softfloat-hs - Haskell bindings for SoftFloat. === copyright (c) Ben Selfridge, Galois Inc. 2018 This library consists primarily of a Haskell interface to John Hauser's SoftFloat library ( It provides a *pure* interface to the functions in that library; while the C library is actually impure, reading and writing to global variables (rounding mode, exceptions), the Haskell functions have a pure interface, and those variables that were global in the original library are captured as input arguments and additional outputs of each function. Installation === We assume you have already installed the Haskell `stack ` build tool ## Step 1: Install softfloat SoftFloat is not too complicated to install, but it is best to build a dynamic library so that `softfloat-hs` can be loaded into ghci (which does not support statically linked C libraries). For convenience, we provide SoftFloat itself as a submodule, as well as a script to install it on OSX: ```shell $ git submodule init --update --recursive $ ./ ``` If you are on a Linux system, use: ```shell $ git submodule init --update --recursive $ sudo ./ ``` ## Step 2: Build softfloat-hs with stack ```shell stack build ``` ## Step 3: Test softfloat-hs ```shell stack ghci > let Result x flags = ui32ToF32 RoundNearEven 23 > :m +Numeric > showHex x "" "41b80000" > flags ExceptionFlags {inexact = False, underflow = False, overflow = False, infinite = False, invalid = False} > let Result y flags = ui32ToF32 RoundNearEven 3 > showHex y "" "40400000" > let Result z flags = f32Div RoundNearEven x y > showHex z "" "40f55555" > flags ExceptionFlags {inexact = True, underflow = False, overflow = False, infinite = False, invalid = False} ``` Requirements === The following are a list of mandatory and secondary requirements for softfloat-hs. Mandatory Requirements === - Must provide a "pure" Haskell interface to all of the SoftFloat functions. - Must make explicit ALL global variables involved. Secondary Requirements === - Support 80-bit and 128-bit operations. Current Status === The library is functional, although a few global variables are not yet captured (whether underflow is detected before or after rounding, for example). Other information === * contact: