### Miscellaneous Functions #### error Construct an error value with the provided message. #### iserror Check if a value is an error value.. #### print Accept many values and prints them in order, without an ending newline. Example: ``` printn(1, ", SPADE") -- output: "1, SPADE" ``` #### println Accept many values and prints them in order, ending in a newline. Example: ``` println(100) println(1, "SPADE") ``` #### not Boolean not operation. #### getkey Waits for the user to press a key, and returns the pressed key as a string value. #### inputline Prints a prompt, and reads a string from keyboard. #### wait Waits for the number of seconds specified in the argument. Example: ``` wait(0.5) -- Waits for half second. ``` #### stringtonum Convert a string to a number. Example: ``` println(stringtonum("23.4") + 5) -- prints 28.4 ``` #### tostring Convert a value to a string. #### csinit Initialize character graphics #### csgoto Set current output location #### csmove Set output location relative to current location #### csprint Prints text at current location #### csprintln Prints text at current location and moves to next line #### csclear Clears the screen to start drawing next frame. #### csdraw Output instructions to update screen. #### csinputline Input a line at current cursor. #### csclearline Clears current line. #### csget Gets current location as a dictonary with x, y keys. #### hexencode Hex encodes a bytes value to text value. #### hexdecode Hex decodes a text value to bytes value. #### borderbox TODO #### attach TODO #### attachat TODO #### draw TODO #### resizinglayout TODO #### text TODO #### label TODO #### selector TODO #### handle TODO #### csscreensize TODO #### setsize TODO #### settext TODO #### setfocus TODO #### layout TODO #### input TODO #### multilineinput TODO #### setoptions TODO #### getselection TODO #### getoptions TODO #### button TODO