{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Snap.Internal.Parsing.Tests ( tests ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Applicative (many) import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (IResult (..), char, string, ()) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S (concat) import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList) import Data.Word (Word8) import Snap.Internal.Http.Types (Cookie (Cookie, cookieDomain, cookieExpires, cookieHttpOnly, cookieName, cookiePath, cookieSecure, cookieValue)) import Snap.Internal.Parsing (crlf, finish, fullyParse, fullyParse', pAvPairs, pHeaders, pQuotedString, pQuotedString', parseCookie, parseToCompletion, parseUrlEncoded, unsafeFromHex, unsafeFromNat, pTokens) import Snap.Test.Common (expectExceptionH) import System.Random (Random (random, randomR)) import Test.Framework (Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (assertEqual) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (arbitrary), choose) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tests :: [Test] tests = [ testAvPairs , testCookie , testHeaderParse , testQuotedString , testQuotedString' , testUnsafeFromHex , testUnsafeFromInt , testUrlEncoded , testFailParse , testTokens ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testAvPairs :: Test testAvPairs = testCase "parsing/avpairs" $ do let x = fullyParse txt pAvPairs assertEqual "avpairs" (Right [ ("foo" , "bar") , ("bar" , "baz") , ("quux", "" ) ]) x where txt = "foo = bar; bar = baz; quux" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testCookie :: Test testCookie = testCase "parsing/parseCookie" $ do assertEqual "cookie parsing" (Just [cv]) cv2 let (Just [c]) = cv2 -- stupid assertions to cover the accessors assertEqual "c1" (cookieName c) nm assertEqual "c2" (cookieValue c) v assertEqual "c3" (cookieExpires c) Nothing assertEqual "c4" (cookieDomain c) Nothing assertEqual "c5" (cookiePath c) Nothing assertEqual "c6" (cookieSecure c) False assertEqual "c7" (cookieHttpOnly c) False where cv = Cookie nm v Nothing Nothing Nothing False False cv2 = parseCookie ct nm = "foo" v = "bar" ct = S.concat [ nm , "=" , v ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testHeaderParse :: Test testHeaderParse = testCase "parsing/headers" $ do let e = fullyParse txt pHeaders assertEqual "parse" (Right [("foo", "bar baz quux")]) e let f = fullyParse bad pHeaders assertEqual "bad parse" (Right []) f where txt = S.concat [ "foo: bar\r\n" , " baz\r\n" , " quux\r\n" ] bad = "%&^%&^*^(*&^*&^*%*&%^^#$" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testQuotedString :: Test testQuotedString = testCase "parsing/quoted-string" $ do let e = fullyParse txt pQuotedString assertEqual "q-s" (Right "foo\"bar\"baz") e where txt = "\"foo\\\"bar\\\"baz\"" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testQuotedString' :: Test testQuotedString' = testCase "parsing/quoted-string-utf8" $ do let e = fullyParse qdtext $ pQuotedString' (const True) assertEqual "q-s" (Right txt) e where txt = "\xd1\x82\xd0\xb5\xd1\x81\xd1\x82" -- "ั‚ะตัั‚" as UTF-8 qdtext = S.concat ["\"", txt, "\""] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- older random didn't have a Word8 instance..... data WrappedWord8 = W { _unW :: Word8 } instance Show WrappedWord8 where show (W w) = show w instance Random WrappedWord8 where randomR (W a, W b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Int, fromIntegral b :: Int) g of (x, g') -> (W $! fromIntegral x, g') random = randomR (W minBound, W maxBound) instance Arbitrary WrappedWord8 where arbitrary = choose (W minBound, W maxBound) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testUnsafeFromHex :: Test testUnsafeFromHex = testCase "parsing/unsafeFromHex" $ do expectExceptionH $ return $! ((unsafeFromHex "zz") :: Int) let x = unsafeFromHex "a" assertEqual "a" (10 :: Int) x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testUnsafeFromInt :: Test testUnsafeFromInt = testCase "parsing/unsafeFromNat" $ do expectExceptionH $ return $! ((unsafeFromNat "zz") :: Int) let x = unsafeFromNat "10" assertEqual "10" (10 :: Int) x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testUrlEncoded :: Test testUrlEncoded = testCase "parsing/urlEncoded" $ do let x = parseUrlEncoded "foo=h%20i&bar=baz+baz&baz=quux&baz=zzz&%zz" assertEqual "map" (Map.fromList [ ("foo", ["h i"]) , ("bar", ["baz baz"]) , ("baz", ["quux", "zzz"]) ]) x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testFailParse :: Test testFailParse = testCase "parsing/failParse" $ do let (Left a) = fullyParse "foo" ((string "bar" "foo") "bar") let (Left b) = fullyParse "foo" (fail "bar") let (Left c) = fullyParse "aaaaa" (many (char 'a') >> string "b") let f = const $ Partial f let (Left d) = fullyParse' (const f) (const f) "aaaaa" (string "b") let e@(Just "aaaa") = parseToCompletion (many (char 'a')) "aaaa" let (Left g) = fullyParse "\x09" crlf let (Done z (0::Int)) = finish $! Partial $! \s -> s `seq` Partial (\t -> t `seq` Done t 0) return $! length a `seq` length b `seq` length c `seq` length d `seq` e `seq` length g `seq` z `seq` () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testTokens :: Test testTokens = testCase "parsing/tokens" $ do assertEqual "without whitespace" (Right ["Foo","Bar"]) $ fullyParse "Foo,Bar" pTokens assertEqual "with whitespace" (Right ["Foo","Bar"]) $ fullyParse " Foo ,Bar " pTokens