{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Snap.Snaplet.I18N 
  ( I18NSnaplet
  , HasI18N (..)
  , I18NMessage (..)
  , initI18NSnaplet
  , getI18NMessages
  , lookupI18NValue
  ) where

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Lens.Common
import           Data.Maybe
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath.Posix
import           Text.Templating.Heist
import           Text.XmlHtml hiding (render)
import qualified Data.Configurator as Config
import qualified Data.Configurator.Types as Config
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.XmlHtml as X

import Snap
import Snap.Snaplet.Heist


type Locale      = String
type MessageFile = String

defaultLocale :: Locale
defaultLocale = "en_US"

-- | ?? could be multiple message files
defaultMessageFilePrefix :: MessageFile
defaultMessageFilePrefix = "data/message"

data I18NConfig  = I18NConfig { _getLocale      :: Locale       -- ^ locale, default "en"
                              , _getMessageFile :: MessageFile  -- ^ message file name, default to "message"
                              } deriving (Show)

-- | A simple mapping to hold i18n messages
data I18NMessage = I18NMessage Config.Config

-- | data type
data I18NSnaplet = I18NSnaplet
                    { _getI18NConfig  :: I18NConfig
                    , _getI18NMessage :: I18NMessage

-- | Compose App with a I18N Snaplet.
class HasI18N b where
  i18nLens :: Lens b (Snaplet I18NSnaplet)
-- | Util functions
getI18NSnaplet :: HasI18N b => Handler b b I18NSnaplet
getI18NSnaplet = with i18nLens Snap.get

-- | Get the @I18NMessage@
getI18NMessages :: HasI18N b => Handler b b I18NMessage
getI18NMessages = liftM _getI18NMessage getI18NSnaplet

-- | Look up a value in, usuallly Handler Monad
lookupI18NValue :: HasI18N b => T.Text -> Handler b b T.Text
lookupI18NValue key = do
                      (I18NMessage msg) <- getI18NMessages
                      liftIO $ Config.lookupDefault "Error: no value found." msg key


-- | Init this I18NSnaplet snaplet.
initI18NSnaplet :: (HasHeist b, HasI18N b)
                => Maybe Locale              -- ^ Locale, default to @defaultLocale@
                -> SnapletInit b I18NSnaplet
initI18NSnaplet l = makeSnaplet "I18NSnaplet" "" Nothing $ do
    let i18nConfig = I18NConfig (fromMaybe defaultLocale l) defaultMessageFilePrefix
    config <- liftIO $ readMessageFile i18nConfig
    return $ I18NSnaplet i18nConfig $ I18NMessage config
  where addDefaultSplices = addSplices [ ("i18n", liftHeist i18nSplice)
                                       , ("i18nSpan", liftHeist i18nSpanSplice)]


-- | Load file
--   server will not be able to start up if dir doesnt exists.
--   Thus, no additional validation check so far.
readMessageFile :: I18NConfig -> IO Config.Config
readMessageFile config = do
    base     <- getCurrentDirectory
    let fullname = base </> file config
    Config.load [Config.Required fullname]
    -- file fullname will be like message-en_US.cfg
    -- FIXME: Maybe replace "-" with "_" in locale for typo
    file c = _getMessageFile c ++ "-" ++ _getLocale c ++ ".cfg"


-- | element attribute used for looking up i18n value.
--   e.g. <i18n name="hello" />
i18nSpliceAttr :: T.Text
i18nSpliceAttr = "name"

-- | Splices just wrap value fonud at l10n message.
--   When it is used for wrap around other elements, a.k.a children is not empty,
--   binding `i18nValue`.
-- FIXME: Turns out that it is not possible to fail at compilation if value is Nothing but runtime. 
i18nSplice :: HasI18N b => Splice (Handler b b)
i18nSplice = do
    input <- getParamNode
    value <- lift . lookupI18NValue $ getNameAttr input
    case childElements input of
      [] -> return [X.TextNode value]
      _  -> runChildrenWithText [("i18nValue", value)]

-- | Splices. use 'span' html element wrap result.
i18nSpanSplice :: HasI18N b => Splice (Handler b b)
i18nSpanSplice = do
    input <- getParamNode
    value <- lift . lookupI18NValue $ getNameAttr input
    return [X.Element "span" (elementAttrs input) [X.TextNode value]]

-- | Look up 'name' attribute value.
getNameAttr :: Node -> T.Text
getNameAttr n = case getAttribute i18nSpliceAttr n of
                  Just x -> x
                  _      -> ""