{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Bindings to the Snowball library.
module Text.Snowball
    ( Algorithm(..)
    , stem

import           Control.Exception     (finally)
import           Control.Monad         (forM)
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, packCString,
                                        packCStringLen, useAsCString)
import           Data.Text             (Text)
import qualified Data.Text             as Text
import           Data.Text.Encoding    (decodeUtf8', encodeUtf8)
import           Foreign               (Ptr)
import           Foreign.C             (CInt (..), CString)
import           System.IO.Unsafe      (unsafePerformIO)

-- | Snowball algorithm used for stemming words.
data Algorithm
    = Danish
    | Dutch
    | English
    | Finnish
    | French
    | German
    | Hungarian
    | Italian
    | Norwegian
    | Portuguese
    | Romanian
    | Russian
    | Spanish
    | Swedish
    | Turkish
    | Porter -- ^ Use 'English' instead.

-- | Compute the stem of a word using the specified algorithm.
--   >>> stem English "fantastically"
--   "fantast"
stem :: Algorithm -> Text -> Text
stem algorithm word = let [a] = stems algorithm [word] in a

stems :: Algorithm -> [Text] -> [Text]
stems algorithm words =
    unsafePerformIO $ withStemmer algorithm $ \stemmer ->
      forM words $ \word ->
        useAsCString (encodeUtf8 word) $ \word' ->
          do ptr <- sb_stemmer_stem stemmer word' (fromIntegral $ Text.length word)
             len <- sb_stemmer_length stemmer
             bytes <- packCStringLen (ptr,fromIntegral len)
             return $ either (const word) id $ decodeUtf8' bytes

{-# RULES "map/stem" forall a xs. map (stem a) xs = stems a xs #-}


data Stemmer

foreign import ccall "libstemmer.h sb_stemmer_new"
    sb_stemmer_new :: CString -> CString -> IO (Ptr Stemmer)

foreign import ccall "libstemmer.h sb_stemmer_delete"
    sb_stemmer_delete :: Ptr Stemmer -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "libstemmer.h sb_stemmer_stem"
    sb_stemmer_stem :: Ptr Stemmer -> CString -> CInt -> IO (CString)

foreign import ccall "libstemmer.h sb_stemmer_length"
    sb_stemmer_length :: Ptr Stemmer -> IO CInt

withStemmer :: Algorithm -> (Ptr Stemmer -> IO a) -> IO a
withStemmer algorithm action =
    useAsCString (algorithmName algorithm) $ \name ->
      useAsCString "UTF_8" $ \utf8 ->
        do stemmer <- sb_stemmer_new name utf8
           action stemmer `finally` sb_stemmer_delete stemmer

algorithmName :: Algorithm -> ByteString
algorithmName algorithm =
    case algorithm of
      Danish     -> "da"
      Dutch      -> "nl"
      English    -> "en"
      Finnish    -> "fi"
      French     -> "fr"
      German     -> "de"
      Hungarian  -> "hu"
      Italian    -> "it"
      Norwegian  -> "no"
      Portuguese -> "pt"
      Romanian   -> "ro"
      Russian    -> "ru"
      Spanish    -> "es"
      Swedish    -> "sv"
      Turkish    -> "tr"
      Porter     -> "porter"