\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %include polycode.fmt %include forall.fmt %include greek.fmt \usepackage{alltt} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{url} \newcommand{\magenta}[1]{{\color{magenta}#1}} \newcommand{\red}[1]{{\color{red}#1}} \newcommand{\bslash}{\symbol{92}} %if False \begin{code} module Example where \end{code} %endif \begin{document} \section{Introduction} This is a literate Haskell file that contains several examples of testing |Prelude| functions for minimal strictness. % This file is intended to give an introduction to Sloth and it is used as unit test for the implementation. % You can generate a pdf from this file using lhs2tex\footnote{\url{http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lhs2tex}} by invoking {\tt lhs2TeX -o Examples.tex Examples.lhs --poly \& pdflatex Examples.tex}. % \section{Booleans} First we check whether the Boolean conjunction |(&&)| is minimally strict. % To use Sloth we have to import the module |Test.Sloth|. % \begin{code} import Test.Sloth \end{code} The function |strictCheck| takes a function and an integer as arguments. % The integer specifies the maximal size of the test cases that are considered. % The size of a test case (a value of a certain type) is the number of constructors it contains. % \begin{code} conjunctionExample = strictCheck (&&) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> conjunctionExample Finished 5 tests. \end{alltt} As |strictCheck| does not state any counter-examples |(&&)| is probably minimally strict. % In this case the absence of a counter-example even proves that |(&&)| is minimally strict as the domain of |(&&)| has only finitely many elements and all elements have a size smaller than |10|. % In contrast to Sloth, a tool called StrictCheck \cite{Chi06,Chi11} that has been the inspiration for Sloth identifies |(&&)| as unnecessarily strict. % Sloth uses the same approach as StrictCheck to check whether a function is unnecessarily strict with respect to a specific argument. % But, in contrast to StrictCheck, Sloth restrains the number of test cases to propose sequential functions only. % In contrast, StrictCheck proposes the parallel |and| as it is less strict than |(&&)|. % Next we check the Boolean instance of the function |(<=)|. % \begin{code} leExample = strictCheck ((<=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> leExample 2: \bslash{}False _ -> \red{True} Finished 7 tests. \end{alltt} Sloth states that this function is unnecessarily strict. % It presents a test case and the proposed result of a minimally strict implementation of |(<=)|. % The underscore represents $\bot$ (the smallest element of the corresponding cpo) which denotes an error or a non-terminating expression. % The test case {\tt \bslash{}False \symbol{95} -> \red{True}} denotes that a minimally strict implementation of |(<=)| yields |True| if it is applied to |False| and |undefined|. % If we replace the sub-term that is highlighted red by |undefined| we get the current result of the function. % That is, we have |(<=) False undefined == undefined|. % Besides |strictCheck|, Sloth provides the function |check| that additionally takes a configuration as first argument. % For example, we have |strictCheck = check defaultConfig| where |defaultConfig| is a configuration provided by Sloth. % A configuration is a record that, among others, contains a Boolean field called |detailed| that specifies whether Sloth is suposed to present detailed informations about test cases. % For example, the following application yields detailed information about the counter-example for |(<=)|. % \begin{code} detailedLeExample = check ( defaultConfig { detailed = True } ) ((<=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> detailedLeExample 2: Argument(s): False _ Current Result: _ Proposed Result: \red{True} Finished 7 tests. \end{alltt} The function |(<=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool| is unnecessarily strict because it is defined by means of |compare :: Bool -> Bool -> Ordering|, which checks whether its arguments are equal. % Therefore, |(<=)| evaluates both arguments even if its first argument is |False|. % There are two possible implementations that are less strict than the current implementation of |(<=)|. % One implementation satisfies |(<=) False undefined == True| and the other satisfies |(<=) undefined True == True|. % Note that we cannot satisfy both without employing non-sequential features like concurrency. % If there are several ways of defining a less strict implementation Sloth selects the one that uses a pattern matching order that is most similar to the pattern matching order of the original implementation. % For example, |(<=) :: Bool -> Bool -> Ordering| first performs pattern matching on its first argument and, therefore, Sloth proposes a function which satisfies |(<=) False undefined == True|. % Next we check the function |and :: [Bool] -> Bool|. % Instead of using the function |strictCheck| we use |verboseCheck| which additionally presents successful test cases. % \begin{code} andExample = verboseCheck and 3 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> andExample 1: \bslash_ -> _ 2: \bslash[] -> True 3: \bslash(_:_) -> _ 4: \bslash(False:_) -> False 5: \bslash(True:_) -> ? 6: \bslash(True:[]) -> True 7: \bslash(True:_:_) -> ? Finished 7 tests. \end{alltt} Sloth presents seven test cases and the results of |and| for the corresponding arguments. % As the application |and (False:undefined)| yields a total result |and| cannot be too strict for this test case. % By monotonicity |and| furthermore cannot be too strict for more defined arguments. % Therefore, Sloth does not consider test cases that are more defined than |False:undefined|. % The question marks in test cases five and seven state that Sloth cannot decide whether the function is minimally strict for these test cases or not. % To check whether a function yields the correct result for a test case Sloth considers the behaviour of the function for more defined arguments. % In the standard configuration Sloth yields a question mark if it considers less then two more defined arguments. % The record field called |minInfSize| specifies the number of more defined arguments Sloth has to consider. % The following checks the function |and| and demands Sloth to use 20 more defined arguments. % \begin{code} andExample20 = check (verboseConfig { minInfSize = 20 }) and 3 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> andExample20 1: \bslash_ -> _ 2: \bslash[] -> True 3: \bslash(_:_) -> _ 4: \bslash(False:_) -> False 5: \bslash(True:_) -> ? 6: \bslash(True:[]) -> True 7: \bslash(True:_:_) -> ? Finished 7 tests. \end{alltt} Surprisingly Sloth yields the same results as before. % The parameter |minInfSize| only affects test cases which Sloth is uncertain about. % That is, in the test cases one to four Sloth definitely knows that the behaviour of |and| is minimally strict without considering 20 more defined test cases. % If we set the parameter |minInfSize| to one the output of Sloth changes. % \begin{code} andExample1 = check (verboseConfig { minInfSize = 1 }) and 3 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> andExample0 1: \bslash_ -> _ 2: \bslash[] -> True 3: \bslash(_:_) -> _ 4: \bslash(False:_) -> False 5: \bslash(True:_) -> \magenta{True} 6: \bslash(True:[]) -> True 7: \bslash(True:_:_) -> ? Finished 7 tests. \end{alltt} First of all Sloth still yields a question mark for test case seven. % In this case there are no values more defined than the test case and Sloth always prints a question mark in this case. % In contrast, test case five now is a potential counter-example. % Sloth distinguishes \magenta{potential} counter-examples and \red{definite} counter-examples. % If a counter-example is potential it might be no counter-example if we consider test cases of larger sizes. % For example, if we increase the size of the previous test from three to four Sloth does not identify |True:undefined| as counter-example. % We will return to the difference between potential and definite counter-examples later. % \section{Polymorphism} To check a polymorphic function we use the monomorphic instance where all type variables are instantiated with the opaque data type |A| that is provided by Sloth. % Sloth uses symbolic values as test cases of type |A|. % For example, if we check a function whose argument type is |[A]| Sloth generates test cases |undefined|, |[]|, |a:undefined|, |a:[]|, |a:b:undefined|, \dots{} where |a| and |b| are representing arbitrary values of equal type. % To test a function that takes an argument of type |[A]| Sloth in fact replaces elements of type |A| by distinct integers, that is, it generates test cases |undefined|, |[]|, |0:undefined|, |0:[]|, |0:1:undefined|. % These integers are displayed as variables as they actually represent arbitrary values (for more details see \cite{ChrSei11}). % The following application checks whether the polymorphic identity is minimally strict. \begin{code} idExample = verboseCheck (id :: A -> A) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> idExample 1: \bslash{}a -> a Finished 1 tests. \end{alltt} We employ properties of polymorphic functions that are guaranteed by free theorems to increase the efficiency of testing polymorphic functions. % For example, |id| is only checked for the test case |a|, that is, for |0|. % Note that even a test of the simplest monomorphic instance |id :: () -> ()| generates two test cases, namely, |undefined| and |()|. % In fact, in contrast to |id :: alpha -> alpha|, the function |id :: () -> ()| is unnecessarily strict. % That is, we may not check the monophonic unit instance to check whether the polymorphic function is minimally strict. % \begin{code} unitIdExample = verboseCheck (id :: () -> ()) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> unitIdExample 1: \bslash_ -> \red{()} 2: \bslash() -> () Finished 2 tests. \end{alltt} The function |id :: () -> ()| yields |()| for all total arguments. % That is, the function does not have to check its argument. % In other words, the function |const ()| is less strict than |id :: () -> ()|. % If we check the strict evaluation primitive |seq|\footnote{The function |seq :: alpha -> beta -> beta| satisfies the laws |seq undefined y == undefined| and |seq x y == y| if |x /= undefined|.} Sloth states that it is minimally strict. % \begin{code} seqExample = verboseCheck (seq :: A -> A -> A) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> seqExample 1: \bslash{}a b -> b Finished 1 tests. \end{alltt} This is quite surprising as |seq| is by definition unnecessarily strict. % For example, the function |\ _ y -> y| is less strict than |seq|. % Sloth does not observe that |seq| is unnecessarily strict because it only considers checks the application |seq a b|, that is, |seq 0 1|. % If we instantiate the type variables of the type of |seq| by |Bool| the result looks more promissing. % \begin{code} boolSeqExample = strictCheck (seq :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> boolSeqExample 10 2: \bslash_ False -> \red{False} 3: \bslash_ True -> \red{True} Finished 7 tests. \end{alltt} The results of Sloth for |A| instances might be wrong if the polymorphic function uses |seq|. % The behaviour of Sloth for the |A| type is based on free theorems that fail in the presence of |seq|. % It is possible to handle polymorphic functions that use |seq| correctly but we have to check significantly more test cases in this case. % Therefore, we expect that polymorphic functions do not use |seq| to keep the number of test cases small (see \cite{ChrSei11} for more details). % \section{Lists} In this chapter we consider functions on lists. % \begin{code} appendExample = strictCheck ((++) :: [A] -> [A] -> [A]) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> appendExample Finished 91 tests. \end{alltt} The function |(++)| is minimally strict. % Furthermore note that the number of test cases is quite small if we consider that we check |(++)| for all pairs of lists up to size ten. % This is due to the fact that |(++)| is polymorphic and cannot be too strict in the polymorphic component. % As examples for minimally strict function we check |tail| and |zip|. % \begin{code} tailExample = strictCheck (tail :: [A] -> [A]) 100 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> tailExample Finished 201 tests. \end{alltt} \begin{code} zipExample = strictCheck (zip :: [A] -> [A] -> [(A,A)]) 100 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> zipExample Finished 199 tests. \end{alltt} In contrast to |zip| the function |unzip| is not minimally strict. % \begin{code} unzipExample = strictCheck (unzip :: [(A,A)] -> ([A],[A])) 3 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> unzipExample 1: \bslash_ -> \red{(_,_)} 3: \bslash(_:_) -> \red{(_:_,_:_)} Finished 8 tests. \end{alltt} The first counter-example states that |unzip| yields a tuple in all cases and, therefore, should yield a tuple even if its argument is |undefined|. % To unterstand the other counter-example we consider the implementation of |unzip|. % \begin{spec} unzip :: [(alpha,beta)] -> ([alpha],[beta]) unzip = foldr (\ (a,b) ~(as,bs) -> (a:as,b:bs)) ([],[]) \end{spec} The second counter-example states that |unzip (undefined:undefined) = undefined| while we can have |unzip (undefined:undefined) = (undefined:undefined,undefined:undefined)|. % That is, if we apply |unzip| to a list with at least one element the result is always a tuple where both lists have at least one element. % In other words, the functional argument of |foldr| performs pattern matching on its for argument. % That is, |unzip| is head-strict although it does not have to be. % If we replace the strict tuple matching of the functional argument of |foldr| by a lazy matching we get a less strict implementation of |unzip|. % To satisfy the first counter-example we use a lazy pattern matching by means of a |where| clause and explicitly construct the tuple. % \begin{code} unzip' :: [(alpha,beta)] -> ([alpha],[beta]) unzip' xs = (ys,zs) where (ys,zs) = foldr (\ ~(a,b) ~(as,bs) -> (a:as,b:bs)) ([],[]) xs \end{code} If we check this less strict implementation, Sloth does not state any counter-examples. % \begin{code} unzip'Example = strictCheck (unzip' :: [(A,A)] -> ([A],[A])) 100 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> unzip'Example Finished 599 tests. \end{alltt} If we check whether |reverse| is minimally strict, Sloth states a couple of potential counter-examples. % \begin{code} reverseExample = strictCheck (reverse :: [A] -> [A]) 5 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> reverseExample 3: \bslash(a:_) -> \magenta{_:_} 5: \bslash(a:b:_) -> \magenta{_:_:_} 7: \bslash(a:b:c:_) -> \magenta{_:_:_:_} Finished 11 tests. \end{alltt} We can confirm that a potential counter-example is indeed a counter-example by checking |reverse| for inputs of larger sizes. % If we check |reverse| for polymorphic lists up to size ten all potential counter-examples for size five stay potential counter-examples. % As these potential counter-examples may still be no counter-examples, we can verify a potential counter-example by hand. % A potential counter-example is definitely a counter-example if all more defined total inputs lead to results that are at least as defined as the recommended result. % For example, consider the first counter-example. % For all total inputs that are more defined than |a:undefined|, that is, for all lists with at least one element, the function |reverse| yields a list with at least one element. % A list with at least one element is at least as defined as the recommended result |undefined:undefined|. % Therefore, the first counter-example is definitely a counter-example. % A less strict implementation of |reverse| is only advantageous in very uncommon use cases. % For example, the evaluation of |null (reverse xs)| completely evaluates the spine of |xs| while a minimally strict implementation of |reverse| would only evaluate |xs| to head normal form in this case. % As two more interesting examples we consider the functions |intersperse| and |inits| from |Data.List|\footnote{We consider the definitions of |intersperse| and |inits| from \texttt{base-} as these functions have been improved in \texttt{base-}}. % \begin{code} intersperseExample = strictCheck (intersperse :: A -> [A] -> [A]) 4 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> intersperseExample 3: \bslash{}a (b:_) -> \red{a:_} 5: \bslash{}a (b:c:_) -> b:a:\red{c:_} Finished 7 tests. \end{alltt} This nicely demonstrates the power of the symbolic testing of polymorphic functions. % For example, the first counter-example does not only state that |intersperse| is too strict if it is applied to a non-terminated list but also that the first element of the list is supposed to be the element of the second argument. % The unnecessarily strict implementation of |intersperse| can cause a serious space leak as it is shown in \cite{Chr11}. % The implementation of |intersperse| is unnecessarily strict because the function checks whether the list has exactly one element. % \begin{code} intersperse :: alpha -> [alpha] -> [alpha] intersperse _ [] = [] intersperse _ [x] = [x] intersperse sep (x:xs) = x : sep : intersperse sep xs \end{code} As the first element of the result list is |x| no matter whether the list has one element or more we can ``delay'' the pattern matching as follows. % \begin{code} intersperse' :: alpha -> [alpha] -> [alpha] intersperse' _ [] = [] intersperse' sep (x:xs) = x:go xs where go [] = [] go (y:ys) = sep : y : go ys \end{code} The implementation of |inits| is in a similar manner unnecessarily strict. % \begin{code} initsExample = strictCheck (inits :: [A] -> [[A]]) 3 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> initsExample 1: \bslash_ -> \red{[]:_} 3: \bslash(a:_) -> []:\red{(a:[]):_} 5: \bslash(a:b:_) -> []:(a:[]):\red{(a:b:[]):_} Finished 7 tests. \end{alltt} \begin{code} inits :: [alpha] -> [[alpha]] inits [] = [[]] inits (x:xs) = [[]] ++ map (x:) (inits xs) \end{code} To define a less strict implementation we delay the pattern matching that checks wether the argument is the empty list or not. % \begin{code} inits' :: [alpha] -> [[alpha]] inits' xxs = [] : case xxs of [] -> [] x:xs -> map (x:) (inits' xs) \end{code} The function |tails :: [alpha] -> [[alpha]]| shows a similar behaviour as |inits|, that is, it is unnecessarily strict. % \section{Integers} Using Sloth we can check functions that use integers. % For example, the following application checks whether the multiplication of two |Int|s is minimally strict. % \begin{code} multExample = strictCheck ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int) 5 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> multExample 2: \bslash0 _ -> \magenta{0} Finished 21 tests. \end{alltt} As the counter-example shows the multiplication is too strict. % If the first argument is zero we do not have to evaluate the second argument. % But obviously the primitive multiplication evaluates both arguments. % When we check the monomorphic integer instance of |id| we can observe the correspondence between the size parameter and the integers considered as test cases. % \begin{code} intIdExample = verboseCheck (id :: Int -> Int) 4 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> intIdExample 1: \bslash_ -> _ 2: \bslash0 -> 0 3: \bslash-1 -> -1 4: \bslash1 -> 1 5: \bslash-2 -> -2 6: \bslash2 -> 2 7: \bslash-3 -> -3 8: \bslash3 -> 3 Finished 8 tests. \end{alltt} The number of test cases is linear in the size, more precisely we check the integers from $-\text{\it size-1}$ to $\text{\it size-1}$ if we check |id :: Int -> Int| up to size \textit{size}. % If we check |drop| for test cases up to size ten Sloth presents a couple of potential counter-examples. % \begin{code} dropExample = strictCheck (drop :: Int -> [A] -> [A]) 10 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> dropExample 42: \bslash4 _ -> \magenta{[]} 61: \bslash4 (a:_) -> \magenta{[]} 62: \bslash5 _ -> \magenta{[]} 83: \bslash4 (a:b:_) -> \magenta{[]} 85: \bslash5 (a:_) -> \magenta{[]} 86: \bslash6 _ -> \magenta{[]} Finished 146 tests. \end{alltt} If we check |drop| for test cases up to size eleven some of the counter-examples disappear while additional potential counter-examples appear. % All these potential counter-examples are no counter-examples. % For example, let us consider the first one. % Sloth suspects that |drop| always yields the empty list if the first argument is four. % The lists generated by Sloth do not exceed length four. % Therefore, the result of all considered test cases is indeed the empty list. % This example nicely demonstrates that not all potential counter-examples are indeed counter-examples. % As examples for minimally strict functions we check |(!!)| and |take|. % \begin{code} indexingExample = strictCheck ((!!) :: [A] -> Int -> A) 100 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> indexingExample Finished 5098 tests. \end{alltt} \begin{code} takeExample = strictCheck (take :: Int -> [A] -> [A]) 100 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> takeExample Finished 5000 tests. \end{alltt} \section{Character} Sloth handles characters in a similar way as integers. % That is, it does not enumerate all characters for test cases of size one. % The following example demonstrates the enumeration of characters by employing the |Char| instance of |id|. % \begin{code} charIdExample = verboseCheck (id :: Char -> Char) 4 \end{code} \begin{alltt} 1: \bslash_ -> _ 2: \bslash'?' -> '?' 3: \bslash'>' -> '>' 4: \bslash'@@' -> '@@' 5: \bslash'=' -> '=' 6: \bslash'<' -> '<' 7: \bslash'A' -> 'A' 8: \bslash'B' -> 'B' 9: \bslash';' -> ';' 10: \bslash':' -> ':' 11: \bslash'9' -> '9' 12: \bslash'8' -> '8' 13: \bslash'C' -> 'C' 14: \bslash'D' -> 'D' 15: \bslash'E' -> 'E' 16: \bslash'F' -> 'F' \end{alltt} In contrast to the enumeration of integers the emumeration of characters is exponential in the size. % That is, Sloth checks |id :: Char -> Char| for $2^{\text{\it size}}$ test cases if we check it for inputs up to size \textit{size}. % To demonstrate one of the limitations of Sloth we check whether the function |words| is unnecessarily strict. % It is very difficult to check |words| because it yields a singleton list as result unless the argument contains a newline character. % As there are many characters it is not very likely that a test case contains this character. % Therefore, Sloth very likely assumes that |words| always yields lists with only a single element as result. % For example, if we check |words| for strings up to size ten Sloth reports many potential counter-examples. % Because there are more test cases that are more defined, potential counter-examples that are reported first are more likely to be counter-examples than counter-examples reported later. % That is, we would like to check |words| for strings up to a large size but only consider the first few counter-examples. % For this purpose Sloth provides a function called |interactCheck|, which interactively asks the user whether to present more counter-examples. % \begin{code} wordsExample = interactCheck words 15 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> wordsExample 175: Argument(s): \bslash('?':'?':'>':_) Current Result: ('?':'?':'>':_):_ Proposed Result: ('?':'?':'>':_):\magenta{[]} More? [y(es)/n(o)/a(ll)]n \end{alltt} If we check |words| for strings up to size 15 test case 175 is a potential counter-example. % By default |interactCheck| uses the detailed presentation of test cases. % At last we want to present one unnecessarily strict function that, at first sight, might be surprising. % If we check the Boolean instance of the |show| function, Sloth states that it is unnecessarily strict. % \begin{code} showExample = strictCheck (show :: Bool -> String) 5 \end{code} \begin{alltt} Main> showExample 1: \bslash_ -> \red{_:_:_:_:_} Finished 3 tests. \end{alltt} As both possible results, the string |"True"| as well as the string |"False"|, have at least four characters |show :: Bool -> String| always yields a list with at least four elements. % Therefore, Sloth proposes to yield a list structure with at least four elements without evaluating the argument. % \begin{thebibliography}{1} \providecommand{\natexlab}[1]{#1} \providecommand{\url}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax \providecommand{\doi}[1]{doi: #1}\else \providecommand{\doi}{doi: \begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}\fi \bibitem[1]{Chi06} O.\ Chitil. \newblock Promoting non-strict programming. \newblock In \emph{IFL'06 Draft Proceedings}, 2006. \bibitem[2]{Chi11} O.\ Chitil. \newblock {StrictCheck}: a tool for testing whether a function is unnecessarily strict. \newblock Technical Report 2-11, University of Kent, School of Computing, June 2011. \bibitem[3]{Chr11} J.\ Christiansen. \newblock {Sloth - A Tool for Checking Minimal Strictness}. \newblock In \emph{PADL'11 Proceedings}. Springer, 2011. \bibitem[4]{ChrSei11} J.\ Christiansen and D.\ Seidel. \newblock Minimally strict polymorphic functions. \newblock In \emph{PPDP'11 Proceedings}. ACM, 2011. \end{thebibliography} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-command-default: "lhs2tex" %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: