{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}

module Snap.Extras.SpliceUtils.Interpreted
    ( paramSplice
    , utilSplices
    , selectSplice
    , runTextAreas
    , scriptsSplice
    , ifFlagSplice
    , refererSplice
    ) where

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.Configurator              as C
import qualified Data.Map.Syntax                as MS
import           Data.Text                      (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                      as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding             as T
import           Heist
import           Heist.Interpreted
import           Heist.Splices
import           Snap
import           Snap.Extras.SpliceUtils.Common
import           Snap.Snaplet.Heist.Interpreted
import           Text.XmlHtml

-- | A list of splices offered in this module
utilSplices :: Splices (SnapletISplice b)
utilSplices = do
  "rqparam" MS.## paramSplice
  "refererLink" MS.## refererSplice

refererSplice :: MonadSnap m => Splice m
refererSplice =
  textSplice . maybe "/" T.decodeUtf8 =<< lift (getsRequest (getHeader "Referer"))

-- | Gets the value of a request parameter.  Example use:
-- <rqparam name="username"/>
paramSplice :: MonadSnap m => Splice m
paramSplice = do
  at <- liftM (getAttribute "name") getParamNode
  val <- case at of
    Just at' -> lift . getParam $ T.encodeUtf8 at'
    Nothing  -> return Nothing
  return $ maybe [] ((:[]) . TextNode . T.decodeUtf8) val

-- | Assume text area contains the name of a splice as Text.
-- This is helpful when you pass a default value to digestive-functors
-- by putting the name of a splice as the value of a textarea tag.
-- > heistLocal runTextAreas $ render "joo/index"
runTextAreas :: Monad m => HeistState m -> HeistState m
runTextAreas = bindSplices ("textarea" MS.## ta)
   ta = do
     hs <- getHS
     n@(Element t ats _) <- getParamNode
     let nm = nodeText n
     case lookupSplice nm hs of
       Just spl -> do
         ns <- spl
         return [Element t ats ns]
       Nothing -> return $ [Element t ats []]

-- | Splice helper for when you're rendering a select element
    :: Monad m
    => Text
    -- ^ A name for the select element
    -> Text
    -- ^ An id for the select element
    -> [(Text, Text)]
    -- ^ value, shown text pairs
    -> Maybe Text
    -- ^ Default value
    -> Splice m
selectSplice nm fid xs defv =
    callTemplate "_select" $ do
      "options" MS.## opts
      "name" MS.## textSplice nm
      "id" MS.## textSplice fid
      opts = mapSplices gen xs
      gen (val,txt) = runChildrenWith $ do
        "val" MS.## textSplice val
        "text" MS.## textSplice txt
        "ifSelected" MS.## ifISplice $ maybe False (== val) defv
        "ifNotSelected" MS.## ifISplice $ maybe True (/= val) defv

-- | Searches a directory on disk and all its subdirectories for all files
-- with names that don't begin with an underscore and end with a .js
-- extension.  It then returns script tags for each of these files.
-- You can use this function to create a splice:
-- > ("staticscripts", scriptsSplice "static/js" "/")
-- Then when you use the @\<staticscripts/\>@ tag in your templates, it will
-- automatically include all the javascript code in the @static/js@ directory.
scriptsSplice :: MonadIO m
              => FilePath
              -- ^ Path to the directory on disk holding the javascript files.
              -> String
              -- ^ A prefix to add to the src attribute of each script tag.
              -> m [Node]
scriptsSplice d prefix = do
    scripts <- getScripts d
    return $ concat $ map includeJavascript scripts
    includeJavascript script =
        [Element "script" [("src", T.pack $ prefix ++ script)] []]

-- | Check to see if the boolean flag named by the "ref" attribute is
-- present and set to true in snaplet user config file. If so, run
-- what's inside this splice, if not, simply omit that part.
-- Example:
-- > <flag ref="beta-functions-enabled">
-- > stuff...
-- > </flag>
-- This will look for an entry inside your .cfg file:
-- > beta-functions-enabled = true
ifFlagSplice :: SnapletISplice b
ifFlagSplice = do
  Element _ ats es <- getParamNode
  conf <- lift getSnapletUserConfig
  case lookup "ref" ats of
    Nothing -> return []
    Just flag -> do
      res <- liftIO $ C.lookup conf flag
      case res of
        Just True -> return es
        _         -> return []