{-# LANGUAGE GADTs             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
module Snap.Routes
  ( Routes
  , showRoutes
  , expandRoutes
  , get
  , Snap.Routes.head
  , addRoute
  , post
  , put
  , delete
  , trace
  , options
  , connect

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Either
import Data.Predicate
import Data.Word
import Snap.Core
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Data.List as L

type Error = (Word, Maybe ByteString)

data Pack m where
    Pack :: (Show p, Predicate p Request, FVal p ~ Error)
         => p
         -> (TVal p -> m ())
         -> Pack m

data Route m = Route
  { _method  :: !Method
  , _path    :: !ByteString
  , _pred    :: !(Pack m)

newtype Routes m a = Routes
  { _unroutes :: State [Route m] a }

instance Monad (Routes m) where
    return  = Routes . return
    m >>= f = Routes $ _unroutes m >>= _unroutes . f

addRoute :: (MonadSnap m, Show p, Predicate p Request, FVal p ~ Error)
         => Method
         -> ByteString        -- ^ path
         -> (TVal p -> m ())  -- ^ handler
         -> p                 -- ^ predicate
         -> Routes m ()
addRoute m r x p = Routes $ State.modify ((Route m r (Pack p x)):)

get, head, post, put, delete, trace, options, connect ::
    (MonadSnap m, Show p, Predicate p Request, FVal p ~ Error)
    => ByteString        -- ^ path
    -> (TVal p -> m ())  -- ^ handler
    -> p                 -- ^ 'Predicate'
    -> Routes m ()
get     = addRoute GET
head    = addRoute HEAD
post    = addRoute POST
put     = addRoute PUT
delete  = addRoute DELETE
trace   = addRoute TRACE
options = addRoute OPTIONS
connect = addRoute CONNECT

-- | Turn route definitions into a list of 'String's.
showRoutes :: Routes m () -> [String]
showRoutes (Routes routes) =
    let rs = reverse $ State.execState routes []
    in flip map rs $ \x ->
        case _pred x of
            Pack p _ -> shows (_method x)
                      . (' ':)
                      . shows (_path x)
                      . (' ':)
                      . shows p $ ""

-- | Turn route definitions into "snapable" format, i.e.
-- Routes are grouped per path and selection evaluates routes
-- against the given Snap 'Request'.
expandRoutes :: MonadSnap m => Routes m () -> [(ByteString, m ())]
expandRoutes (Routes routes) =
    let rg = grouped . sorted . reverse $ State.execState routes []
    in map (\g -> (_path (L.head g), select g)) rg
    sorted :: [Route m] -> [Route m]
    sorted = L.sortBy (\a b -> _path a `compare` _path b)

    grouped :: [Route m] -> [[Route m]]
    grouped = L.groupBy (\a b -> _path a == _path b)

-- The handler selection proceeds as follows:
-- (1) Consider only handlers with matching methods, or else return 405.
-- (2) Evaluate 'Route' predicates.
-- (3) Pick the first one which is 'Good', or else respond with status
--     and message of the first one.
select :: MonadSnap m => [Route m] -> m ()
select g = do
    ms <- filterM byMethod g
    if L.null ms
        then respond (405, Nothing)
        else evalAll ms
    byMethod :: MonadSnap m => Route m -> m Bool
    byMethod x = (_method x ==) <$> getsRequest rqMethod

    evalAll :: MonadSnap m => [Route m] -> m ()
    evalAll rs = do
        req <- getRequest
        let (n, y) = partitionEithers $ map (eval req) rs
        if null y
            then respond (L.head n)
            else L.head y

    eval :: MonadSnap m => Request -> Route m -> Either Error (m ())
    eval rq r = case _pred r of
        Pack p h ->
            case apply p rq of
                F Nothing  -> Left (500, Nothing)
                F (Just m) -> Left m
                T v        -> Right (h v)

respond :: MonadSnap m => Error -> m ()
respond (i, msg) = do
    putResponse . clearContentLength
                . setResponseCode (fromIntegral i)
                $ emptyResponse
    maybe (return ()) writeBS msg