{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Data.Char import Data.List import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Snap.Http.Server (snapServerVersion) import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.Console.GetOpt import System.FilePath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Snap.StarterTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Creates a value tDir :: ([String], [(String, String)]) $(buildData "tDirBareBones" "barebones") $(buildData "tDirDefault" "default") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ usage :: String usage = unlines [ "Snap " ++ (S.unpack snapServerVersion) ++ " Project Kickstarter" , "" , "Usage:" , "" , " snap " , "" , " can be one of:" , " init - create a new project directory structure in the " ++ "current directory" , "" , " Note: you can use --help after any of the above actions to get help " , " on that action" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data InitFlag = InitBareBones | InitHelp | InitExtensions deriving (Show, Eq) setup :: String -> ([FilePath], [(String, String)]) -> IO () setup projName tDir = do mapM createDirectory (fst tDir) mapM_ write (snd tDir) where write (f,c) = if isSuffixOf "foo.cabal" f then writeFile (projName ++ ".cabal") (insertProjName $ T.pack c) else writeFile f c isNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '-' insertProjName c = T.unpack $ T.replace (T.pack "projname") (T.pack $ filter isNameChar projName) c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ initProject :: [String] -> IO () initProject args = do case getOpt Permute options args of (flags, _, []) | InitHelp `elem` flags -> do putStrLn initUsage exitFailure | otherwise -> init' flags (_, _, errs) -> do putStrLn $ concat errs putStrLn initUsage exitFailure where initUsage = usageInfo "Usage\n snap init\n\nOptions:" options options = [ Option ['b'] ["barebones"] (NoArg InitBareBones) "Depend only on -core and -server" , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg InitHelp) "Print this message" , Option ['e'] ["extensions"] (NoArg InitExtensions) "Depend on snap w/ extensions (default)" ] init' flags = do cur <- getCurrentDirectory let dirs = splitDirectories cur projName = last dirs setup' = setup projName case flags of (_:_) | InitBareBones `elem` flags -> setup' tDirBareBones | InitExtensions `elem` flags -> setup' tDirDefault _ -> setup' tDirDefault ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of ("init":args') -> initProject args' _ -> do putStrLn usage exitFailure