-- |
--   Portability: Haskell2010
--   Bindings to the Snowball library.
module NLP.Snowball
    ( -- * Pure interface
    , stem
    , stems
      -- * IO interface
    , Stemmer
    , newStemmer
    , stemWith
    , stemsWith

import           Control.Concurrent    (MVar, newMVar, withMVar)
import           Control.Monad         (forM, when)
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack, packCStringLen,
import           Data.Text             (Text)
import qualified Data.Text             as Text
import           Data.Text.ICU.Convert (Converter, fromUnicode, open,
import           Foreign               (ForeignPtr, FunPtr, Ptr, newForeignPtr,
                                        nullPtr, withForeignPtr)
import           Foreign.C             (CInt (..), CString)
import           System.IO.Unsafe      (unsafePerformIO)

-- | Snowball algorithm used for stemming words.
data Algorithm
    = Danish
    | Dutch
    | English
    | Finnish
    | French
    | German
    | Hungarian
    | Italian
    | Norwegian
    | Portuguese
    | Romanian
    | Russian
    | Spanish
    | Swedish
    | Turkish
    | Porter -- ^ Use 'English' instead.

-- | Compute the stem of a word using the specified algorithm.
--   >>> stem English "fantastically"
--   "fantast"
stem :: Algorithm -> Text -> Text
stem algorithm word = let [a] = stems algorithm [word] in a

-- | Compute the stems of several words in one go.  This can be more
--   efficient than @'map' 'stem'@ because it uses a single 'Stemmer'
--   instance, however the @map@ version is rewritten to use this function
--   with a rewrite rule.  You can still use this function though if you
--   want to make sure it is used or if you find it more convenient.
stems :: Algorithm -> [Text] -> [Text]
stems algorithm ws =
    unsafePerformIO $
      do stemmer <- newStemmer algorithm
         stemsWith stemmer ws

{-# RULES "map/stem" forall a xs. map (stem a) xs = stems a xs #-}


-- | A thread and memory safe Snowball stemmer instance.
newtype Stemmer = Stemmer (MVar (ForeignPtr Struct,Converter))

-- | Create a new reusable 'Stemmer' instance.
newStemmer :: Algorithm  -> IO Stemmer
newStemmer algorithm =
    useAsCString (algorithmName algorithm) $ \name ->
      useAsCString (encodingName encoding) $ \utf8 ->
        do struct <- sb_stemmer_new name utf8
           when (struct == nullPtr) $
             error "Text.Snowball.newStemmer: nullPtr"
           structPtr <- newForeignPtr sb_stemmer_delete struct
           converter <- open (converterName encoding) Nothing
           mvar <- newMVar (structPtr,converter)
           return $ Stemmer mvar
    encoding = algorithmEncoding algorithm

-- | Use a 'Stemmer' to stem a word.  This can be used more efficiently
--   than 'stem' because you can keep a stemmer around and reuse it, but it
--   requires 'IO' to ensure thread safety.
stemWith :: Stemmer -> Text -> IO Text
stemWith stemmer word = do
    [a] <- stemsWith stemmer [word]
    return a

-- | Use a 'Stemmer' to stem multiple words in one go.  This can be more
--   efficient than @'mapM' 'stemWith'@ because the 'Stemmer' is only
--   locked once.
stemsWith :: Stemmer -> [Text] -> IO [Text]
stemsWith (Stemmer mvar) ws =
    withMVar mvar $ \(structPtr,converter) ->
      withForeignPtr structPtr $ \struct ->
        forM ws $ \word ->
          useAsCString (fromUnicode converter word) $ \word' ->
            do ptr <- sb_stemmer_stem struct word' $
                        fromIntegral $ Text.length word
               len <- sb_stemmer_length struct
               bytes <- packCStringLen (ptr,fromIntegral len)
               return $ toUnicode converter bytes


data Struct

foreign import ccall unsafe "libstemmer.h sb_stemmer_new"
    sb_stemmer_new :: CString -> CString -> IO (Ptr Struct)

foreign import ccall unsafe "libstemmer.h &sb_stemmer_delete"
    sb_stemmer_delete :: FunPtr (Ptr Struct -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe "libstemmer.h sb_stemmer_stem"
    sb_stemmer_stem :: Ptr Struct -> CString -> CInt -> IO (CString)

foreign import ccall unsafe "libstemmer.h sb_stemmer_length"
    sb_stemmer_length :: Ptr Struct -> IO CInt

algorithmName :: Algorithm -> ByteString
algorithmName algorithm =
    case algorithm of
      Danish     -> pack "da"
      Dutch      -> pack "nl"
      English    -> pack "en"
      Finnish    -> pack "fi"
      French     -> pack "fr"
      German     -> pack "de"
      Hungarian  -> pack "hu"
      Italian    -> pack "it"
      Norwegian  -> pack "no"
      Portuguese -> pack "pt"
      Romanian   -> pack "ro"
      Russian    -> pack "ru"
      Spanish    -> pack "es"
      Swedish    -> pack "sv"
      Turkish    -> pack "tr"
      Porter     -> pack "porter"

data Encoding = UTF_8 | ISO_8859_1 | ISO_8859_2 | KOI8_R

encodingName :: Encoding -> ByteString
encodingName encoding =
    case encoding of
      UTF_8      -> pack "UTF_8"
      ISO_8859_1 -> pack "ISO_8859_1"
      ISO_8859_2 -> pack "ISO_8859_2"
      KOI8_R     -> pack "KOI8_R"

converterName :: Encoding -> String
converterName encoding =
    case encoding of
      UTF_8      -> "UTF-8"
      ISO_8859_1 -> "ISO-8859-1"
      ISO_8859_2 -> "ISO-8859-2"
      KOI8_R     -> "KOI8-R"

algorithmEncoding :: Algorithm -> Encoding
algorithmEncoding algorithm =
    case algorithm of
      Romanian -> ISO_8859_2
      Russian  -> KOI8_R
      Turkish  -> UTF_8
      _        -> ISO_8859_1