module Data.SPDX.Parser (parseExpression, unsafeParseExpr) where
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_base
#define MIN_VERSION_base(x,y,z) 0
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Data.SPDX.Types
import Data.SPDX.Licenses (licenseIdentifiers, licenseExceptions)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Control.Monad
instance Applicative ReadP where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative ReadP where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
license :: ReadP LicenseId
license = choice (map f licenseIdentifiers)
where f l = l <$ string (getLicenseId l)
licenseException :: ReadP LicenseExceptionId
licenseException = choice (map f licenseExceptions)
where f l = l <$ string (getLicenseExceptionId l)
licenseRef :: ReadP LicenseRef
licenseRef = l <|> d
where l = LicenseRef Nothing <$ string "LicenseRef-" <*> idString
d = (\docId licId -> LicenseRef (Just docId) licId) <$ string "DocumentRef-" <*> idString <* char ':' <* string "LicenseRef-" <*> idString
mkLicense :: ReadP (Either LicenseRef LicenseId) -> ReadP LicenseExpression
mkLicense p = choice
[ (\l -> ELicense False l Nothing) <$> p
, (\l e -> ELicense False l (Just e)) <$> p <* skipSpaces1 <* string "WITH" <* skipSpaces1 <*> licenseException
, (\l -> ELicense True l Nothing) <$> p <* char '+'
, (\l e -> ELicense True l (Just e)) <$> p <* char '+' <* string " WITH " <*> licenseException
elicense :: ReadP LicenseExpression
elicense = mkLicense (Right <$> license)
elicenseRef :: ReadP LicenseExpression
elicenseRef = mkLicense (Left <$> licenseRef)
idString :: ReadP String
idString = munch1 p
where p '.' = True
p '-' = True
p c = isAlphaNum c
skipSpaces1 :: ReadP ()
skipSpaces1 = () <$ char ' ' <* skipSpaces
parens :: ReadP a -> ReadP a
parens = between (char '(') (skipSpaces <* char ')')
terminal :: ReadP LicenseExpression
terminal = choice [ elicense
, elicenseRef
, parens expression
conjunction :: ReadP LicenseExpression
conjunction = chainr1 terminal (EConjunction <$ skipSpaces1 <* string "AND" <* skipSpaces1)
disjunction :: ReadP LicenseExpression
disjunction = chainr1 conjunction (EDisjunction <$ skipSpaces1 <* string "OR" <* skipSpaces1)
expression :: ReadP LicenseExpression
expression = skipSpaces *> disjunction
parseExpression :: String -> [LicenseExpression]
parseExpression = map fst . readP_to_S (expression <* skipSpaces <* eof)
unsafeParseExpr :: String -> LicenseExpression
unsafeParseExpr s = f . parseExpression $ s
where f [] = error $ "Failed parse of license expression: " ++ s
f [l] = l
f (_:_:_) = error $ "Ambigious parse of license expression: " ++ s