{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.SocketIO
  ( -- $intro
    -- * Running Socket.IO Applications

    -- * Receiving events
  , RoutingTable
  , on
  , on_
  , onJSON
  , appendDisconnectHandler

  -- * Emitting Events
  , EventHandler

  -- ** To One Client
  , emit
  , emitJSON
  , emitTo
  , emitJSONTo

    -- ** To Many Clients
  , broadcast
  , broadcastJSON

    -- * Sockets
  , Socket
  , socketId
  , engineIOSocket

  -- * Protocol Types
  -- ** Packet Types
  , PacketType(..)
  , parsePacketType
  , encodePacketType

    -- ** Packets
  , Packet(..)
  , parsePacket
  , encodePacket
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (forever, guard, mzero, void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask, asks)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, modify)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT, execStateT)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Foldable (asum, forM_)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty)
import Data.Ord (comparing)

import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as Attoparsec
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as AttoparsecC8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.Function as Function
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Network.EngineIO as EIO

data PacketType = Connect | Disconnect | Event | Ack | Error | BinaryEvent | BinaryAck
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Read, Show)

parsePacketType :: Attoparsec.Parser PacketType
parsePacketType = asum
  [ Connect <$ AttoparsecC8.char '0'
  , Disconnect <$ AttoparsecC8.char '1'
  , Event <$ AttoparsecC8.char '2'
  , Ack <$ AttoparsecC8.char '3'
  , Error <$ AttoparsecC8.char '4'
  , BinaryEvent <$ AttoparsecC8.char '5'
  , BinaryAck <$ AttoparsecC8.char '6'

encodePacketType :: PacketType -> Builder.Builder
encodePacketType t =
  case t of
    Connect -> Builder.char8 '0'
    Disconnect -> Builder.char8 '1'
    Event -> Builder.char8 '2'
    Ack -> Builder.char8 '3'
    Error -> Builder.char8 '4'
    BinaryEvent -> Builder.char8 '5'
    BinaryAck -> Builder.char8 '6'

data Packet = Packet !PacketType !(Maybe Int) !Text.Text !(Maybe Int) !(Maybe Aeson.Value)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

parsePacket :: Attoparsec.Parser Packet
parsePacket = do
  t <- parsePacketType

  attachments <- if t `elem` [ BinaryEvent, BinaryAck ]
                   then (Just <$> numberStr) <* AttoparsecC8.char '-'
                   else pure Nothing

  namespace <- parseNamespace <|> pure "/"

  pIdStr <- (Just <$> numberStr) <|> pure Nothing

  Packet t attachments namespace pIdStr <$> ((Just <$> Aeson.json) <|> pure Nothing)


  parseNamespace = do
    AttoparsecC8.peekChar' >>= guard . (== '/')
    Text.decodeUtf8 <$> AttoparsecC8.takeTill (== ',')

  numberStr = read <$> Attoparsec.many1 (AttoparsecC8.satisfy isDigit)

encodePacket :: Packet -> Builder.Builder
encodePacket (Packet pt attachments n pId json) =
  encodePacketType pt <> fromMaybe mempty (Builder.lazyByteString . Aeson.encode <$> json)

type EventHandler a = ReaderT Socket IO a


This computation initializes a Socket.IO server and /returns/ a computation that
you should call whenever a request comes in to the @/socket.io/@ path. For
example, in a Snap application, you might do:

> handler <- initialize snapAPI mkRoutes
> quickHttpServe $ route [("/socket.io", handler)]

The second argument to this function is an action to build up the routing table,
which determines what happens when clients emit events. It is also an action
that is called every time a client connects, so you can mutate state by taking
advantage of the 'MonadIO' instance. You can build a routing table by using the
convenience 'on' family of functions.

  :: MonadIO m
  => EIO.ServerAPI m
  -> StateT RoutingTable (ReaderT Socket m) a
  -> IO (m ())
initialize api socketHandler = do
  eio <- EIO.initialize

    eioHandler socket = do
      let wrappedSocket = Socket socket eio
      routingTable <- flip runReaderT wrappedSocket $
        execStateT socketHandler (RoutingTable mempty (const (return ())))

      return $ EIO.SocketApp
        { EIO.saApp = flip runReaderT wrappedSocket $ do
            emitPacketTo wrappedSocket (Packet Connect Nothing "/" Nothing Nothing)

            forever $ do
              EIO.TextPacket t <- liftIO (STM.atomically (EIO.receive socket))
              case Attoparsec.parseOnly parsePacket (Text.encodeUtf8 t) of
                Right (Packet Event _ _ _ (Just (Aeson.Array v))) | not (V.null v) -> do
                  case (V.unsafeHead v, V.unsafeTail v) of
                    (Aeson.String name, args) -> do
                      case name `HashMap.lookup` rtEvents routingTable of
                        Just handler -> void (runMaybeT (handler args))
                        Nothing -> return ()

                    other -> error $ "Unexpected arguments: " ++ show other

                Right e -> error $ "Unexpected parse: " ++ show e

                Left e -> error $ "Attoparsec failed: " ++ show e

        , EIO.saOnDisconnect = rtDisconnect routingTable (socketId wrappedSocket)

  return (EIO.handler eio eioHandler api)

-- | A Socket.IO socket (not to be confused with an Engine.IO 'EIO.Socket').
data Socket = Socket { socketEIOSocket :: EIO.Socket
                     , socketEIO :: EIO.EngineIO

instance Eq Socket where
  (==) = (==) `Function.on` socketEIOSocket

instance Ord Socket where
  compare = comparing socketEIOSocket

-- | Retrieve the Engine.IO 'EIO.SocketId' for a 'Socket'.
socketId :: Socket -> EIO.SocketId
socketId = EIO.socketId . socketEIOSocket

-- | Retrieve the Engine.IO 'EIO.Socket' that underlies this Socket.IO socket.
-- This is a fairly low-level operation - you should take care when reading or
-- writing directly to this socket, as it is possible to break invariants that
-- Socket.io is expecting.
engineIOSocket :: Socket -> EIO.Socket
engineIOSocket = socketEIOSocket

-- | A per-connection routing table. This table determines what actions to
-- invoke when events are received.
data RoutingTable = RoutingTable
  { rtEvents :: HashMap.HashMap Text.Text (Aeson.Array -> MaybeT (ReaderT Socket IO) ())
  , rtDisconnect :: EIO.SocketId -> IO ()

-- | When an event with a given name is received, call the associated function
-- with the array of JSON arguments.
  :: (MonadState RoutingTable m, Applicative m)
  => Text.Text
  -> (Aeson.Array -> EventHandler a)
  -> m ()
onJSON eventName handler =
  modify $ \rt -> rt
    { rtEvents =
        HashMap.insertWith (\new old json -> old json <|> new json)
                           (void . lift . handler)
                           (rtEvents rt)

-- | When an event with a given name is received, and its argument can be
-- decoded by a 'Aeson.FromJSON' instance, run the associated function
-- after decoding the event argument. Expects exactly one event argument.
  :: (MonadState RoutingTable m, Aeson.FromJSON arg, Applicative m)
  => Text.Text
  -> (arg -> EventHandler a)
  -> m ()
on eventName handler =
  let eventHandler v = do
        [x] <- return (V.toList v)
        case Aeson.fromJSON x of
          Aeson.Success s -> lift (handler s)
          Aeson.Error _ -> mzero

  in modify $ \rt -> rt
       { rtEvents =
           HashMap.insertWith (\new old json -> old json <|> new json)
                              (void . eventHandler)
                              (rtEvents rt)

-- | When an event is received with a given name and no arguments, run the
-- associated 'EventHandler'.
  :: (MonadState RoutingTable m, Applicative m)
  => Text.Text
  -> EventHandler a
  -> m ()
on_ eventName handler =
  let eventHandler v = guard (V.null v) >> lift handler

  in modify $ \rt -> rt
       { rtEvents =
           HashMap.insertWith (\new old json -> old json <|> new json)
                              (void . eventHandler)
                              (rtEvents rt)

-- | Run the given IO action when a client disconnects, along with any other
-- previously register disconnect handlers.
  :: MonadState RoutingTable m => (EIO.SocketId -> IO ()) -> m ()
appendDisconnectHandler handler = modify $ \rt -> rt
  { rtDisconnect = \sId -> do rtDisconnect rt sId
                              handler sId

-- | Emit an event and argument data to a 'Socket'. If called from within 'on',
-- this will be the client that emitted the original event.
emit :: (Aeson.ToJSON a, MonadReader Socket m, MonadIO m) => Text.Text -> a -> m ()
emit n x = emitJSON n (V.singleton (Aeson.toJSON x))

-- | Emit an event to specific 'Socket'.
emitTo :: (Aeson.ToJSON a, MonadIO m) => Socket -> Text.Text -> a -> m ()
emitTo s n x = emitJSONTo s n (V.singleton (Aeson.toJSON x))

-- | Emit an event with a specific array of 'JSON' arguments.
emitJSON :: (MonadReader Socket m, MonadIO m) => Text.Text -> Aeson.Array -> m ()
emitJSON n args = ask >>= \s -> emitJSONTo s n args

-- | Emit an event with a specific array of 'JSON' arguments to a specific
-- 'Socket'.
emitJSONTo :: (MonadIO m) => Socket -> Text.Text -> Aeson.Array -> m ()
emitJSONTo s n args =
  emitPacketTo s (Packet Event Nothing "/" Nothing (Just (Aeson.Array (V.cons (Aeson.String n) args))))

emitPacketTo :: (MonadIO m) => Socket -> Packet -> m ()
emitPacketTo socket packet =
  let bytes = LBS.toStrict (Builder.toLazyByteString (encodePacket packet))
  in liftIO (STM.atomically (EIO.send (socketEIOSocket socket) (EIO.TextPacket (Text.decodeUtf8 bytes))))

-- | Broadcast an event with an array of JSON arguments to all /other/
-- 'Socket's.
broadcastJSON :: (MonadReader Socket m, MonadIO m) => Text.Text -> Aeson.Array -> m ()
broadcastJSON n args =
  broadcastPacket (Packet Event Nothing "/" Nothing (Just (Aeson.Array (V.cons (Aeson.String n) args))))

-- | Broadcast an event to all /other/ 'Socket's.
broadcast :: (Aeson.ToJSON a, MonadReader Socket m, MonadIO m) => Text.Text -> a -> m ()
broadcast n x = broadcastJSON n (V.singleton (Aeson.toJSON x))

broadcastPacket :: (MonadReader Socket m, MonadIO m) => Packet -> m ()
broadcastPacket packet = do
  let bytes = LBS.toStrict (Builder.toLazyByteString (encodePacket packet))
      eioPacket = EIO.TextPacket (Text.decodeUtf8 bytes)

  eio <- asks socketEIO
  t <- asks socketEIOSocket
  liftIO $ STM.atomically $ do
    sockets <- HashMap.delete (EIO.socketId t) <$> EIO.getOpenSockets eio
    forM_ sockets (flip EIO.send eioPacket)


This library provides an implementation of <http://socket.io Socket.io> protocol
(version 1). It builds on top of Engine.IO, allowing Socket.io to work with both
long polling XHR requests, and seamlessly upgrading them to HTML 5 web sockets.



This implementation has the following limitations:

* Namespaces other than @/@ are not supported.
* Binary event data is not yet supported - only JSON events are supported.

If any of these are important to you, don't hesistate to
<http://github.com/ocharles/engine.io raise an issue> and I'll try and make it a
