Safe Haskell | None |
- fileSourceChar :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> FeedSource m Char
- fileSourceLine :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> FeedSource m String
- fileSourceByteString :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => Int -> FilePath -> FeedSource m ByteString
- fileSourceWord8 :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> SimpleSource m Word8
- fileSinkChar :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink Char m ()
- fileSinkString :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink String m ()
- fileSinkLine :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink String m ()
- fileSinkByteString :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink ByteString m ()
- fileSinkWord8 :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => Int -> FilePath -> Sink Word8 m ()
- fileSinkWord8Unbuffered :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink Word8 m ()
fileSourceChar :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> FeedSource m CharSource
Creates a Source2 for the file read as characters.
fileSourceLine :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> FeedSource m StringSource
Creates a Source2 for the file read linewise as string
fileSourceByteString :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => Int -> FilePath -> FeedSource m ByteStringSource
Creates a Source2 for file read as ByteStrings (hGetSome).
fileSourceWord8 :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> SimpleSource m Word8Source
Creates a Source2 for file read as single bytes (buffered).
fileSinkChar :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink Char m ()Source
Creates a sink that writes the Chars into the specified file.
fileSinkString :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink String m ()Source
Creates a sink that writes the input into the file (without adding newlines).
fileSinkLine :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink String m ()Source
Creates a sink that writes each input as a line into the file.
fileSinkByteString :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink ByteString m ()Source
Creates a sink that writes the ByteStrings into the file.
fileSinkWord8 :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => Int -> FilePath -> Sink Word8 m ()Source
Creates a sink for writing bytes into a file. The first parameter is the size of the buffer.
fileSinkWord8Unbuffered :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => FilePath -> Sink Word8 m ()Source
Creates an unbuffered sink for writing bytes into a file.