{- | A module exporting only functions for using compiled templates.  If you
 - import the main Snap.Snaplet.Heist module, it's easy to accidentally use
 - the interpreted render function even when you're using compiled Heist.
 - Importing only this module will make it harder to make mistakes like that.
module Snap.Snaplet.Heist.Compiled
  ( H.Heist
  , H.HasHeist(..)
  , H.SnapletHeist
  , H.SnapletCSplice

  -- * Initializer Functions
  -- $initializerSection
  , H.heistInit
  , H.heistInit'
  , H.addTemplates
  , H.addTemplatesAt
  , H.addConfig
  , H.modifyHeistState
  , H.withHeistState

  -- * Handler Functions
  -- $handlerSection
  , render
  , renderAs
  , heistServe
  , heistServeSingle

  , H.clearHeistCache
  ) where

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Snap.Snaplet
import qualified Snap.Snaplet.Heist as H

-- | Renders a compiled template as text\/html. If the given template is not
-- found, this returns 'empty'.
render :: H.HasHeist b
       => ByteString
           -- ^ Template name
       -> Handler b v ()
render = H.cRender

-- | Renders a compiled template as the given content type.  If the given
-- template is not found, this returns 'empty'.
renderAs :: H.HasHeist b
         => ByteString
             -- ^ Content type to render with
         -> ByteString
             -- ^ Template name
         -> Handler b v ()
renderAs = H.cRenderAs

-- | A handler that serves all the templates (similar to 'serveDirectory').
-- If the template specified in the request path is not found, it returns
-- 'empty'.  Also, this function does not serve any templates beginning with
-- an underscore.  This gives you a way to prevent some templates from being
-- served.  For example, you might have a template that contains only the
-- navbar of your pages, and you probably wouldn't want that template to be
-- visible to the user as a standalone template.  So if you put it in a file
-- called \"_nav.tpl\", this function won't serve it.
heistServe :: H.HasHeist b => Handler b v ()
heistServe = H.cHeistServe

-- | Handler for serving a single template (similar to 'fileServeSingle'). If
-- the given template is not found, this throws an error.
heistServeSingle :: H.HasHeist b
                 => ByteString
                     -- ^ Template name
                 -> Handler b v ()
heistServeSingle = H.cHeistServeSingle