Module:         SmartConstructor
Copyright:      (c) 2015 Frerich Raabe
License:        BSD3
Maintainer:     frerich.raabe@gmail.com
Stability:      experimental

This module exposes a 'makeSmartCtor' function which automatically creates
smart constructors for custom newtype'd Haskell types. See
<http://wiki.haskell.org/Smart_constructors> for a more in-depth
discussion of smart constructors in Haskell.

Smart constructors are useful for imposing additional checks on values;
given e.g.

> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
> import SmartConstructor
> newtype Positive = Positive Int
> newtype NonEmptyList a = NonEmptyList [a]
> newtype Interval = Interval (Integer, Integer)

You can use 'makeSmartCtor' to generate smart constructors as follows:

> -- Defines 'makePositive :: Int -> Maybe Positive'
> makeSmartCtor defaultOptions ''Positive [|(> 0)|]
> -- Defines 'makeNonEmptyList :: [a] -> Maybe (NonEmptyList a)
> makeSmartCtor defaultOptions ''NonEmptyList [|not . null|]

Notice how the third argument defines a predicate; the generated functions
apply this predicate to the given value: if it yields true, the smart
constructor call evaluates to a 'Just' value. If the predicate yields false,
the smart constructor evaluates to 'Nothing'.

By default, the name for the smart constructor is derived from the
type name. A custom name can be specified by modifying the 'ctorName'
field of the defaultOptions:

> -- Defines 'createIV :: (Integer, Integer) -> Maybe Interval
> makeSmartCtor defaultOptions{ ctorName = "createIV" } ''Interval [|uncurry (<=)|]

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

module SmartConstructor
    ( SmartCtorOptions(..)
    , defaultOptions
    , makeSmartCtor

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (trueName, nothingName, justName, mkNameG, NameSpace(TcClsName))

    Values of the 'SmartCtorOptions' type can be passed to 'makeSmartCtor' in
    order to customize the generated constructor functions. At this point,
    only the name of the function can be changed.
data SmartCtorOptions = SmartCtorOptions {
        The desired name for the smart constructor function. An empty string will make
        'makeSmartCtor' derive the function name from the type by prepending 'make'
        to the type name.
    ctorName :: String

    The default smart constructor generation options; the smart constructor
    function will be named after the type, e.g.

    > makeSmartCtor defaultOptions ''Foo [|const True|]

    defines a function 'makeFoo'.
defaultOptions :: SmartCtorOptions
defaultOptions = SmartCtorOptions ""

-- Alas, not available in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
maybeName :: Name
maybeName = mkNameG TcClsName "base" "Data.Maybe" "Maybe"

makeFuncT :: Type -> Type -> Type
makeFuncT a = AppT (AppT ArrowT a)

typeConType :: Name -> [Name] -> Type
typeConType typeName typeVars = foldl AppT (ConT typeName) (map VarT typeVars)

tyVarName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tyVarName (PlainTV n)    = n
tyVarName (KindedTV n _) = n

conName :: Con -> Name
conName (NormalC n _)   = n
conName (RecC n _)      = n
conName (InfixC _ n _)  = n
conName (ForallC _ _ c) = conName c

-- |The 'makeSmartCtor' function creates a smart constructor for the given type, using the given predicate.
makeSmartCtor :: SmartCtorOptions -- Options to customize the smart constructor function; the name of the defined function can be changed.
              -> Name             -- The type to generate a smart constructor function for.
              -> Q Exp            -- A predicate which is applied to the smart constructor argument to decide whether a Just value or Nothing is returned.
              -> Q [Dec]
makeSmartCtor opts typeName predicate = do
    predExp <- predicate
    (dataCtor, tyVarBndrs) <- reify typeName >>= \case
        TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ tyVarBndrs ctor _) -> return (ctor, tyVarBndrs)
        _                                       -> fail "smartCtor: Expected name of newtype'd type constructor"
    sequence [ctorSignature tyVarBndrs dataCtor, ctorDefinition predExp dataCtor]
    ctorSignature :: [TyVarBndr] -> Con -> Q Dec
    ctorSignature tyVarBndrs con = do
        let tyVarNames = map tyVarName tyVarBndrs
        let resultType = AppT (ConT maybeName) (typeConType typeName tyVarNames)
        return (SigD ctorName_ (ForallT tyVarBndrs [] (makeFuncT (innerType con) resultType)))
        innerType (NormalC _ [(_, t)]) = t
        innerType (RecC _ [(_, _, t)]) = t
        innerType _                    = undefined

    ctorDefinition :: Exp -> Con -> Q Dec
    ctorDefinition predExp con =
          return (FunD ctorName_ [Clause [VarP argName] ctorBody []])
        ctorBody = GuardedB [ (NormalG (AppE predExp (VarE argName)), AppE (ConE justName) (AppE (ConE (conName con)) (VarE argName)))
                            , (NormalG (ConE trueName), ConE nothingName)
        argName = mkName "x"

    ctorName_ :: Name
    ctorName_ = mkName $
        if null (ctorName opts)
            then "make" ++ nameBase typeName
            else ctorName opts