{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}


This module exports the 'Config' datatype, which you can use to configure the
Snap HTTP server.


module Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Config where

import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8
import           Control.Exception (SomeException)
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Data.Char
import           Data.Function
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import           Data.Typeable
import           Network(Socket)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import           Prelude hiding (catch)
import           Snap.Core
import           Snap.Iteratee ((>==>), enumBuilder)
import           Snap.Internal.Debug (debug)
import           Snap.Util.Proxy
import           System.Console.GetOpt
import           System.Environment hiding (getEnv)
#ifndef PORTABLE
import           System.Posix.Env
import           System.Exit
import           System.IO
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server (requestErrorMessage)

-- | This datatype allows you to override which backend (either simple or
-- libev) to use. Most users will not want to set this, preferring to rely on
-- the compile-type default.
-- Note that if you specify the libev backend and have not compiled in support
-- for it, your server will fail at runtime.
data ConfigBackend = ConfigSimpleBackend
                   | ConfigLibEvBackend
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Data type representing the configuration of a logging target
data ConfigLog = ConfigNoLog                        -- ^ no logging
               | ConfigFileLog FilePath             -- ^ log to text file
               | ConfigIoLog (ByteString -> IO ())  -- ^ log custom IO handler

instance Show ConfigLog where
    show ConfigNoLog       = "no log"
    show (ConfigFileLog f) = "log to file " ++ show f
    show (ConfigIoLog _)   = "custom logging handler"

-- | A record type which represents partial configurations (for 'httpServe')
-- by wrapping all of its fields in a 'Maybe'. Values of this type are usually
-- constructed via its 'Monoid' instance by doing something like:
-- > setPort 1234 mempty
-- Any fields which are unspecified in the 'Config' passed to 'httpServe' (and
-- this is the norm) are filled in with default values from 'defaultConfig'.
data Config m a = Config
    { hostname       :: Maybe ByteString
    , accessLog      :: Maybe ConfigLog
    , errorLog       :: Maybe ConfigLog
    , locale         :: Maybe String
    , port           :: Maybe Int
    , bind           :: Maybe ByteString
    , sslport        :: Maybe Int
    , sslbind        :: Maybe ByteString
    , sslcert        :: Maybe FilePath
    , sslkey         :: Maybe FilePath
    , compression    :: Maybe Bool
    , verbose        :: Maybe Bool
    , errorHandler   :: Maybe (SomeException -> m ())
    , defaultTimeout :: Maybe Int
    , other          :: Maybe a
    , backend        :: Maybe ConfigBackend
    , proxyType      :: Maybe ProxyType
    , startupHook    :: Maybe (StartupInfo m a -> IO ())
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
  deriving Typeable

-- | The 'Typeable1' instance is here so 'Config' values can be
-- dynamically loaded with Hint.
configTyCon :: TyCon
configTyCon = mkTyCon "Snap.Http.Server.Config.Config"
{-# NOINLINE configTyCon #-}

instance (Typeable1 m) => Typeable1 (Config m) where
    typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp configTyCon [typeOf1 (undefined :: m ())]

instance Show (Config m a) where
    show c = unlines [ "Config:"
                     , "hostname: "       ++ _hostname
                     , "accessLog: "      ++ _accessLog
                     , "errorLog: "       ++ _errorLog
                     , "locale: "         ++ _locale
                     , "port: "           ++ _port
                     , "bind: "           ++ _bind
                     , "sslport: "        ++ _sslport
                     , "sslbind: "        ++ _sslbind
                     , "sslcert: "        ++ _sslcert
                     , "sslkey: "         ++ _sslkey
                     , "compression: "    ++ _compression
                     , "verbose: "        ++ _verbose
                     , "defaultTimeout: " ++ _defaultTimeout
                     , "backend: "        ++ _backend
                     , "proxyType: "      ++ _proxyType

        _hostname       = show $ hostname       c
        _accessLog      = show $ accessLog      c
        _errorLog       = show $ errorLog       c
        _locale         = show $ locale         c
        _port           = show $ port           c
        _bind           = show $ bind           c
        _sslport        = show $ sslport        c
        _sslbind        = show $ sslbind        c
        _sslcert        = show $ sslcert        c
        _sslkey         = show $ sslkey         c
        _compression    = show $ compression    c
        _verbose        = show $ verbose        c
        _defaultTimeout = show $ defaultTimeout c
        _backend        = show $ backend        c
        _proxyType      = show $ proxyType      c

-- | Returns a completely empty 'Config'. Equivalent to 'mempty' from
-- 'Config''s 'Monoid' instance.
emptyConfig :: Config m a
emptyConfig = mempty

instance Monoid (Config m a) where
    mempty = Config
        { hostname       = Nothing
        , accessLog      = Nothing
        , errorLog       = Nothing
        , locale         = Nothing
        , port           = Nothing
        , bind           = Nothing
        , sslport        = Nothing
        , sslbind        = Nothing
        , sslcert        = Nothing
        , sslkey         = Nothing
        , compression    = Nothing
        , verbose        = Nothing
        , errorHandler   = Nothing
        , defaultTimeout = Nothing
        , other          = Nothing
        , backend        = Nothing
        , proxyType      = Nothing
        , startupHook    = Nothing

    a `mappend` b = Config
        { hostname       = ov hostname
        , accessLog      = ov accessLog
        , errorLog       = ov errorLog
        , locale         = ov locale
        , port           = ov port
        , bind           = ov bind
        , sslport        = ov sslport
        , sslbind        = ov sslbind
        , sslcert        = ov sslcert
        , sslkey         = ov sslkey
        , compression    = ov compression
        , verbose        = ov verbose
        , errorHandler   = ov errorHandler
        , defaultTimeout = ov defaultTimeout
        , other          = ov other
        , backend        = ov backend
        , proxyType      = ov proxyType
        , startupHook    = ov startupHook
        ov f = getLast $! (mappend `on` (Last . f)) a b

-- | These are the default values for the options
defaultConfig :: MonadSnap m => Config m a
defaultConfig = mempty
    { hostname       = Just "localhost"
    , accessLog      = Just $ ConfigFileLog "log/access.log"
    , errorLog       = Just $ ConfigFileLog "log/error.log"
    , locale         = Just "en_US"
    , compression    = Just True
    , verbose        = Just True
    , errorHandler   = Just defaultErrorHandler
    , bind           = Just ""
    , sslbind        = Just ""
    , sslcert        = Just "cert.pem"
    , sslkey         = Just "key.pem"
    , defaultTimeout = Just 60

-- | The hostname of the HTTP server. This field has the same format as an HTTP
-- @Host@ header; if a @Host@ header came in with the request, we use that,
-- otherwise we default to this value specified in the configuration.
getHostname       :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString
getHostname = hostname

-- | Path to the access log
getAccessLog      :: Config m a -> Maybe ConfigLog
getAccessLog = accessLog

-- | Path to the error log
getErrorLog       :: Config m a -> Maybe ConfigLog
getErrorLog = errorLog

-- | Gets the locale to use. Locales are used on Unix only, to set the
-- @LANG@\/@LC_ALL@\/etc. environment variable. For instance if you set the
-- locale to \"@en_US@\", we'll set the relevant environment variables to
-- \"@en_US.UTF-8@\".
getLocale         :: Config m a -> Maybe String
getLocale = locale

-- | Returns the port to listen on (for http)
getPort           :: Config m a -> Maybe Int
getPort = port

-- | Returns the address to bind to (for http)
getBind           :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString
getBind = bind

-- | Returns the port to listen on (for https)
getSSLPort        :: Config m a -> Maybe Int
getSSLPort = sslport

-- | Returns the address to bind to (for https)
getSSLBind        :: Config m a -> Maybe ByteString
getSSLBind = sslbind

-- | Path to the SSL certificate file
getSSLCert        :: Config m a -> Maybe FilePath
getSSLCert = sslcert

-- | Path to the SSL key file
getSSLKey         :: Config m a -> Maybe FilePath
getSSLKey = sslkey

-- | If set and set to True, compression is turned on when applicable
getCompression    :: Config m a -> Maybe Bool
getCompression = compression

-- | Whether to write server status updates to stderr
getVerbose        :: Config m a -> Maybe Bool
getVerbose = verbose

-- | A MonadSnap action to handle 500 errors
getErrorHandler   :: Config m a -> Maybe (SomeException -> m ())
getErrorHandler = errorHandler

getDefaultTimeout :: Config m a -> Maybe Int
getDefaultTimeout = defaultTimeout

getOther :: Config m a -> Maybe a
getOther = other

getBackend :: Config m a -> Maybe ConfigBackend
getBackend = backend

getProxyType :: Config m a -> Maybe ProxyType
getProxyType = proxyType

-- | A startup hook is run after the server initializes but before user request
-- processing begins. The server passes, through a 'StartupInfo' object, the
-- startup hook a list of the sockets it is listening on and the final 'Config'
-- object completed after command-line processing.
getStartupHook :: Config m a -> Maybe (StartupInfo m a -> IO ())
getStartupHook = startupHook

setHostname       :: ByteString              -> Config m a -> Config m a
setHostname x c = c { hostname = Just x }

setAccessLog      :: ConfigLog               -> Config m a -> Config m a
setAccessLog x c = c { accessLog = Just x }

setErrorLog       :: ConfigLog               -> Config m a -> Config m a
setErrorLog x c = c { errorLog = Just x }

setLocale         :: String                  -> Config m a -> Config m a
setLocale x c = c { locale = Just x }

setPort           :: Int                     -> Config m a -> Config m a
setPort x c = c { port = Just x }

setBind           :: ByteString              -> Config m a -> Config m a
setBind x c = c { bind = Just x }

setSSLPort        :: Int                     -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLPort x c = c { sslport = Just x }

setSSLBind        :: ByteString              -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLBind x c = c { sslbind = Just x }

setSSLCert        :: FilePath                -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLCert x c = c { sslcert = Just x }

setSSLKey         :: FilePath                -> Config m a -> Config m a
setSSLKey x c = c { sslkey = Just x }

setCompression    :: Bool                    -> Config m a -> Config m a
setCompression x c = c { compression = Just x }

setVerbose        :: Bool                    -> Config m a -> Config m a
setVerbose x c = c { verbose = Just x }

setErrorHandler   :: (SomeException -> m ()) -> Config m a -> Config m a
setErrorHandler x c = c { errorHandler = Just x }

setDefaultTimeout :: Int                     -> Config m a -> Config m a
setDefaultTimeout x c = c { defaultTimeout = Just x }

setOther          :: a                       -> Config m a -> Config m a
setOther x c = c { other = Just x }

setBackend        :: ConfigBackend           -> Config m a -> Config m a
setBackend x c = c { backend = Just x }

setProxyType      :: ProxyType               -> Config m a -> Config m a
setProxyType x c = c { proxyType = Just x }

setStartupHook    :: (StartupInfo m a -> IO ()) -> Config m a -> Config m a
setStartupHook x c = c { startupHook = Just x }


-- | Arguments passed to 'setStartupHook'.
data StartupInfo m a = StartupInfo
    { startupHookConfig :: Config m a
    , startupHookSockets :: [Socket]

emptyStartupInfo :: StartupInfo m a
emptyStartupInfo = StartupInfo emptyConfig []

-- | The the 'Socket's opened by the server. There will be two 'Socket's for SSL connections, and one otherwise.
getStartupSockets :: StartupInfo m a -> [Socket]
getStartupSockets = startupHookSockets

-- The 'Config', after any command line parsing has been performed.
getStartupConfig :: StartupInfo m a -> Config m a
getStartupConfig = startupHookConfig

setStartupSockets :: [Socket] -> StartupInfo m a -> StartupInfo m a
setStartupSockets x c = c { startupHookSockets = x }

setStartupConfig :: Config m a -> StartupInfo m a -> StartupInfo m a
setStartupConfig x c = c { startupHookConfig = x }

completeConfig :: (MonadSnap m) => Config m a -> IO (Config m a)
completeConfig config = do
    when noPort $ hPutStrLn stderr
        "no port specified, defaulting to port 8000"

    return $! cfg `mappend` cfg'

    cfg = defaultConfig `mappend` config

    sslVals = map ($ cfg) [ isJust . getSSLPort
                          , isJust . getSSLBind
                          , isJust . getSSLKey
                          , isJust . getSSLCert ]

    sslValid   = and sslVals
    noPort = isNothing (getPort cfg) && not sslValid

    cfg' = emptyConfig { port = if noPort then Just 8000 else Nothing }

bsFromString :: String -> ByteString
bsFromString = T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack

toString :: ByteString -> String
toString = T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8

-- | Returns a description of the snap command line options suitable for use
-- with "System.Console.GetOpt".
optDescrs :: MonadSnap m =>
             Config m a         -- ^ the configuration defaults.
          -> [OptDescr (Maybe (Config m a))]
optDescrs defaults =
    [ Option [] ["hostname"]
             (ReqArg (Just . setConfig setHostname . bsFromString) "NAME")
             $ "local hostname" ++ defaultC getHostname
    , Option ['b'] ["address"]
             (ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { bind = Just $ bsFromString s })
             $ "address to bind to" ++ defaultO bind
    , Option ['p'] ["port"]
             (ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { port = Just $ read s}) "PORT")
             $ "port to listen on" ++ defaultO port
    , Option [] ["ssl-address"]
             (ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { sslbind = Just $ bsFromString s })
             $ "ssl address to bind to" ++ defaultO sslbind
    , Option [] ["ssl-port"]
             (ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { sslport = Just $ read s}) "PORT")
             $ "ssl port to listen on" ++ defaultO sslport
    , Option [] ["ssl-cert"]
             (ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { sslcert = Just s}) "PATH")
             $ "path to ssl certificate in PEM format" ++ defaultO sslcert
    , Option [] ["ssl-key"]
             (ReqArg (\s -> Just $ mempty { sslkey = Just s}) "PATH")
             $ "path to ssl private key in PEM format" ++ defaultO sslkey
    , Option [] ["access-log"]
             (ReqArg (Just . setConfig setAccessLog . ConfigFileLog) "PATH")
             $ "access log" ++ (defaultC $ getAccessLog)
    , Option [] ["error-log"]
             (ReqArg (Just . setConfig setErrorLog . ConfigFileLog) "PATH")
             $ "error log" ++ (defaultC $ getErrorLog)
    , Option [] ["no-access-log"]
             (NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setAccessLog ConfigNoLog)
             $ "don't have an access log"
    , Option [] ["no-error-log"]
             (NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setErrorLog ConfigNoLog)
             $ "don't have an error log"
    , Option ['c'] ["compression"]
             (NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setCompression True)
             $ "use gzip compression on responses" ++
               defaultB getCompression "compressed" "uncompressed"
    , Option ['t'] ["timeout"]
             (ReqArg (\t -> Just $ mempty {
                              defaultTimeout = Just $ read t
                            }) "SECS")
             $ "set default timeout in seconds" ++ defaultC defaultTimeout
    , Option [] ["no-compression"]
             (NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setCompression False)
             $ "serve responses uncompressed" ++
               defaultB compression "compressed" "uncompressed"
    , Option ['v'] ["verbose"]
             (NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setVerbose True)
             $ "print server status updates to stderr" ++
               defaultC getVerbose
    , Option ['q'] ["quiet"]
             (NoArg $ Just $ setConfig setVerbose False)
             $ "do not print anything to stderr" ++
               defaultB getVerbose "verbose" "quiet"
    , Option [] ["proxy"]
             (ReqArg (\t -> Just $ setConfig setProxyType $ read t)
             $ concat [ "Set --proxy=X_Forwarded_For if your snap application "
                      , "is behind an HTTP reverse proxy to ensure that "
                      , "rqRemoteAddr is set properly."
                      , defaultC getProxyType ]
    , Option ['h'] ["help"]
             (NoArg Nothing)
             $ "display this help and exit"

    setConfig f c  = f c mempty
    conf           = defaultConfig `mappend` defaults
    defaultB f y n = maybe "" (\b -> ", default " ++ if b
                                                       then y
                                                       else n) $ f conf
    defaultC f     = maybe "" ((", default " ++) . show) $ f conf
    defaultO f     = maybe ", default off" ((", default " ++) . show) $ f conf

defaultErrorHandler :: MonadSnap m => SomeException -> m ()
defaultErrorHandler e = do
    debug "Snap.Http.Server.Config errorHandler:"
    req <- getRequest
    let sm = smsg req
    debug $ toString sm
    logError sm

    finishWith $ setContentType "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
               . setContentLength (fromIntegral $ B.length msg)
               . setResponseStatus 500 "Internal Server Error"
               . modifyResponseBody
                     (>==> enumBuilder (fromByteString msg))
               $ emptyResponse

    smsg req = toByteString $ requestErrorMessage req e

    msg  = toByteString msgB
    msgB = mconcat [
             fromByteString "A web handler threw an exception. Details:\n"
           , fromShow e

-- | Returns a 'Config' obtained from parsing command-line options, using the
-- default Snap 'OptDescr' set.
-- On Unix systems, the locale is read from the @LANG@ environment variable.
commandLineConfig :: MonadSnap m
                  => Config m a
                      -- ^ default configuration. This is combined with
                      -- 'defaultConfig' to obtain default values to use if the
                      -- given parameter is specified on the command line.
                      -- Usually it is fine to use 'emptyConfig' here.
                  -> IO (Config m a)
commandLineConfig defaults = extendedCommandLineConfig (optDescrs defaults) f defaults
    -- Here getOpt can ever change the "other" field, because we only use the
    -- Snap OptDescr list. The combining function will never be invoked.
    f = undefined

-- | Returns a 'Config' obtained from parsing command-line options, using the
-- default Snap 'OptDescr' set as well as a list of user OptDescrs. User
-- OptDescrs use the \"other\" field (accessible using 'getOther' and
-- 'setOther') to store additional command-line option state. These are
-- combined using a user-defined combining function.
-- On Unix systems, the locale is read from the @LANG@ environment variable.

extendedCommandLineConfig :: MonadSnap m
                          => [OptDescr (Maybe (Config m a))]
                             -- ^ User options.
                          -> (a -> a -> a)
                             -- ^ State for multiple invoked user command-line
                             -- options will be combined using this function.
                          -> Config m a
                             -- ^ default configuration. This is combined with
                             -- Snap's 'defaultConfig' to obtain default values
                             -- to use if the given parameter is specified on
                             -- the command line. Usually it is fine to use
                             -- 'emptyConfig' here.
                          -> IO (Config m a)
extendedCommandLineConfig opts combiningFunction defaults = do
    args <- getArgs
    prog <- getProgName

    result <- either (usage prog)
                     (case getOpt Permute opts args of
                        (f, _, []  ) -> maybe (Left []) Right $
                                        fmap (foldl' combine mempty) $
                                        sequence f
                        (_, _, errs) -> Left errs)

#ifndef PORTABLE
    lang <- getEnv "LANG"
    completeConfig $ mconcat [defaults,
                              mempty {locale = fmap upToUtf8 lang},
    completeConfig $ mconcat [defaults, result]

    usage prog errs = do
        let hdr = "Usage:\n  " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...]\n\nOptions:"
        let msg = concat errs ++ usageInfo hdr opts
        hPutStrLn stderr msg
#ifndef PORTABLE
    upToUtf8 = takeWhile $ \c -> isAlpha c || '_' == c

    combine !a !b = a `mappend` b `mappend` newOther
        -- combined is only a Just if both a and b have other fields, and then
        -- we use the combining function. Config's mappend picks the last
        -- "Just" in the other list.
        combined = do
            x <- getOther a
            y <- getOther b
            return $! combiningFunction x y

        newOther = mempty { other = combined }

fmapArg :: (a -> b) -> ArgDescr a -> ArgDescr b
fmapArg f (NoArg a) = NoArg (f a)
fmapArg f (ReqArg g s) = ReqArg (f . g) s
fmapArg f (OptArg g s) = OptArg (f . g) s

fmapOpt :: (a -> b) -> OptDescr a -> OptDescr b
fmapOpt f (Option s l d e) = Option s l (fmapArg f d) e