-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Datamining.Pattern
-- Copyright   :  (c) Amy de Buitléir 2012-2013
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  amy@nualeargais.ie
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Tools for identifying patterns in data.
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts,
    MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Data.Datamining.Pattern
    -- * Patterns
    -- * Numbers as patterns
    -- $Num
    -- * Numeric vectors as patterns
    -- ** Raw vectors
    -- $Vector
    -- ** Normalised vectors
    -- ** Scaled vectors
  ) where

import Data.Eq.Unicode (())
import Data.List (foldl')

-- | A pattern to be learned or classified.
class Pattern p where
  type Metric p
  -- | Compares two patterns and returns a /non-negative/ number
  --   representing how different the patterns are. A result of @0@
  --   indicates that the patterns are identical.
  difference  p  p  Metric p
  -- | @'makeSimilar' target amount pattern@ returns a modified copy of
  --   @pattern@ that is more similar to @target@ than @pattern@ is. The
  --   magnitude of the adjustment is controlled by the @amount@
  --   parameter, which should be a number between 0 and 1. Larger
  --   values for @amount@ permit greater adjustments. If @amount@=1,
  --   the result should be identical to the @target@. If @amount@=0,
  --   the result should be the unmodified @pattern@.
  makeSimilar  p  Metric p  p  p

-- Using numbers as patterns.

absDifference :: Num a => a -> a -> a
absDifference x y = abs (x - y)

adjustNum :: (Num a, Ord a, Eq a) => a -> a -> a -> a
adjustNum target r x
  | r < 0     = error "Negative learning rate"
  | r > 1     = error "Learning rate > 1"
  | r  1     = x
  | otherwise = adjustNum' r target x

-- Note that parameters are swapped
adjustNum' :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> a
adjustNum' r target x = x + r*(target - x)

{- $Num
If you wish to use, say, a @Double@ as a pattern, one option is to
use @no-warn-orphans@ and add the following to your code:

> instance Double ⇒ Pattern Double where
>   type Metric Double = Double
>   difference = euclideanDistanceSquared
>   makeSimilar = adjustVector

-- Using numeric vectors as patterns.

magnitudeSquared  Num a  [a]  a
magnitudeSquared xs =  sum $ map (\x  x*x) xs

-- | Calculates the square of the Euclidean distance between two
--   vectors.
euclideanDistanceSquared  Num a  [a]  [a]  a
euclideanDistanceSquared xs ys = magnitudeSquared $ zipWith (-) xs ys

-- | @'adjustVector' target amount vector@ adjusts @vector@ to move it
--   closer to @target@. The amount of adjustment is controlled by the
--   learning rate @r@, which is a number between 0 and 1. Larger values
--   of @r@ permit more adjustment. If @r@=1, the result will be
--   identical to the @target@. If @amount@=0, the result will be the
--   unmodified @pattern@.
adjustVector  (Num a, Ord a, Eq a)  [a]  a  [a]  [a]
adjustVector xs r ys
  | r < 0     = error "Negative learning rate"
  | r > 1     = error "Learning rate > 1"
  | r  1     = xs
  | otherwise = zipWith (adjustNum' r) xs ys

-- | A vector that has been normalised, i.e., the magnitude of the
--   vector = 1.
data NormalisedVector a = NormalisedVector [a] deriving Show

-- | Normalises a vector
normalise  Floating a  [a]  NormalisedVector a
normalise xs = NormalisedVector $ map (/x) xs
  where x = norm xs

norm  Floating a  [a]  a
norm xs = sqrt $ sum (map f xs)
  where f x = x*x

instance (Floating a, Fractional a, Ord a, Eq a) 
    Pattern (NormalisedVector a) where
  type Metric (NormalisedVector a) = a
  difference (NormalisedVector xs) (NormalisedVector ys) =
    euclideanDistanceSquared xs ys
  makeSimilar (NormalisedVector xs) r (NormalisedVector ys) =
    normalise $ adjustVector xs r ys

-- | A vector that has been scaled so that all elements in the vector
--   are between zero and one. To scale a set of vectors, use
--   @'scaleAll'@. Alternatively, if you can identify a maximum and
--   minimum value for each element in a vector, you can scale
--   individual vectors using @'scale'@.
data ScaledVector a = ScaledVector [a] deriving Show

-- | Given a vector @qs@ of pairs of numbers, where each pair represents
--   the maximum and minimum value to be expected at each index in
--   @xs@, @'scale' qs xs@ scales the vector @xs@ element by element,
--   mapping the maximum value expected at that index to one, and the
--   minimum value to zero.
scale  Fractional a  [(a,a)]  [a]  ScaledVector a
scale qs xs = ScaledVector $ zipWith scaleValue qs xs

-- | Scales a set of vectors by determining the maximum and minimum
--   values at each index in the vector, and mapping the maximum
--   value to one, and the minimum value to zero.
scaleAll  (Fractional a, Ord a)  [[a]]  [ScaledVector a]
scaleAll xss = map (scale qs) xss
  where qs = quantify xss

scaleValue  Fractional a  (a,a)  a  a
scaleValue (minX,maxX) x = (x - minX) / (maxX-minX)

quantify  Ord a  [[a]]  [(a,a)]
quantify xss = foldl' quantify' qs (tail xss)
  where qs = zip (head xss) (head xss)

quantify'  Ord a  [(a,a)]  [a]  [(a,a)]
quantify' = zipWith f
  where f (minX, maxX) x = (min minX x, max maxX x)

instance (Fractional a, Ord a, Eq a)  Pattern (ScaledVector a) where
  type Metric (ScaledVector a) = a
  difference (ScaledVector xs) (ScaledVector ys) =
    euclideanDistanceSquared xs ys
  makeSimilar (ScaledVector xs) r (ScaledVector ys) =
    ScaledVector $ adjustVector xs r ys

{- $Vector
If you wish to use raw numeric vectors as a pattern, one option is to
use @no-warn-orphans@ and add the following to your code:

> instance (Floating a, Fractional a, Ord a, Eq a) ⇒ Pattern [a] where
>   type Metric [a] = a
>   difference = euclideanDistanceSquared
>   makeSimilar = adjustVector