module Option where import qualified Shell.Utility.Verbosity as Verbosity import Shell.Utility.Verbosity (Verbosity) import qualified PathFormat as PathFmt import qualified System.Path.PartClass as PathC import qualified System.Path as Path import qualified Options.Applicative as OP import Options.Applicative (Parser, long, short, help, metavar, option, argument, ) import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>), ) import Data.Monoid ((<>), ) data T = Cons { verbosity :: Verbosity, chunkSize :: Maybe Int, channels :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show) path :: (PathC.FileDir fd) => OP.ReadM (Path.AbsRel fd) path = OP.eitherReader Path.parse type Command = OP.Mod OP.CommandFields simpleAction :: String -> String -> Parser a -> Command a simpleAction name helpText act = OP.command name $ (OP.helper <*> act) (OP.progDesc helpText) pool :: Parser Path.AbsRelDir pool = argument path (metavar "POOL") src, dst :: (PathC.FileDir fd) => Parser (Path.AbsRel fd) src = argument path (metavar "SRC") dst = argument path (metavar "DST") dstFmt :: Parser PathFmt.AbsRelFile dstFmt = argument (OP.eitherReader PathFmt.parse) (metavar "DST") transferAction :: (PathC.FileDir fd) => Parser dst -> String -> String -> Parser (T -> Path.AbsRel fd -> dst -> a) -> Command (T -> a) transferAction dstp name helpText act = OP.command name $ (OP.helper <*> (pure (\f s d opt -> f opt s d) <*> act <*> src <*> dstp)) (OP.progDesc helpText) cohesion :: Parser Float cohesion = option ( OP.value 1 <> long "cohesion" <> metavar "FACTOR" <> help "preference of adjacent chunks" ) decompose, decomposeSlow, associate :: (PathC.FileDir fd) => Parser (T -> Path.AbsRel fd -> PathFmt.AbsRelFile -> a) -> Command (T -> a) adjacent, compose, auto :: (PathC.FileDir fd0, PathC.FileDir fd1) => Parser (T -> Path.AbsRel fd0 -> Path.AbsRel fd1 -> a) -> Command (T -> a) decompose = transferAction dstFmt "decompose" "Chop audio file in chunks and add them to the pool" decomposeSlow = transferAction dstFmt "decompose-slow" ("Chop audio file in chunks and add them to the pool. " ++ "Requires less memory but more file accesses.") associate = transferAction dstFmt "associate" "Associate chunks with chunks from the pool" adjacent = transferAction dst "adjacent" "Replace selected chunks if originally adjacent chunks match better" compose = transferAction dst "compose" "Compose audio file from selected pool chunks" auto = transferAction dst "auto" "Automatically perform 'decompose', 'associate', 'adjacent', 'compose'" parseFlags :: Parser T parseFlags = pure Cons <*> option (OP.eitherReader Verbosity.parse) ( OP.value Verbosity.normal <> short 'v' <> long "verbose" <> metavar "0..3" <> help "verbosity" ) <*> option (fmap Just ( OP.value Nothing <> long "chunksize" <> metavar "NUMSAMPLES" <> help "size of decomposed chunks" ) <*> option (fmap Just ( OP.value Nothing <> long "channels" <> metavar "NUMBER" <> help "number of channels" ) desc :: OP.InfoMod a desc = OP.fullDesc <> OP.progDesc "Approximate an audio file by a collection of chunks" info :: OP.ParserInfo T info = (OP.helper <*> parseFlags) desc