{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Snap.Snaplet.Mandrill
  ( initMandrill
  , runMandrill
  , MandrillState (..)
  , HasMandrill   (..)
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import           Data.Configurator
import qualified Network.API.Mandrill       as M
import           Paths_snaplet_mandrill
import           Snap.Snaplet

newtype MandrillState = MandrillState { token :: M.MandrillKey }

class MonadIO m => HasMandrill m where
    getMandrill :: m M.MandrillKey

instance HasMandrill (Handler b MandrillState) where
    getMandrill = gets token

instance MonadIO m => HasMandrill (ReaderT M.MandrillKey m) where
    getMandrill = ask

-- | Initialize the Mandrill Snaplet.
initMandrill :: SnapletInit b MandrillState
initMandrill = makeSnaplet "mandrill" description datadir $ do
    conf <- getSnapletUserConfig
    return =<< MandrillState <$> (liftIO $ require conf "token")

    description = "Snaplet for Mandrill library"
    datadir = Just $ liftM (++"/resources/mandrill") getDataDir

-- | Runs an Mandrill action in any monad with a HasAmqpConn instance.
runMandrill :: (HasMandrill m) => M.MandrillT m a -> m (m a)
runMandrill action = do
    tk <- getMandrill
    return $ M.runMandrill tk action