/* * Souffle - A Datalog Compiler * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved * Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at: * - https://opensource.org/licenses/UPL * - /licenses/SOUFFLE-UPL.txt */ /************************************************************************ * * @file WriteStreamCSV.h * ***********************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "souffle/RamTypes.h" #include "souffle/SymbolTable.h" #include "souffle/io/WriteStream.h" #include "souffle/utility/ContainerUtil.h" #include "souffle/utility/MiscUtil.h" #include "souffle/utility/ParallelUtil.h" #ifdef USE_LIBZ #include "souffle/io/gzfstream.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace souffle { class RecordTable; class WriteStreamCSV : public WriteStream { protected: WriteStreamCSV(const std::map& rwOperation, const SymbolTable& symbolTable, const RecordTable& recordTable) : WriteStream(rwOperation, symbolTable, recordTable), delimiter(getOr(rwOperation, "delimiter", "\t")){}; const std::string delimiter; void writeNextTupleCSV(std::ostream& destination, const RamDomain* tuple) { writeNextTupleElement(destination, typeAttributes.at(0), tuple[0]); for (size_t col = 1; col < arity; ++col) { destination << delimiter; writeNextTupleElement(destination, typeAttributes.at(col), tuple[col]); } destination << "\n"; } void writeNextTupleElement(std::ostream& destination, const std::string& type, RamDomain value) { switch (type[0]) { case 's': destination << symbolTable.unsafeResolve(value); break; case 'i': destination << value; break; case 'u': destination << ramBitCast(value); break; case 'f': destination << ramBitCast(value); break; case 'r': outputRecord(destination, value, type); break; case '+': outputADT(destination, value, type); break; default: fatal("unsupported type attribute: `%c`", type[0]); } } }; class WriteFileCSV : public WriteStreamCSV { public: WriteFileCSV(const std::map& rwOperation, const SymbolTable& symbolTable, const RecordTable& recordTable) : WriteStreamCSV(rwOperation, symbolTable, recordTable), file(getFileName(rwOperation), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary) { if (getOr(rwOperation, "headers", "false") == "true") { file << rwOperation.at("attributeNames") << std::endl; } file << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits::max_digits10); } ~WriteFileCSV() override = default; protected: std::ofstream file; void writeNullary() override { file << "()\n"; } void writeNextTuple(const RamDomain* tuple) override { writeNextTupleCSV(file, tuple); } /** * Return given filename or construct from relation name. * Default name is [configured path]/[relation name].csv * * @param rwOperation map of IO configuration options * @return input filename */ static std::string getFileName(const std::map& rwOperation) { auto name = getOr(rwOperation, "filename", rwOperation.at("name") + ".csv"); if (name.front() != '/') { name = getOr(rwOperation, "output-dir", ".") + "/" + name; } return name; } }; #ifdef USE_LIBZ class WriteGZipFileCSV : public WriteStreamCSV { public: WriteGZipFileCSV(const std::map& rwOperation, const SymbolTable& symbolTable, const RecordTable& recordTable) : WriteStreamCSV(rwOperation, symbolTable, recordTable), file(getFileName(rwOperation), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary) { if (getOr(rwOperation, "headers", "false") == "true") { file << rwOperation.at("attributeNames") << std::endl; } file << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits::max_digits10); } ~WriteGZipFileCSV() override = default; protected: void writeNullary() override { file << "()\n"; } void writeNextTuple(const RamDomain* tuple) override { writeNextTupleCSV(file, tuple); } /** * Return given filename or construct from relation name. * Default name is [configured path]/[relation name].csv * * @param rwOperation map of IO configuration options * @return input filename */ static std::string getFileName(const std::map& rwOperation) { auto name = getOr(rwOperation, "filename", rwOperation.at("name") + ".csv.gz"); if (name.front() != '/') { name = getOr(rwOperation, "output-dir", ".") + "/" + name; } return name; } gzfstream::ogzfstream file; }; #endif class WriteCoutCSV : public WriteStreamCSV { public: WriteCoutCSV(const std::map& rwOperation, const SymbolTable& symbolTable, const RecordTable& recordTable) : WriteStreamCSV(rwOperation, symbolTable, recordTable) { std::cout << "---------------\n" << rwOperation.at("name"); if (getOr(rwOperation, "headers", "false") == "true") { std::cout << "\n" << rwOperation.at("attributeNames"); } std::cout << "\n===============\n"; std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits::max_digits10); } ~WriteCoutCSV() override { std::cout << "===============\n"; } protected: void writeNullary() override { std::cout << "()\n"; } void writeNextTuple(const RamDomain* tuple) override { writeNextTupleCSV(std::cout, tuple); } }; class WriteCoutPrintSize : public WriteStream { public: explicit WriteCoutPrintSize(const std::map& rwOperation) : WriteStream(rwOperation, {}, {}), lease(souffle::getOutputLock().acquire()) { std::cout << rwOperation.at("name") << "\t"; } ~WriteCoutPrintSize() override = default; protected: void writeNullary() override { fatal("attempting to iterate over a print size operation"); } void writeNextTuple(const RamDomain* /* tuple */) override { fatal("attempting to iterate over a print size operation"); } void writeSize(std::size_t size) override { std::cout << size << "\n"; } Lock::Lease lease; }; class WriteFileCSVFactory : public WriteStreamFactory { public: Own getWriter(const std::map& rwOperation, const SymbolTable& symbolTable, const RecordTable& recordTable) override { #ifdef USE_LIBZ if (contains(rwOperation, "compress")) { return mk(rwOperation, symbolTable, recordTable); } #endif return mk(rwOperation, symbolTable, recordTable); } const std::string& getName() const override { static const std::string name = "file"; return name; } ~WriteFileCSVFactory() override = default; }; class WriteCoutCSVFactory : public WriteStreamFactory { public: Own getWriter(const std::map& rwOperation, const SymbolTable& symbolTable, const RecordTable& recordTable) override { return mk(rwOperation, symbolTable, recordTable); } const std::string& getName() const override { static const std::string name = "stdout"; return name; } ~WriteCoutCSVFactory() override = default; }; class WriteCoutPrintSizeFactory : public WriteStreamFactory { public: Own getWriter(const std::map& rwOperation, const SymbolTable&, const RecordTable&) override { return mk(rwOperation); } const std::string& getName() const override { static const std::string name = "stdoutprintsize"; return name; } ~WriteCoutPrintSizeFactory() override = default; }; } /* namespace souffle */