{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-| Adapted from "snaplet-postgresql-simple"\'s auth module. This module allows you to use the auth snaplet with your user database stored in a Hasql database. When you run your application with this snaplet, a config file will be copied into the the @snaplets/hasql-auth@ directory. This file contains all of the configurable options for the snaplet and allows you to change them without recompiling your application. To use this snaplet in your application enable the session, postgres, and auth snaplets as follows: > data App = App > { ... -- your own application state here > , _sess :: Snaplet SessionManager > , _db :: Snaplet (Pool s) > , _auth :: Snaplet (AuthManager App) > } Then in your initializer you'll have something like this: > d <- nestSnaplet "db" db $ hasqlInit > a <- nestSnaplet "auth" auth $ initHasqlAuth sess d A database table @snap_auth_users@ for users is created on initialisation. -} module Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Backends.Hasql where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Aeson import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Read as T import Data.Time import GHC.Generics import Hasql import Hasql.Backend (CxError, CxTx, CxValue, TxError) import Paths_snaplet_hasql import Prelude import Snap import Snap.Snaplet.Auth import Snap.Snaplet.Session import Web.ClientSession ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ newtype HasqlAuthManager s = HasqlAuthManager { pool :: Pool s } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Initializer for the postgres backend to the auth snaplet. -- initHasqlAuth :: (CxTx s, Show (CxError s), Show (TxError s), CxAuthUser s) => SnapletLens b SessionManager -- ^ Lens to the session snaplet -> Snaplet (Pool s) -- ^ The hasql snaplet -> SnapletInit b (AuthManager b) initHasqlAuth sess db = makeSnaplet "hasql-auth" desc datadir $ do config <- getSnapletUserConfig authSettings <- authSettingsFromConfig liftIO (do key <- getKey (asSiteKey authSettings) let pool = db^#snapletValue manager = HasqlAuthManager pool Hasql.session pool (tx writeMode (unitEx defAuthTable)) rng <- mkRNG return AuthManager { backend = manager , session = sess , activeUser = Nothing , minPasswdLen = asMinPasswdLen authSettings , rememberCookieName = asRememberCookieName authSettings , rememberPeriod = asRememberPeriod authSettings , siteKey = key , lockout = asLockout authSettings , randomNumberGenerator = rng }) where desc = "A Hasql backend for user authentication" datadir = Just (fmap (++"/resources/auth") getDataDir) -- | Default authentication table layout defAuthTable :: Stmt c defAuthTable = [stmt|CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS snap_auth_user ( uid SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , login text UNIQUE NOT NULL , email text , password text , activated_at timestamptz , suspended_at timestamptz , remember_token text , login_count integer NOT NULL , failed_login_count integer NOT NULL , locked_out_until timestamptz , current_login_at timestamptz , last_login_at timestamptz , current_login_ip text , last_login_ip text , created_at timestamptz , updated_at timestamptz , reset_token text , reset_requested_at timestamptz , user_meta json NOT NULL ) |] type CxAuthUser c = ( CxValue c Text , CxValue c (Maybe Text) , CxValue c (Maybe UTCTime) , CxValue c Int , CxValue c ByteString , CxValue c (Maybe ByteString) , CxValue c Value) userFromTuple ( Just . UserId . T.pack . (show :: Int -> String) -> userId, userLogin , userEmail, Just . Encrypted -> userPassword, userActivatedAt , userSuspendedAt, userRememberToken, userLoginCount, userFailedLoginCount , userLockedOutUntil, userCurrentLoginAt, userLastLoginAt , userCurrentLoginIp, userLastLoginIp, userCreatedAt, userUpdatedAt , userResetToken, userResetRequestedAt, Object userMeta) = AuthUser{userRoles = [], ..} saveQuery :: CxAuthUser c => AuthUser -> Tx c s AuthUser saveQuery u@AuthUser{..} = userFromTuple <$> singleEx (maybe insertQuery updateQuery userId) where -- YIKES passwordToText :: Password -> Text passwordToText (Encrypted bs) = T.decodeUtf8 bs passwordToText (ClearText bs) = error "Cannot save a ClearText password!" fromPassword :: ByteString -> Password fromPassword = Encrypted -- no userRoles - should there be? insertQuery = [stmt|INSERT INTO snap_auth_user VALUES(default,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?,?, ?,?,?) RETURNING snap_auth_user.* |] userLogin userEmail (fmap passwordToText userPassword) userActivatedAt userSuspendedAt userRememberToken userLoginCount userFailedLoginCount userLockedOutUntil userCurrentLoginAt userLastLoginAt userCurrentLoginIp userLastLoginIp userCreatedAt userUpdatedAt userResetToken userResetRequestedAt (Object userMeta) updateQuery uid = [stmt|UPDATE snap_auth_user SET login = ? , email = ? , password = ? , activated_at = ? , suspended_at = ? , remember_token = ? , login_count = ? , failed_login_count = ? , locked_out_until = ? , current_login_at = ? , last_login_at = ? , current_login_ip = ? , last_login_ip = ? , created_at = ? , updated_at = ? , reset_token = ? , reset_requested_at = ? , user_meta = ? WHERE uid = ? RETURNING snap_auth_user.* |] userLogin userEmail (fmap passwordToText userPassword) userActivatedAt userSuspendedAt userRememberToken userLoginCount userFailedLoginCount userLockedOutUntil userCurrentLoginAt userLastLoginAt userCurrentLoginIp userLastLoginIp userCreatedAt userUpdatedAt userResetToken userResetRequestedAt (Object userMeta) (text2int (unUid uid)) -- there ought to be a way to not have to "hide" the error like this... or at -- least a way to log an error from here hideError :: (Show (TxError c), Show (CxError c)) => Either (SessionError c) a -> IO (Either AuthFailure a) hideError = either (\e -> print e >> pure (Left BackendError)) (pure . Right) instance (CxTx s, Show (CxError s), Show (TxError s), CxAuthUser s) => IAuthBackend (HasqlAuthManager s) where save HasqlAuthManager{..} u = hideError =<< Hasql.session pool (tx writeMode (saveQuery u)) lookupByUserId HasqlAuthManager{..} (UserId uid) = either (const Nothing) (fmap userFromTuple) <$> Hasql.session pool (tx readMode (maybeEx query)) where query = [stmt|SELECT * FROM snap_auth_user WHERE snap_auth_user.uid = ?|] (text2int uid) lookupByLogin HasqlAuthManager{..} login = either (const Nothing) (fmap userFromTuple) <$> Hasql.session pool (tx readMode (maybeEx query)) where query = [stmt|SELECT * FROM snap_auth_user WHERE snap_auth_user.login = ?|] login lookupByRememberToken HasqlAuthManager{..} rt = either (const Nothing) (fmap userFromTuple) <$> Hasql.session pool (tx readMode (maybeEx query)) where query = [stmt|SELECT * FROM snap_auth_user WHERE snap_auth_user.remember_token = ?|] rt destroy HasqlAuthManager{..} AuthUser{userId = Just (UserId (text2int -> uid))} = void (Hasql.session pool (tx writeMode (unitEx ([stmt|DELETE FROM snap_auth_user WHERE uid = ?|] uid)))) readMode :: TxMode readMode = Just (Serializable, Nothing) writeMode :: TxMode writeMode = Just (Serializable, Just True) text2int :: Text -> Int text2int t = either (\a -> error ("text2int: Can't parse " ++ show t)) fst (T.decimal t)