# Haskell bindings for the Slack web API - Hackage: - Slack web API: ## Example ``` > import qualified Web.Slack as Slack ``` ``` > import qualified Web.Slack.Api as Api ``` ``` > :set -XOverloadedStrings ``` ``` > slackConfig <- Slack.mkSlackConfig token ``` ``` > Slack.apiTest (Slack.slackConfigManager slackConfig) Api.mkTestReq Right ... ``` ``` > Slack.apiTest (Slack.slackConfigManager slackConfig) Api.mkTestReq { Api.testReqFoo = Just "bar" } Right ... ``` ## Contributing This repository provides a `flake.nix` file which offers pre-commit hooks and haskell-language-server. We use `fourmolu` for formatting, which is verified in CI. To use the flake, run `nix develop`, which will get you `cabal` and everything else you need to work on `slack-web`. Pull requests are welcome! ## License Licensed under the MIT license. See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md).