (b, c)) -> Sized f n a -> (Sized f n b, Sized f n c) unzipWith = coerce $ cunzipWith @f @a @b @c {-# INLINE unzipWith #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Transformation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Map function. Since -} map :: forall f (n :: Nat) a b. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a, Dom f b) => (a -> b) -> Sized f n a -> Sized f n b map f = Sized . cmap f . runSized {-# INLINE map #-} {- | Reverse function. Since -} reverse :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (Dom f a, CFreeMonoid f) => Sized f n a -> Sized f n a reverse = coerce $ creverse @f @a {-# INLINE reverse #-} {- | Intersperces. Since -} intersperse :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => a -> Sized f n a -> Sized f ((2 * n) -. 1) a intersperse = coerce $ cintersperse @f @a {-# INLINE intersperse #-} {- | Remove all duplicates. Since -} nub :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (Dom f a, Eq a, CFreeMonoid f) => Sized f n a -> SomeSized f a nub = toSomeSized . coerce (cnub @f @a) {- | Sorting sequence by ascending order. Since -} sort :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a, Ord a) => Sized f n a -> Sized f n a sort = coerce $ csort @f @a {- | Generalized version of 'sort'. Since -} sortBy :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Sized f n a -> Sized f n a sortBy = coerce $ csortBy @f @a {- | Insert new element into the presorted sequence. Since -} insert :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a, Ord a) => a -> Sized f n a -> Sized f (Succ n) a insert = coerce $ cinsert @f @a {- | Generalized version of 'insert'. Since -} insertBy :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> Sized f n a -> Sized f (Succ n) a insertBy = coerce $ cinsertBy @f @a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- List -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Convert to list. Since -} toList :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> [a] toList = coerce $ ctoList @f @a {-# INLINE [2] toList #-} {-# RULES "toList/List" Data.Sized.toList = runSized #-} {- | If the given list is shorter than @n@, then returns @Nothing@ Otherwise returns @Sized f n a@ consisting of initial @n@ element of given list. Since (type changed) -} fromList :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => SNat n -> [a] -> Maybe (Sized f n a) fromList Zero _ = Just $ Sized (mempty :: f a) fromList sn xs = let len = P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat sn in if P.length xs < len then Nothing else Just $ Sized $ ctake len $ cfromList xs {-# INLINEABLE [2] fromList #-} {- | 'fromList' with the result length inferred. Since -} fromList' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (Dom f a, CFreeMonoid f, KnownNat n) => [a] -> Maybe (Sized f n a) fromList' = fromList sNat {-# INLINE fromList' #-} {- | Unsafe version of 'fromList'. If the length of the given list does not equal to @n@, then something unusual happens. Since -} unsafeFromList :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => SNat n -> [a] -> Sized f n a unsafeFromList = const $ coerce $ cfromList @f @a {-# INLINE [1] unsafeFromList #-} {- | 'unsafeFromList' with the result length inferred. Since -} unsafeFromList' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => [a] -> Sized f n a unsafeFromList' = unsafeFromList sNat {-# INLINE [1] unsafeFromList' #-} {-# RULES "unsafeFromList'/List" [~1] unsafeFromList' = Sized "unsafeFromList'/Vector" [~1] unsafeFromList' = Sized . V.fromList "unsafeFromList'/Seq" [~1] unsafeFromList' = Sized . Seq.fromList "unsafeFromList'/SVector" [~1] forall (xs :: SV.Storable a => [a]). unsafeFromList' xs = Sized (SV.fromList xs) "unsafeFromList'/UVector" [~1] forall (xs :: UV.Unbox a => [a]). unsafeFromList' xs = Sized (UV.fromList xs) #-} {- | Construct a @Sized f n a@ by padding default value if the given list is short. Since (type changed) -} fromListWithDefault :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (Dom f a, CFreeMonoid f) => SNat n -> a -> [a] -> Sized f n a fromListWithDefault sn def xs = let len = P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat sn in Sized $ cfromList (ctake len xs) <> creplicate (len - clength xs) def {-# INLINEABLE fromListWithDefault #-} {- | 'fromListWithDefault' with the result length inferred. Since -} fromListWithDefault' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => a -> [a] -> Sized f n a fromListWithDefault' = fromListWithDefault sNat {-# INLINE fromListWithDefault' #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Base containes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Forget the length and obtain the wrapped base container. Since -} unsized :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. Sized f n a -> f a unsized = runSized {-# INLINE unsized #-} {- | If the length of the input is shorter than @n@, then returns @Nothing@. Otherwise returns @Sized f n a@ consisting of initial @n@ element of the input. Since -} toSized :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => SNat (n :: Nat) -> f a -> Maybe (Sized f n a) toSized sn xs = let len = P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat sn in if clength xs < len then Nothing else Just $ unsafeToSized sn $ ctake len xs {-# INLINEABLE [2] toSized #-} {- | 'toSized' with the result length inferred. Since -} toSized' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (Dom f a, CFreeMonoid f, KnownNat n) => f a -> Maybe (Sized f n a) toSized' = toSized sNat {-# INLINE toSized' #-} {- | Unsafe version of 'toSized'. If the length of the given list does not equal to @n@, then something unusual happens. Since -} unsafeToSized :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. SNat n -> f a -> Sized f n a unsafeToSized _ = Sized {-# INLINE [2] unsafeToSized #-} {- | 'unsafeToSized' with the result length inferred. Since -} unsafeToSized' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, Dom f a) => f a -> Sized f n a unsafeToSized' = unsafeToSized sNat {-# INLINE unsafeToSized' #-} {- | Construct a @Sized f n a@ by padding default value if the given list is short. Since -} toSizedWithDefault :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => SNat (n :: Nat) -> a -> f a -> Sized f n a toSizedWithDefault sn def xs = let len = P.fromIntegral $ fromSNat sn in Sized $ ctake len xs <> creplicate (len - clength xs) def {-# INLINEABLE toSizedWithDefault #-} {- | 'toSizedWithDefault' with the result length inferred. Since -} toSizedWithDefault' :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => a -> f a -> Sized f n a toSizedWithDefault' = toSizedWithDefault sNat {-# INLINE toSizedWithDefault' #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Querying -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Partitioning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | The type @Partitioned f n a@ represents partitioned sequence of length @n@. Value @Partitioned lenL ls lenR rs@ stands for: * Entire sequence is divided into @ls@ and @rs@, and their length are @lenL@ and @lenR@ resp. * @lenL + lenR = n@ Since -} data Partitioned f n a where Partitioned :: (Dom f a) => SNat n -> Sized f n a -> SNat m -> Sized f m a -> Partitioned f (n + m) a {- | Take the initial segment as long as elements satisfys the predicate. Since -} takeWhile :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (Dom f a, CFreeMonoid f) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> SomeSized f a takeWhile = (toSomeSized .) . coerce (ctakeWhile @f @a) {-# INLINE takeWhile #-} {- | Drop the initial segment as long as elements satisfys the predicate. Since -} dropWhile :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> SomeSized f a dropWhile = (toSomeSized .) . coerce (cdropWhile @f @a) {-# INLINE dropWhile #-} {- | Split the sequence into the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the predicate and the rest. Since -} span :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> Partitioned f n a span = (unsafePartitioned @n .) . coerce (cspan @f @a) {-# INLINE span #-} {- | Split the sequence into the longest prefix of elements that do not satisfy the predicate and the rest. Since -} break :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> Partitioned f n a break = (unsafePartitioned @n .) . coerce (cbreak @f @a) {-# INLINE break #-} {- | Split the sequence in two parts, the first one containing those elements that satisfy the predicate and the second one those that don't. Since -} partition :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> Partitioned f n a partition = (unsafePartitioned @n .) . coerce (cpartition @f @a) {-# INLINE partition #-} unsafePartitioned :: forall (n :: Nat) f a. (CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (f a, f a) -> Partitioned f n a unsafePartitioned (l, r) = case (toSomeSized l, toSomeSized r) of ( SomeSized (lenL :: SNat nl) ls , SomeSized (lenR :: SNat nr) rs ) -> gcastWith ( unsafeCoerce $ Refl @() :: n :~: nl + nr ) $ Partitioned lenL ls lenR rs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Searching -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Membership test; see also 'notElem'. Since -} elem :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a, Eq a) => a -> Sized f n a -> Bool elem = coerce $ celem @f @a {-# INLINE elem #-} {- | Negation of 'elem'. Since -} notElem :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a, Eq a) => a -> Sized f n a -> Bool notElem = coerce $ cnotElem @f @a {-# INLINE notElem #-} {- | Find the element satisfying the predicate. Since -} find :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> Maybe a find = coerce $ cfind @f @a {-# INLINE [1] find #-} {-# RULES "find/List" [~1] forall p. find p = L.find @[] p . runSized "find/Vector" [~1] forall p. find p = V.find p . runSized "find/Storable Vector" [~1] forall (p :: SV.Storable a => a -> Bool). find p = SV.find p . runSized "find/Unboxed Vector" [~1] forall (p :: UV.Unbox a => a -> Bool). find p = UV.find p . runSized #-} {- | @'findIndex' p xs@ find the element satisfying @p@ and returns its index if exists. Since -} findIndex :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> Maybe Int findIndex = coerce $ cfindIndex @f @a {-# INLINE findIndex #-} {- | 'Ordinal' version of 'findIndex'. Since -} sFindIndex :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat (n :: Nat), CFoldable f, Dom f a) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> Maybe (Ordinal n) sFindIndex = (fmap toEnum .) . coerce (cfindIndex @f @a) {-# INLINE sFindIndex #-} {- | @'findIndices' p xs@ find all elements satisfying @p@ and returns their indices. Since -} findIndices :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> [Int] findIndices = coerce $ cfindIndices @f @a {-# INLINE findIndices #-} {-# SPECIALIZE findIndices :: (a -> Bool) -> Sized [] n a -> [Int] #-} {- | 'Ordinal' version of 'findIndices'. Since -} sFindIndices :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a, KnownNat (n :: Nat)) => (a -> Bool) -> Sized f n a -> [Ordinal n] sFindIndices p = P.fmap (toEnum . P.fromIntegral) . findIndices p {-# INLINE sFindIndices #-} {-# RULES "Foldable.sum/Vector" F.sum = V.sum . runSized #-} {- | Returns the index of the given element in the list, if exists. Since -} elemIndex :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Eq a, Dom f a) => a -> Sized f n a -> Maybe Int elemIndex = coerce $ celemIndex @f @a {-# INLINE elemIndex #-} {- | Ordinal version of 'elemIndex'. Since, we no longer do boundary check inside the definition. Since -} sElemIndex , sUnsafeElemIndex :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFoldable f, Dom f a, Eq a) => a -> Sized f n a -> Maybe (Ordinal n) sElemIndex = (fmap toEnum .) . coerce (celemIndex @f @a) {-# INLINE sElemIndex #-} -- | Since (type changed) sUnsafeElemIndex = sElemIndex {-# DEPRECATED sUnsafeElemIndex "No difference with sElemIndex; use sElemIndex instead." #-} {- | Returns all indices of the given element in the list. Since -} elemIndices :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, Dom f a, Eq a) => a -> Sized f n a -> [Int] elemIndices = coerce $ celemIndices @f @a {-# INLINE elemIndices #-} {- | Ordinal version of 'elemIndices' Since -} sElemIndices :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (CFoldable f, KnownNat (n :: Nat), Dom f a, Eq a) => a -> Sized f n a -> [Ordinal n] sElemIndices = (fmap toEnum .) . elemIndices {-# INLINE sElemIndices #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Views and Patterns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- $ViewsAndPatterns #ViewsAndPatterns# With GHC's @ViewPatterns@ and @PatternSynonym@ extensions, we can pattern-match on arbitrary @Sized f n a@ if @f@ is list-like functor. Curretnly, there are two direction view and patterns: Cons and Snoc. Assuming underlying sequence type @f@ has O(1) implementation for 'cnull', 'chead' (resp. 'clast') and 'ctail' (resp. 'cinit'), We can view and pattern-match on cons (resp. snoc) of @Sized f n a@ in O(1). -} {- $views #views# With @ViewPatterns@ extension, we can pattern-match on 'Sized' value as follows: @ slen :: ('KnownNat' n, 'Dom f a' f) => 'Sized' f n a -> 'SNat' n slen ('viewCons' -> 'NilCV') = 'SZ' slen ('viewCons' -> _ ':-' as) = 'SS' (slen as) slen _ = error "impossible" @ The constraint @('KnownNat' n, 'Dom f a' f)@ is needed for view function. In the above, we have extra wildcard pattern (@_@) at the last. Code compiles if we removed it, but current GHC warns for incomplete pattern, although we know first two patterns exhausts all the case. Equivalently, we can use snoc-style pattern-matching: @ slen :: ('KnownNat' n, 'Dom f a' f) => 'Sized' f n a -> 'SNat' n slen ('viewSnoc' -> 'NilSV') = 'SZ' slen ('viewSnoc' -> as '-::' _) = 'SS' (slen as) @ -} {- | View of the left end of sequence (cons-side). Since -} data ConsView f n a where NilCV :: ConsView f (0) a (:-) :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat (1 + n)) => a -> Sized f n a -> ConsView f (1 + n) a infixr 5 :- {- | Case analysis for the cons-side of sequence. Since (type changed) -} viewCons :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> ConsView f n a viewCons sz = case zeroOrSucc $ sNat @n of IsZero -> NilCV IsSucc n' -> withKnownNat n' $ withKnownNat (sOne %+ n') $ case uncons' n' sz of Uncons a xs -> a :- xs {- | View of the left end of sequence (snoc-side). Since -} data SnocView f n a where NilSV :: SnocView f (0) a (:-::) :: KnownNat (n :: Nat) => Sized f n a -> a -> SnocView f (n + 1) a infixl 5 :-:: {- | Case analysis for the snoc-side of sequence. Since (type changed) -} viewSnoc :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => Sized f n a -> SnocView f n a viewSnoc sz = case zeroOrSucc (sNat @n) of IsZero -> NilSV IsSucc (n' :: SNat n') -> withKnownNat n' $ case unsnoc' n' sz of Unsnoc (xs :: Sized f m a) a -> gcastWith (unsafeCoerce (Refl @()) :: n' :~: m) $ xs :-:: a {- $patterns #patterns# So we can pattern match on both end of sequence via views, but it is rather clumsy to nest it. For example: @ nextToHead :: ('Dom f a' f, 'KnownNat' n) => 'Sized' f ('S' ('S' n)) a -> a nextToHead ('viewCons' -> _ ':-' ('viewCons' -> a ':-' _)) = a @ In such a case, with @PatternSynonyms@ extension we can write as follows: @ nextToHead :: ('Dom f a' f, 'KnownNat' n) => 'Sized' f ('S' ('S' n)) a -> a nextToHead (_ ':<' a ':<' _) = a @ Of course, we can also rewrite above @slen@ example usNat @PatternSynonyms@: @ slen :: ('KnownNat' n, 'Dom f a' f) => 'Sized' f n a -> 'SNat' n slen 'Nil' = 'SZ' slen (_ ':<' as) = 'SS' (slen as) @ So, we can use @':<'@ and @'Nil'@ (resp. @':>'@ and @'Nil'@) to pattern-match directly on cons-side (resp. snoc-side) as we usually do for lists. @'Nil'@, @':<'@, and @':>'@ are neither functions nor data constructors, but pattern synonyms so we cannot use them in expression contexts. For more detail on pattern synonyms, see and . -} infixr 5 :< -- | Pattern synonym for cons-side uncons. pattern (:<) :: forall (f :: Type -> Type) a (n :: Nat). (Dom f a, KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f) => forall (n1 :: Nat). (n ~ (1 + n1), KnownNat n1) => a -> Sized f n1 a -> Sized f n a pattern a :< as <- (viewCons -> a :- as) where a :< as = a <| as chkNil :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n) => Sized f n a -> ZeroOrSucc n chkNil = const $ zeroOrSucc $ sNat @n -- | Pattern synonym for a nil sequence. pattern Nil :: forall f (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f, Dom f a) => (n ~ 0) => Sized f n a pattern Nil <- (chkNil -> IsZero) where Nil = empty infixl 5 :> -- | Pattern synonym for snoc-side unsnoc. pattern (:>) :: forall (f :: Type -> Type) a (n :: Nat). (Dom f a, KnownNat n, CFreeMonoid f) => forall (n1 :: Nat). (n ~ (n1 + 1), KnownNat n1) => Sized f n1 a -> a -> Sized f n a pattern a :> b <- (viewSnoc -> a :-:: b) where a :> b = a |> b {-# COMPLETE (:<), Nil #-} {-# COMPLETE (:>), Nil #-} class Dom f a => DomC f a instance Dom f a => DomC f a -- | Applicative instance, generalizing @'Data.Monoid.ZipList'@. instance ( Functor f , CFreeMonoid f , CZip f , KnownNat n , forall a. DomC f a ) => P.Applicative (Sized f (n :: Nat)) where {-# SPECIALIZE instance KnownNat n => P.Applicative (Sized [] (n :: Nat)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE instance KnownNat n => P.Applicative (Sized Seq.Seq (n :: Nat)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE instance KnownNat n => P.Applicative (Sized V.Vector (n :: Nat)) #-} pure (x :: a) = withDict (Dict @(DomC f a)) $ replicate' x {-# INLINE pure #-} (fs :: Sized f n (a -> b)) <*> (xs :: Sized f n a) = withDict (Dict @(DomC f b)) $ withDict (Dict @(DomC f a)) $ withDict (Dict @(DomC f (a -> b))) $ zipWithSame ($) fs xs {-# INLINE [1] (<*>) #-} {-# RULES "<*>/List" [~1] forall fs xs. Sized fs <*> Sized xs = Sized (getZipList (ZipList fs <*> ZipList xs)) "<*>/Seq" [~1] forall fs xs. Sized fs <*> Sized xs = Sized (Seq.zipWith ($) fs xs) "<*>/Vector" [~1] forall fs xs. Sized fs <*> Sized xs = Sized (V.zipWith ($) fs xs) #-} instance (CFreeMonoid f, KnownNat (n :: Nat)) => CPointed (Sized f n) where cpure = replicate' instance (CFreeMonoid f, CZip f) => CApplicative (Sized f n) where pair = zipSame (<.>) = zipWithSame ($) (<.) = P.const (.>) = P.flip P.const {- | __N.B.__ Since @calign@ is just zipping for fixed @n@, we require more strong 'CZip' constraint here. -} instance (CZip f, CFreeMonoid f) => CSemialign (Sized f n) where calignWith = coerce (\f -> czipWith @f @a @b @c ((f .) . These)) :: forall a b c. (Dom f a, Dom f b, Dom f c) => (These a b -> c) -> Sized f n a -> Sized f n b -> Sized f n c {-# INLINE [1] calignWith #-} calign = coerce $ czipWith @f @a @b These :: forall a b. (Dom f a, Dom f b, Dom f (These a b)) => Sized f n a -> Sized f n b -> Sized f n (These a b) {-# INLINE [1] calign #-} instance (CZip f, CFreeMonoid f) => CZip (Sized f n) where czipWith = coerce $ czipWith @f @a @b @c :: forall a b c. (Dom f a, Dom f b, Dom f c) => (a -> b -> c) -> Sized f n a -> Sized f n b -> Sized f n c {-# INLINE [1] czipWith #-} czip = coerce $ czip @f @a @b :: forall a b. (Dom f a, Dom f b, Dom f (a, b)) => Sized f n a -> Sized f n b -> Sized f n (a, b) {-# INLINE [1] czip #-} instance (KnownNat (n :: Nat), CZip f, CFreeMonoid f) => CRepeat (Sized f n) where crepeat = replicate' {-# INLINE [1] crepeat #-} instance CTraversable f => CTraversable (Sized f n) where ctraverse = \f -> fmap coerce . ctraverse f . runSized {-# INLINE ctraverse #-}