module Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB ( MonadMongoDB(..) , MongoDBSnaplet(..) , HasMongoDBState(..) , MongoValue (..) , MongoEntity (..) , mongoDBInit , insert , insertMany , insertWith , get , getMany , delete , deleteWhere , select , selectOne , count , save , update , updateWhere , filters , updates , offset , limit , orderAsc , orderDesc , objid2bs , bs2objid , bs2objid' , bs2cs , getObjId , module Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.FilterOps , module Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.MongoEntity , module Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.MongoValue , module Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.Template , module Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.Parse , MongoDB.Action , MongoDB.MonadIO' ) where import Snap.Core import Snap.Snaplet import Prelude hiding (lookup, or) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.MVar import Control.Monad.Error import Data.Bson ((=:)) import qualified Data.Bson as BSON import qualified Data.UString as US import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.CompactString.Internal as CSI import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Numeric (showHex, readHex) import Safe import Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.FilterOps import Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.MongoEntity import Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.MongoValue import Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.Template import Snap.Snaplet.MongoDB.Parse import qualified Database.MongoDB as MongoDB import qualified Database.MongoDB.Internal.Util as MongoDB import Database.MongoDB.Query (Action, Failure(..), Database, access, master, AccessMode(..)) import qualified Database.MongoDB.Connection as MongoDB import qualified System.IO.Pool as MPool import Control.Monad.CatchIO hiding (Handler) instance Exception String ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The 'MonadMongoDB' class. Minimal complete definition: class MonadIO m => MonadMongoDB m where ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Run given MongoDB action against the database withDB :: Action IO a -> m (Either Failure a) withDBUnsafe :: Action IO a -> m (Either Failure a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Same as 'withDB' but calls 'error' if there is an exception withDB' :: Action IO a -> m a withDB' run = do r <- withDB run either (throw . show) return r data MongoDBSnaplet = MongoDBSnaplet { connPoll :: MPool.Pool IOError MongoDB.Pipe, appDatabase :: Database } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | class HasMongoDBState s where getMongoDBState :: Handler s s MongoDBSnaplet setMongoDBState :: MongoDBSnaplet -> Handler s s () --modifyMongoDBState :: (MongoDBSnaplet -> MongoDBSnaplet) -> s -> s --modifyMongoDBState s = setMongoDBState s getMongoDBState mongoDBInit :: MongoDB.Host -> Int -> US.UString -> SnapletInit b MongoDBSnaplet mongoDBInit h n db = makeSnaplet "mongoDB" "MongoDB abstraction" Nothing $ do pool <- liftIO $ MPool.newPool (factoryForHost h) n return $ MongoDBSnaplet pool (db) where factoryForHost :: MongoDB.Host -> MPool.Factory IOError MongoDB.Pipe factoryForHost host = MPool.Factory (newRes h) (killRes) (isResExpired) newRes :: MongoDB.Host -> ErrorT IOError IO MongoDB.Pipe newRes = MongoDB.connect killRes :: MongoDB.Pipe -> IO () killRes = MongoDB.close isResExpired :: MongoDB.Pipe -> IO Bool isResExpired = MongoDB.isClosed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | instance HasMongoDBState s => MonadMongoDB (Handler s s) where withDB run = do (MongoDBSnaplet pool db) <- getMongoDBState epipe <- liftIO $ runErrorT $ MPool.aResource pool case epipe of Left err -> return $ Left $ ConnectionFailure err Right pipe -> do liftIO (access pipe master db run) withDBUnsafe run = do (MongoDBSnaplet pool db) <- getMongoDBState epipe <- liftIO $ runErrorT $ MPool.aResource pool case epipe of Left err -> return $ Left $ ConnectionFailure err Right pipe -> do liftIO (access pipe UnconfirmedWrites db run) -- | Given a type in the type class 'MongoEntity', insert this as a new document in the database. The function will -- yield the unique key for the new document. insert :: (MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => a -> MongoDB.Action m (Key a) insert obj = do (BSON.ObjId objId) <- MongoDB.insert (collectionName obj) (fromDocument $ encodeDocument obj) pure $! toKey objId -- | Similar to 'insert', this function inserts multiple documents into the databsae, yielding a unique key for each. insertMany :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => [a] -> MongoDB.Action m [Key a] insertMany [] = pure [] insertMany objs = do ids <- MongoDB.insertMany (collectionName $ head objs) (map (fromDocument . encodeDocument) objs) forM ids $ \x -> case x of BSON.ObjId objId -> pure $! toKey objId _ -> throwError $ MongoDB.QueryFailure 1000 "Expected object ID as result of 'insertMany'" -- | Similar to 'insert', but allows you to specify the ID with which the object is to be created. insertWith :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => Key a -> a -> MongoDB.Action m (Key a) insertWith key obj = do (BSON.ObjId objId) <- MongoDB.insert (collectionName obj) (("_id" =: fromKey key) : (fromDocument $ encodeDocument obj)) pure $! toKey objId -- | Given a unique key for a 'MongoEntity', yield that entity. If no document with the specified ID was found, the -- function will yield @Nothing@. get :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => Key a -> MongoDB.Action m (Maybe a) get key = do let collection = collectionName (dummyFromKey key) result <- MongoDB.findOne ( ["_id" =: fromKey key] collection) case result of Just document -> do eObj <- runErrorT (decodeDocument $ toDocument document) case eObj of Left message -> throwError $ MongoDB.QueryFailure 1001 message Right obj -> pure (Just obj) Nothing -> pure Nothing -- | The application of 'get' to many keys. getMany :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => [Key a] -> MongoDB.Action m [Maybe a] getMany = mapM get -- | Delete the document with the specified key. delete :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => Key a -> MongoDB.Action m () delete key = do let collection = collectionName (dummyFromKey key) MongoDB.deleteOne ( ["_id" =: fromKey key] collection) deleteWhere :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => Document a -> MongoDB.Action m () deleteWhere doc = do MongoDB.delete ( (fromDocument doc) (collectionName (dummyFromDocument doc))) count :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => Document a -> MongoDB.Action m Int count doc = do MongoDB.count ( (fromDocument doc) (collectionName (dummyFromDocument doc))) type SelectorOption = MongoDB.Query -> MongoDB.Query offset :: Int -> SelectorOption offset n q = q { MongoDB.skip = fromIntegral n } limit :: Int -> SelectorOption limit n q = q { MongoDB.limit = fromIntegral n } orderAsc :: (MongoEntity a, MongoValue v) => (v -> Filter a) -> SelectorOption orderAsc f q = q { MongoDB.sort = (filterFieldName (f undefined) =: (1 :: Int)) : MongoDB.sort q } orderDesc :: (MongoEntity a, MongoValue v) => (v -> Filter a) -> SelectorOption orderDesc f q = q { MongoDB.sort = (filterFieldName (f undefined) =: ((-1) :: Int)) : MongoDB.sort q } -- | Select all matching documents from a collection in the database. This function yields a list of pairs of the unique -- key and the 'MongoEntity' for each matching document in the collection. -- -- The query can be made using either the quasi-quoted mongoDB query format: -- -- @select [mongo| { userName: #{name}, userPassword: #{password} |] []@ -- -- Or using the filter operations: -- -- @select (filters [UserName `eq` name, UserPassword `eq` password]) []@ -- -- /Note/: in the quasi-quotation the names of the fields correspond to the fields stored in the /database/, rather than -- the fields of the record structure. -- select :: (Functor m, MonadControlIO m, MongoEntity a) => Document a -> [SelectorOption] -> MongoDB.Action m [(Key a, a)] select document options = do cursor <- MongoDB.find (foldr ($) ( (fromDocument document) (collectionName (dummyFromDocument document))) options) objects <- cursor values <- mapM fetchKeyValue objects return $ catMaybes values -- | Similar to 'select', only yielding a single result. selectOne :: (Functor m, MonadControlIO m, MongoEntity a) => Document a -> [SelectorOption] -> MongoDB.Action m (Maybe (Key a, a)) selectOne document options = do result <- MongoDB.findOne (foldr ($) ( (fromDocument document) (collectionName (dummyFromDocument document))) options) case result of Just obj -> fetchKeyValue obj Nothing -> pure Nothing save :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => Key a -> a -> MongoDB.Action m () save key obj = do (collectionName obj) (("_id" := BSON.ObjId (fromKey key)) : (fromDocument $ encodeDocument obj)) update :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => Key a -> Document a -> MongoDB.Action m () update key updateDoc = do MongoDB.modify ( [ "_id" =: (fromKey key) ] (collectionName (dummyFromKey key))) (fromDocument updateDoc) updateWhere :: (Functor m, MongoDB.MonadIO' m, MongoEntity a) => Document a -> Document a -> MongoDB.Action m () updateWhere document updateDoc = do MongoDB.modify ( (fromDocument document) (collectionName (dummyFromDocument document))) (fromDocument updateDoc) filters :: (MongoEntity a) => [FilterOp] -> Document a filters = toDocument updates :: (MongoEntity a) => [UpdateOp] -> Document a updates = toDocument fetchKeyValue :: (Functor m, MonadControlIO m, MongoEntity a) => BSON.Document -> MongoDB.Action m (Maybe (Key a, a)) fetchKeyValue doc = do case BSON.look "_id" doc of Just i -> case i of BSON.ObjId objId -> do eObj <- runErrorT (decodeDocument $ toDocument doc) case eObj of Left message -> throwError $ MongoDB.QueryFailure 1001 message Right obj -> pure $ Just (toKey objId, obj) _ -> throwError $ MongoDB.QueryFailure 1000 "Expected _id field to be an ObjectId in result of selection" Nothing -> throwError $ MongoDB.QueryFailure 1000 "Expected to find an _id field in result of selection" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Convert 'ObjectId' into 'ByteString' objid2bs :: ObjectId -> BS.ByteString objid2bs (Oid a b) = B8.pack . showHex a . showChar '-' . showHex b $ "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Convert 'ByteString' into 'ObjectId' bs2objid :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe ObjectId bs2objid bs = do case B8.split '-' bs of (a':b':_) -> do a <- fmap fst . headMay . readHex . B8.unpack $ a' b <- fmap fst . headMay . readHex . B8.unpack $ b' return $ Oid a b _ -> Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Like 'bs2objid', but may blow with an error if the 'ByteString' can't be -- converted to an 'ObjectId' bs2objid' :: BS.ByteString -> ObjectId bs2objid' = fromJust . bs2objid bs2cs :: BS.ByteString -> US.UString bs2cs = CSI.CS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | If the 'Document' has an 'ObjectId' in the given field, return it as -- 'ByteString' getObjId :: US.UString -> BSON.Document -> Maybe BS.ByteString getObjId v d = MongoDB.lookup v d >>= fmap objid2bs dummyFromKey :: Key a -> a dummyFromKey _ = undefined dummyFromDocument :: Document a -> a dummyFromDocument _ = undefined