UsersConversationsResponse { channels = [ Channel ( ChannelConversation { channelId = ConversationId { unConversationId = "C043YJGBY49" } , channelName = "general" , channelCreated = 1663890553 , channelIsArchived = False , channelIsGeneral = True , channelUnlinked = 0 , channelNameNormalized = "general" , channelIsShared = False , channelCreator = UserId { unUserId = "U043H11ES4V" } , channelIsExtShared = False , channelIsOrgShared = False , channelSharedTeamIds = Just [ TeamId { unTeamId = "T043DB835ML" } ] , channelIsPendingExtShared = False , channelIsMember = Nothing , channelTopic = Topic { topicValue = "" , topicCreator = "" , topicLastSet = 0 } , channelPurpose = Purpose { purposeValue = "This is the one channel that will always include everyone. It’s a great spot for announcements and team-wide conversations." , purposeCreator = "U043H11ES4V" , purposeLastSet = 1663890553 } , channelPreviousNames = [] , channelNumMembers = Nothing } ) , Channel ( ChannelConversation { channelId = ConversationId { unConversationId = "C0451SKQN72" } , channelName = "new-channel-2" , channelCreated = 1664407230 , channelIsArchived = False , channelIsGeneral = False , channelUnlinked = 0 , channelNameNormalized = "new-channel-2" , channelIsShared = False , channelCreator = UserId { unUserId = "U043H11ES4V" } , channelIsExtShared = False , channelIsOrgShared = False , channelSharedTeamIds = Just [ TeamId { unTeamId = "T043DB835ML" } ] , channelIsPendingExtShared = False , channelIsMember = Nothing , channelTopic = Topic { topicValue = "" , topicCreator = "" , topicLastSet = 0 } , channelPurpose = Purpose { purposeValue = "" , purposeCreator = "" , purposeLastSet = 0 } , channelPreviousNames = [] , channelNumMembers = Nothing } ) , Im ( ImConversation { imId = ConversationId { unConversationId = "D0442US94JD" } , imCreated = 1663960005 , imIsArchived = False , imIsOrgShared = False , imUser = UserId { unUserId = "U043H11ES4V" } , imIsUserDeleted = False , imPriority = 0.0 } ) , Im ( ImConversation { imId = ConversationId { unConversationId = "D043HMJ0WDU" } , imCreated = 1663960005 , imIsArchived = False , imIsOrgShared = False , imUser = UserId { unUserId = "USLACKBOT" } , imIsUserDeleted = False , imPriority = 0.0 } ) ] , responseMetadata = Just ( ResponseMetadata { responseMetadataNextCursor = Just ( Cursor { unCursor = "" } ) } ) }