{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

module Snap.Snaplet.AMQP
  ( initAMQP
  , runAmqp
  , mkAmqpPool
  , AmqpState   (..)
  , HasAmqpPool (..)
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import           Data.Configurator
import           Data.Configurator.Types
import           Data.Pool
import           Network.AMQP
import           Paths_snaplet_amqp
import           Snap.Snaplet

type AmqpPool = Pool Channel

newtype AmqpState = AmqpState { amqpPool :: AmqpPool }

class MonadIO m => HasAmqpPool m where
    getAmqpPool :: m AmqpPool

instance HasAmqpPool (Handler b AmqpState) where
    getAmqpPool = gets amqpPool

instance MonadIO m => HasAmqpPool (ReaderT AmqpPool m) where
    getAmqpPool = ask

-- | Initialize the AMQP Snaplet.
initAMQP :: SnapletInit b AmqpState
initAMQP = makeSnaplet "amqp" description datadir $ do
    (p, c) <- mkSnapletAmqpPool

    -- Cleanup
    onUnload (destroyAllResources p)
    onUnload (closeConnection c)

    return $ AmqpState p

    description = "Snaplet for AMQP library"
    datadir = Just $ liftM (++"/resources/amqp") getDataDir

-- | Constructs a connection in a snaplet context.
mkSnapletAmqpPool :: (MonadIO (m b v), MonadSnaplet m) => m b v (AmqpPool, Connection)
mkSnapletAmqpPool = do
  conf <- getSnapletUserConfig
  mkAmqpPool conf

-- | Constructs a connect from Config.
mkAmqpPool :: MonadIO m => Config -> m (AmqpPool, Connection)
mkAmqpPool conf = do
  host  <- liftIO $ require conf "host"
  port  <- liftIO $ require conf "port"
  vhost <- liftIO $ require conf "vhost"
  login <- liftIO $ require conf "login"
  pass  <- liftIO $ require conf "password"

  let connOpts = defaultConnectionOpts
                   { coServers = [(host, (fromInteger port))]
                   , coVHost   = vhost
                   , coAuth    = [plain login pass]

  conn <- liftIO $ openConnection'' connOpts
  chp  <- liftIO $ createPool (openChannel conn) closeChannel 1 30 10

  return (chp, conn)

-- | Runs an AMQP action in any monad with a HasAmqpPoolonn instance.
runAmqp :: (HasAmqpPool m) => (Channel -> IO ()) -> m ()
runAmqp action = do
    pool <- getAmqpPool
    liftIO $ withResource pool $! \chan -> do
        liftIO $! action chan