module Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.Nat where
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Constraint
import Data.GADT.Compare
import Data.GADT.Show
import Language.Haskell.TH
data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving Typeable
data Natural (n::Nat) where
Zero :: Natural Z
Succ :: Natural n -> Natural (S n)
type family (+) (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Nat where
(+) Z n = n
(+) (S n) m = S ((+) n m)
type family () (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Nat where
() n Z = n
() (S n) (S m) = n m
type family (<=) (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Bool where
(<=) Z m = True
(<=) (S n) Z = False
(<=) (S n) (S m) = (<=) n m
naturalToInteger :: Natural n -> Integer
naturalToInteger = conv 0
conv :: Integer -> Natural m -> Integer
conv n Zero = n
conv n (Succ x) = conv (n+1) x
naturalAdd :: Natural n -> Natural m -> Natural (n + m)
naturalAdd Zero n = n
naturalAdd (Succ x) y = Succ (naturalAdd x y)
naturalSub :: Natural (n + m) -> Natural n -> Natural m
naturalSub n Zero = n
naturalSub (Succ sum) (Succ n) = naturalSub sum n
naturalSub' :: Natural n -> Natural m
-> (forall diff. ((m + diff) ~ n) => Natural diff -> a)
-> a
naturalSub' n Zero f = f n
naturalSub' (Succ sum) (Succ n) f = naturalSub' sum n f
naturalLEQ :: Natural n -> Natural m -> Maybe (Dict ((n <= m) ~ True))
naturalLEQ Zero _ = Just Dict
naturalLEQ (Succ n) (Succ m) = case naturalLEQ n m of
Just Dict -> Just Dict
Nothing -> Nothing
naturalLEQ _ _ = Nothing
instance Show (Natural n) where
showsPrec p = showsPrec p . naturalToInteger
instance Eq (Natural n) where
(==) _ _ = True
instance Ord (Natural n) where
compare _ _ = EQ
reifyNat :: Nat -> (forall n. Natural n -> r) -> r
reifyNat Z f = f Zero
reifyNat (S n) f = reifyNat n $ \n' -> f (Succ n')
nat :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> ExpQ
nat n
| n < 0 = error $ "nat: Can only use numbers >= 0."
| otherwise = nat' n
nat' 0 = [| Zero |]
nat' n = [| Succ $(nat' (n1)) |]
natT :: (Num a,Ord a) => a -> TypeQ
natT n
| n < 0 = error $ "natT: Can only use numbers >= 0."
| otherwise = natT' n
natT' 0 = [t| Z |]
natT' n = [t| S $(natT' (n1)) |]
instance Eq Nat where
(==) Z Z = True
(==) (S x) (S y) = x == y
(==) _ _ = False
instance Ord Nat where
compare Z Z = EQ
compare Z _ = LT
compare _ Z = GT
compare (S x) (S y) = compare x y
instance Num Nat where
(+) Z n = n
(+) (S n) m = S (n + m)
() n Z = n
() (S n) (S m) = n m
() _ _ = error $ "Cannot produce negative natural numbers."
(*) Z n = Z
(*) (S n) m = m+(n*m)
negate _ = error $ "Cannot produce negative natural numbers."
abs = id
signum Z = Z
signum (S _) = S Z
fromInteger x
| x<0 = error $ "Cannot produce negative natural numbers."
| otherwise = f x
f 0 = Z
f n = S (f (n1))
instance Enum Nat where
succ = S
pred (S n) = n
pred Z = error $ "Cannot produce negative natural numbers."
toEnum 0 = Z
toEnum n = S (toEnum (n1))
fromEnum Z = 0
fromEnum (S n) = (fromEnum n)+1
instance Real Nat where
toRational Z = 0
toRational (S n) = (toRational n)+1
instance Integral Nat where
quotRem x y = let (q,r) = quotRem (toInteger x) (toInteger y)
in (fromInteger q,fromInteger r)
toInteger = f 0
f n Z = n
f n (S m) = f (n+1) m
type N0 = Z
type N1 = S N0
type N2 = S N1
type N3 = S N2
type N4 = S N3
type N5 = S N4
type N6 = S N5
type N7 = S N6
type N8 = S N7
type N9 = S N8
type N10 = S N9
type N11 = S N10
type N12 = S N11
type N13 = S N12
type N14 = S N13
type N15 = S N14
type N16 = S N15
type N17 = S N16
type N18 = S N17
type N19 = S N18
type N20 = S N19
type N21 = S N20
type N22 = S N21
type N23 = S N22
type N24 = S N23
type N25 = S N24
type N26 = S N25
type N27 = S N26
type N28 = S N27
type N29 = S N28
type N30 = S N29
type N31 = S N30
type N32 = S N31
type N33 = S N32
type N34 = S N33
type N35 = S N34
type N36 = S N35
type N37 = S N36
type N38 = S N37
type N39 = S N38
type N40 = S N39
type N41 = S N40
type N42 = S N41
type N43 = S N42
type N44 = S N43
type N45 = S N44
type N46 = S N45
type N47 = S N46
type N48 = S N47
type N49 = S N48
type N50 = S N49
type N51 = S N50
type N52 = S N51
type N53 = S N52
type N54 = S N53
type N55 = S N54
type N56 = S N55
type N57 = S N56
type N58 = S N57
type N59 = S N58
type N60 = S N59
type N61 = S N60
type N62 = S N61
type N63 = S N62
type N64 = S N63
instance GEq Natural where
geq Zero Zero = Just Refl
geq (Succ x) (Succ y) = do
Refl <- geq x y
return Refl
geq _ _ = Nothing
instance GCompare Natural where
gcompare Zero Zero = GEQ
gcompare Zero _ = GLT
gcompare _ Zero = GGT
gcompare (Succ x) (Succ y) = case gcompare x y of
instance GShow Natural where
gshowsPrec = showsPrec
class IsNatural n where
getNatural :: Natural n
instance IsNatural Z where
getNatural = Zero
instance IsNatural n => IsNatural (S n) where
getNatural = Succ getNatural
deriveIsNatural :: Natural n -> Dict (IsNatural n)
deriveIsNatural Zero = Dict
deriveIsNatural (Succ n) = case deriveIsNatural n of
Dict -> Dict