{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, CPP, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Data.Sparse.Internal.IntM where

import Data.Sparse.Utils
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class

import GHC.Exts
import Data.Complex
import Data.VectorSpace
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM

-- | A synonym for IntMap 
newtype IntM a = IntM {unIM :: IM.IntMap a} deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable)

empty = IntM IM.empty

size (IntM x) = IM.size x

singleton i x = IntM $ IM.singleton i x

filterWithKey f im = IntM $ IM.filterWithKey f (unIM im)

insert k x (IntM im) = IntM $ IM.insert k x im

filterI f (IntM im) = IntM $ IM.filter f im

lookup x (IntM im) = IM.lookup x im

lookupLT x (IntM im) = IM.lookupLT x im

foldlWithKey f z (IntM im) = IM.foldlWithKey f z im

foldlWithKey' f z (IntM im) = IM.foldlWithKey' f z im

mapWithKey f (IntM im) = IntM $ IM.mapWithKey f im

keys (IntM im) = IM.keys im

mapKeys f (IntM im) = IntM $ IM.mapKeys f im

union (IntM a) (IntM b) = IntM $ IM.union a b

findMin (IntM im) = IM.findMin im
findMax (IntM im) = IM.findMax im

(IntM im) ! i = im IM.! i

instance IsList (IntM a) where
  type Item (IntM a) = (Int, a)
  fromList = IntM . IM.fromList
  toList = IM.toList . unIM

instance Set IntM where
  liftU2 f (IntM a) (IntM b) = IntM $ IM.unionWith f a b
  liftI2 f (IntM a) (IntM b) = IntM $ IM.intersectionWith f a b

instance Num a => AdditiveGroup (IntM a) where
  zeroV = IntM IM.empty
  {-# INLINE zeroV #-}
  (^+^) = liftU2 (+)
  {-# INLINE (^+^) #-}
  (^-^) = liftU2 (-)
  {-# INLINE (^-^) #-}
  negateV = fmap negate
  {-# INLINE negateV #-}

-- | ParamInstance can be used with all types that are instances of Set (which are by construction also instances of Functor)
#define ParamInstance(f, t) \
  instance VectorSpace (f t) where {type (Scalar (f (t))) = (t); n *^ im = fmap (* n) im};\
  instance VectorSpace (f (Complex t)) where {type (Scalar (f (Complex t))) = Complex (t); n *^ im = fmap (* n) im};\
  instance InnerSpace (f t) where {a <.> b = sum $ liftI2 (*) a b};\
  instance InnerSpace (f (Complex t)) where {a <.> b = sum $ liftI2 (*) (conjugate <$> a) b};\
  -- instance Normed (f t) where {type RealScalar (f t) = t ; type Magnitude (f t) = t ; norm1 a = sum (abs <$> a) ; norm2Sq a = sum $ liftI2 (*) a a; normP p v = sum u**(1/p) where u = fmap (**p) v; normalize = normzPR ; normalize2 = normz2R}; \
  -- instance Normed (f (Complex t)) where {type RealScalar (f (Complex t)) = t; type Magnitude (f (Complex t)) = t; norm1 a = realPart $ sum (abs <$> a); norm2Sq a = realPart $ sum $ liftI2 (*) (conjugate <$> a) a; normP p v = realPart $ sum u**(1/(p :+ 0)) where u = fmap (**(p :+ 0)) v; normalize = normzPC; normalize2 = normz2C }

instance Normed (IntM Double) where
  type RealScalar (IntM Double) = Double
  type Magnitude (IntM Double) = Double
  norm1 a = sum (abs <$> a)
  norm2Sq a = sum $ liftI2 (*) a a
  normP p v = sum u**(1/p) where u = fmap (**p) v
  normalize p v = v ./ normP p v 
  normalize2 v = v ./ norm2 v 
instance Normed (IntM (Complex Double)) where
  type RealScalar (IntM (Complex Double)) = Double
  type Magnitude (IntM (Complex Double)) = Double
  norm1 a = realPart $ sum (abs <$> a)
  norm2Sq a = realPart $ sum $ liftI2 (*) (conjugate <$> a) a
  normP p v = realPart $ sum u**(1/(p :+ 0)) where u = fmap (**(p :+ 0)) v
  normalize p v = v ./ toC (normP p v)
  normalize2 v = v ./ toC (norm2 v)

-- | IntMap instances
#define IntMapInstance(t) \
  ParamInstance( IntM, t )

-- IntMapInstance(Float)

-- -- | list to IntMap
-- mkIm :: [Double] -> IM.IntMap Double
mkIm xs = fromList $ denseIxArray xs :: IntM Double

-- mkImC :: [Complex Double] -> IM.IntMap (Complex Double)
mkImC xs = fromList $ denseIxArray xs :: IntM (Complex Double)