# slugger Clean URI slugs for Haskell Convert multi-language text to a US-ASCII, lowercase, hyphenated, URI-friendly "slug". [![built with nix](https://builtwithnix.org/badge.svg)](https://builtwithnix.org) ## Usage ### Library There are `Data.Text` and `Data.String` library interfaces to `slugger` that have plenty of examples in [`the test file`](./test/SluggerTest.hs), and here are some simple examples. Example of `Data.String.Slugger`: ```haskell import qualified Data.String.Slugger as SluggerString SluggerString.toSlug "Hey there, world!" -- "hey-there-world" SluggerString.toSlug "GARÇON - déjà , Forêt — Zoë" -- "garcon-deja-foret-zoe" ``` Example of `Data.Text.Slugger`: ```haskell import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Slugger as SluggerText SluggerText.toSlug (T.pack "Hey there, world!") -- "hey-there-world" SluggerText.toSlug (T.pack "GARÇON - déjà , Forêt — Zoë") -- "garcon-deja-foret-zoe" ``` ### Executable ```sh λ slugger "Hey there, world!" hey-there-world λ slugger "Pijamalı hasta yağız şoföre çabucak güvendi" pijamali-hasta-yagiz-sofore-cabucak-guvendi ``` ## Language Support These are the languages that are currently tested and therefore marked as supported. Contributions are welcome for more extensive tests or tests for additional languages. - [x] Dansk (Danish) - [x] Deutsche (German) - [x] English - [x] Español (Spanish) - [x] Français (French) - [x] Íslenskur (Icelandic) - [x] Polskie (Polish) - [x] Svenska (Swedish) - [x] Türk (Turkish) ## Development Try the project executable via a nix flake app: ```sh λ nix run . "Testing 1,2,3" testing-1-2-3 ``` Get into a nix dev environment: ```sh λ nix develop [nix]λ ``` Build the project: ```sh [nix]λ nix build ``` Run the tests from the shell: ```sh [nix]λ cabal test --test-show-details=streaming --test-option=--color ``` Run the tests from GHCi: ```sh [nix]λ cabal repl slugger-test [ghci]λ :main # test output prints here # make some changes, then... [ghci]λ :reload [ghci]λ :main ```