{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Snap.Snaplet.ActionLog.InternalTypes where

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Readable
import           Data.Text                (Text)
import           Database.Persist
import           Database.Persist.Sql
import           Snap.Restful

-- | Opaque data type holding any state needed by the action log snaplet.
data ActionLog = ActionLog

-- | Enumeration of possible actions in the action log.
data ActionType
  = CreateAction
  | UpdateAction
  | DeleteAction
  deriving (Ord, Eq, Enum, Bounded)

-- | Converts an ActionType into an Int to be stored in the database.  We
-- don't want to use fromEnum here because that will make the numbers
-- sensitive to the ordering of the data type and easier to screw up.
actionToInt :: ActionType -> Int
actionToInt CreateAction = 0
actionToInt UpdateAction = 1
actionToInt DeleteAction = 2

-- | Converts an Int into an ActionType.  Again, we want this to be explicit
-- rather than implied by toEnum.
intToAction :: Int -> Either Text ActionType
intToAction 0 = Right CreateAction
intToAction 1 = Right UpdateAction
intToAction 2 = Right DeleteAction
intToAction _ = Left "int value is not a valid ActionType"

-- | Use human readable names for the Show instance.
instance Show ActionType where
    show CreateAction = "Create"
    show UpdateAction = "Update"
    show DeleteAction = "Delete"

-- | Use human readable names for the Show instance.
instance Readable ActionType where
    fromText "Create" = return CreateAction
    fromText "Update" = return UpdateAction
    fromText "Delete" = return DeleteAction
    fromText _ = mzero

-- | We need to derive PersistField so ActionType can be a column in the
-- LoggedAction table.
instance PersistField ActionType where
    toPersistValue = PersistInt64 . fromIntegral . actionToInt
    fromPersistValue (PersistInt64 n) = intToAction $ fromIntegral n
    fromPersistValue _ = Left "ActionType must be backed by a database int"

instance PersistFieldSql ActionType where
    sqlType _ =  SqlInt32

-- | Create primitive splices using the show instance.
instance PrimSplice ActionType where
    iPrimSplice = iPrimShow
    cPrimSplice = cPrimShow