### String Functions #### decodeutf8 Accepts a byte value representing a UTF-8 encoded string and return the string. #### encodeutf8 Accepts a string argument and returns the bytes that represent its UTF-8 encoding. #### concat Concats two strings. #### trim Removes surrounding whitespace from string. #### split Splits a string using a separator Example: ``` let parts = split(",", "a,b,c") -- returns ["a", "b", "c"] ``` #### join Join string in the first argument by placing the string in the second argument in between. Example: ``` let parts = join(",", ["a", "b", "c"]) -- returns "a,b,c" ``` #### formatamount Insert commas into a string according to the passed argument. #### tolower Lower case a string #### toupper Upper case a string #### replace `replace(needle, replace, haystack)` returns a string with occurances of `needle` replaced with `replace` in `haystack`