{-# LANGUAGE CPP   #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Math.Combinatorics.Species.AST.Instances
-- Copyright   :  (c) Brent Yorgey 2010
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  byorgey@cis.upenn.edu
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Type class instances for 'TSpeciesAST', 'ESpeciesAST', and
-- 'SpeciesAST', in a separate module to avoid a dependency cycle
-- between "Math.Combinatorics.Species.AST" and
-- "Math.Combinatorics.Species.Class".
-- This module also contains functions for reifying species
-- expressions to ASTs and reflecting ASTs back into other species
-- instances, which are in this module since they depend on the AST
-- type class instances.

module Math.Combinatorics.Species.AST.Instances
    ( reify, reifyE, reflect, reflectT, reflectE )

#if MIN_VERSION_numeric_prelude(0,2,0)
import           NumericPrelude                   hiding (cycle)
import           NumericPrelude
import           PreludeBase                      hiding (cycle)

import           Math.Combinatorics.Species.AST
import           Math.Combinatorics.Species.Class

import qualified Algebra.Additive                 as Additive
import qualified Algebra.Differential             as Differential
import qualified Algebra.Ring                     as Ring

import           Data.Typeable

--  SpeciesAST instances  ----------------------------------

-- grr -- can't autoderive this because of Rec constructor! =P

-- | Species expressions can be compared for /structural/ equality.
--   (Note that if @s1@ and @s2@ are /isomorphic/ species we do not
--   necessarily have @s1 == s2@.)
--   Note, however, that species containing an 'OfSize' constructor
--   will always compare as @False@ with any other species, since we
--   cannot decide function equality.
instance Eq SpeciesAST where
  Zero                == Zero                 = True
  One                 == One                  = True
  (N m)               == (N n)                = m == n
  X                   == X                    = True
  E                   == E                    = True
  C                   == C                    = True
  B                   == B                    = True
  L                   == L                    = True
  Subset              == Subset               = True
  (KSubset k)         == (KSubset j)          = k == j
  Elt                 == Elt                  = True
  (f1 :+ g1)          == (f2 :+ g2)           = f1 == f2 && g1 == g2
  (f1 :* g1)          == (f2 :* g2)           = f1 == f2 && g1 == g2
  (f1 :. g1)          == (f2 :. g2)           = f1 == f2 && g1 == g2
  (f1 :>< g1)         == (f2 :>< g2)          = f1 == f2 && g1 == g2
  (f1 :@ g1)          == (f2 :@ g2)           = f1 == f2 && g1 == g2
  Der f1              == Der f2               = f1 == f2
  -- note, OfSize will always compare False since we can't compare the functions for equality
  OfSizeExactly f1 k1 == OfSizeExactly f2 k2  = f1 == f2 && k1 == k2
  NonEmpty f1         == NonEmpty f2          = f1 == f2
  Rec f1              == Rec f2               = typeOf f1 == typeOf f2
  Omega               == Omega                = True
  _ == _                                      = False

-- argh, can't derive this either.  ugh.
-- | An (arbitrary) 'Ord' instance, so that we can put species
--   expressions in canonical order when simplifying.
instance Ord SpeciesAST where
  compare x y  | x == y             = EQ
  compare Zero _                    = LT
  compare _ Zero                    = GT
  compare One _                     = LT
  compare _ One                     = GT
  compare (N m) (N n)               = compare m n
  compare (N _) _                   = LT
  compare _ (N _)                   = GT
  compare X _                       = LT
  compare _ X                       = GT
  compare E _                       = LT
  compare _ E                       = GT
  compare C _                       = LT
  compare _ C                       = GT
  compare B _                       = LT
  compare _ B                       = GT
  compare L _                       = LT
  compare _ L                       = GT
  compare Subset _                  = LT
  compare _ Subset                  = GT
  compare (KSubset j) (KSubset k)   = compare j k
  compare (KSubset _) _             = LT
  compare _ (KSubset _)             = GT
  compare Elt _                     = LT
  compare _ Elt                     = GT
  compare (f1 :+ g1) (f2 :+ g2)   | f1 == f2  = compare g1 g2
                                    | otherwise = compare f1 f2
  compare (_ :+ _) _               = LT
  compare _ (_ :+ _)               = GT
  compare (f1 :* g1) (f2 :* g2)   | f1 == f2  = compare g1 g2
                                    | otherwise = compare f1 f2
  compare (_ :* _) _               = LT
  compare _ (_ :* _)               = GT
  compare (f1 :. g1) (f2 :. g2)   | f1 == f2  = compare g1 g2
                                    | otherwise = compare f1 f2
  compare (_ :. _) _               = LT
  compare _ (_ :. _)               = GT
  compare (f1 :>< g1) (f2 :>< g2) | f1 == f2  = compare g1 g2
                                    | otherwise = compare f1 f2
  compare (_ :>< _) _              = LT
  compare _ (_ :>< _)              = GT
  compare (f1 :@ g1) (f2 :@ g2)   | f1 == f2  = compare g1 g2
                                    | otherwise = compare f1 f2
  compare (_ :@ _) _               = LT
  compare _ (_ :@ _)               = GT
  compare (Der f1) (Der f2)         = compare f1 f2
  compare (Der _) _                 = LT
  compare _ (Der _)                 = GT
  compare (OfSize f1 _) (OfSize f2 _)
                                    = compare f1 f2
  compare (OfSize _ _) _            = LT
  compare _ (OfSize _ _)            = GT
  compare (OfSizeExactly f1 k1) (OfSizeExactly f2 k2)
                                    | f1 == f2  = compare k1 k2
                                    | otherwise = compare f1 f2
  compare (OfSizeExactly _ _) _     = LT
  compare _ (OfSizeExactly _ _)     = GT
  compare (NonEmpty f1) (NonEmpty f2)
                                    = compare f1 f2
  compare (NonEmpty _) _            = LT
  compare _ (NonEmpty _)            = GT
  compare (Rec f1) (Rec f2)         = compare (show $ typeOf f1) (show $ typeOf f2)
  compare Omega _                   = LT
  compare _ Omega                   = GT

-- | Display species expressions in a nice human-readable form.  Note
--   that we commit the unforgivable sin of omitting a corresponding
--   Read instance.  This will hopefully be remedied in a future
--   version.
instance Show SpeciesAST where
  showsPrec _ Zero                = shows (0 :: Int)
  showsPrec _ One                 = shows (1 :: Int)
  showsPrec _ (N n)               = shows n
  showsPrec _ X                   = showChar 'X'
  showsPrec _ E                   = showChar 'E'
  showsPrec _ C                   = showChar 'C'
  showsPrec _ B                   = showChar 'B'
  showsPrec _ L                   = showChar 'L'
  showsPrec _ Subset              = showChar 'p'
  showsPrec _ (KSubset n)         = showChar 'p' . shows n
  showsPrec _ (Elt)               = showChar 'e'
  showsPrec p (f :+ g)           = showParen (p>6)  $ showsPrec 6 f
                                                     . showString " + "
                                                     . showsPrec 6 g
  showsPrec p (f :* g)           = showParen (p>=7) $ showsPrec 7 f
                                                     . showString " * "
                                                     . showsPrec 7 g
  showsPrec p (f :. g)           = showParen (p>=7) $ showsPrec 7 f
                                                     . showString " . "
                                                     . showsPrec 7 g
  showsPrec p (f :>< g)          = showParen (p>=7) $ showsPrec 7 f
                                                     . showString " >< "
                                                     . showsPrec 7 g
  showsPrec p (f :@ g)           = showParen (p>=7) $ showsPrec 7 f
                                                     . showString " @ "
                                                     . showsPrec 7 g
  showsPrec p (Der f)             = showsPrec 11 f . showChar '\''
  showsPrec _ (OfSize f p)        = showChar '<' .  showsPrec 0 f . showChar '>'
  showsPrec _ (OfSizeExactly f n) = showsPrec 11 f . shows n
  showsPrec _ (NonEmpty f)        = showsPrec 11 f . showChar '+'
  showsPrec _ (Rec f)             = shows f

-- | Species expressions are additive.
instance Additive.C SpeciesAST where
  zero   = Zero
  (+)    = (:+)
  negate = error "negation is not implemented yet!  wait until virtual species..."

-- | Species expressions form a ring.  Well, sort of.  Of course the
--   ring laws actually only hold up to isomorphism of species, not up
--   to structural equality.
instance Ring.C SpeciesAST where
  (*) = (:*)
  one = One
  fromInteger 0 = zero
  fromInteger 1 = one
  fromInteger n = N n
  _ ^ 0 = one
  w ^ 1 = w
  f ^ n = f * (f ^ (n-1))

-- | Species expressions are differentiable.
instance Differential.C SpeciesAST where
  differentiate = Der

-- | Species expressions are an instance of the 'Species' class, so we
--   can use the Species class DSL to build species expression ASTs.
instance Species SpeciesAST where
  singleton     = X
  set           = E
  cycle         = C
  bracelet      = B
  linOrd        = L
  subset        = Subset
  ksubset k     = KSubset k
  element       = Elt
  o             = (:.)
  (><)          = (:><)
  (@@)          = (:@)
  ofSize        = OfSize
  ofSizeExactly = OfSizeExactly
  nonEmpty      = NonEmpty
  rec           = Rec
  omega         = Omega

instance Show (TSpeciesAST s) where
  show = show . erase'

instance Show ESpeciesAST where
  show = show . erase

instance Additive.C ESpeciesAST where
  zero   = wrap TZero
  Wrap f + Wrap g = wrap $ f :+:: g
  negate = error "negation is not implemented yet!  wait until virtual species..."

instance Ring.C ESpeciesAST where
  Wrap f * Wrap g = wrap $ f :*:: g
  one = wrap TOne
  fromInteger 0 = zero
  fromInteger 1 = one
  fromInteger n = wrap $ TN n
  _ ^ 0 = one
  w@(Wrap{}) ^ 1 = w
  (Wrap f) ^ n   = case (Wrap f) ^ (n-1) of
                        (Wrap f') -> wrap $ f :*:: f'

instance Differential.C ESpeciesAST where
  differentiate (Wrap f) = wrap (TDer f)

instance Species ESpeciesAST where
  singleton                 = wrap TX
  set                       = wrap TE
  cycle                     = wrap TC
  bracelet                  = wrap TB
  linOrd                    = wrap TL
  subset                    = wrap TSubset
  ksubset k                 = wrap $ TKSubset k
  element                   = wrap TElt
  o (Wrap f) (Wrap g)       = wrap $ f :.:: g
  Wrap f >< Wrap g          = wrap $ f :><:: g
  Wrap f @@ Wrap g          = wrap $ f :@:: g
  ofSize (Wrap f) p         = wrap $ TOfSize f p
  ofSizeExactly (Wrap f) n  = wrap $ TOfSizeExactly f n
  nonEmpty (Wrap f)         = wrap $ TNonEmpty f
  rec f                     = wrap $ TRec f
  omega                     = wrap TOmega

--  Reify/reflect  -----------------------------------------

-- | Reify a species expression into an AST.  (Actually, this is just
--   the identity function with a usefully restricted type.)  For
--   example:
-- > > reify octopus
-- > C . TL+
-- > > reify (ksubset 3)
-- > E3 * TE
reify :: SpeciesAST -> SpeciesAST
reify = id

-- | The same as reify, but produce a typed, size-annotated AST.
reifyE :: ESpeciesAST -> ESpeciesAST
reifyE = id

-- | Reflect an AST back into any instance of the 'Species' class.
reflect :: Species s => SpeciesAST -> s
reflect Zero                = zero
reflect One                 = one
reflect (N n)               = fromInteger n
reflect X                   = singleton
reflect E                   = set
reflect C                   = cycle
reflect B                   = bracelet
reflect L                   = linOrd
reflect Subset              = subset
reflect (KSubset k)         = ksubset k
reflect Elt                 = element
reflect (f :+ g)            = reflect f + reflect g
reflect (f :* g)            = reflect f * reflect g
reflect (f :. g)            = reflect f `o` reflect g
reflect (f :>< g)           = reflect f >< reflect g
reflect (f :@ g)            = reflect f @@ reflect g
reflect (Der f)             = oneHole (reflect f)
reflect (OfSize f p)        = ofSize (reflect f) p
reflect (OfSizeExactly f n) = ofSizeExactly (reflect f) n
reflect (NonEmpty f)        = nonEmpty (reflect f)
reflect (Rec f)             = rec f
reflect Omega               = omega

-- | Reflect a typed AST back into any instance of the 'Species'
-- class.
reflectT :: Species s => TSpeciesAST f -> s
reflectT = reflect . erase'

-- | Reflect an existentially wrapped typed AST back into any
-- instance of the 'Species' class.
reflectE :: Species s => ESpeciesAST -> s
reflectE = reflect . erase