-- | This is the Haskell version of the Sphinx searchd client.

module Text.Search.Sphinx (Configuration (..), query, defaultConfig) where

import Network
import IO hiding (bracket)
import System
import Control.Exception
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (pack, length, map)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Prelude hiding (readList)

-- | The configuration for a query
data Configuration = Configuration {
    -- | The hostname of the Sphinx daemon
    host :: String
    -- | The portnumber of the Sphinx daemon
  , port :: PortID
    -- | How many records to seek from result-set start (default is 0)
  , offset :: Int
    -- | How many records to return from result-set starting at offset (default is 20)
  , limit :: Int
    -- | Query matching mode
  , mode :: Int
    -- | Ranking mode
  , ranker :: Int
    -- | Match sorting mode
  , sort :: Int
    -- | Attribute to sort by
  , sortBy :: String
    -- | Minimum ID to match, 0 means no limit
  , minId :: Int
    -- | Maximum ID to match, 0 means no limit
  , maxId :: Int
    -- | Group-by sorting clause (to sort groups in result set with)
  , groupSort :: String

data AttributeType = AttrNone			
                   | AttrInteger		
                   | AttrTimestamp		
                   | AttrOrdinal		
                   | AttrBool			
                   | AttrFloat			
                   | AttrMulti

attributeType :: Int -> AttributeType
attributeType 0          = AttrNone
attributeType 1          = AttrInteger
attributeType 2          = AttrTimestamp
attributeType 3          = AttrOrdinal
attributeType 4          = AttrBool
attributeType 5          = AttrFloat
attributeType 0X40000000 = AttrMulti

type Connection = (Handle, Configuration)

connect :: Configuration -> IO Connection
connect cfg = do connection <- connectTo (host cfg) (port cfg)
                 bs <- hGet connection 4
                 let version = runGet getWord32be bs
                     myVersion = runPut (putWord32be 1)
                 hPut connection myVersion
                 return (connection, cfg)
                 --sClose connection

num = putWord32be . toEnum
num64 = putWord64be . toEnum

numList ls = do num (length ls)
                mapM_ num ls

nums cfg = mapM_ (\x -> num $ x cfg)
num64s cfg = mapM_ (\x -> num64 $ x cfg)

str :: String -> Put
str s = do let bs = pack s
           num (Prelude.length s) -- todo: dangerous
           putLazyByteString bs

addQuery :: Connection -> String -> String -> String -> Put
addQuery c q i cm = addQuery' c q i cm

addQuery' (handle, cfg) query index comment = do
    nums cfg [offset, limit, mode, ranker, sort]
    -- pack sortbyLen and sortBy
    str (sortBy cfg)
    -- pack the queryLen and query encoded in utf-8
    str query
    -- weights
    numList [100, 1]
    -- pack len index and index
    str index
    num 1 -- tODO: id64 range marker
    num64s cfg [minId, maxId]
    -- pack len filters + filters
    num 0 -- todo
    -- pack groupfunc
    num 0 -- todo
    -- pack len groupby + groupby
    str "" --todo
    -- -- req.append ( pack ( '>2L', self._maxmatches) ) )
    nums cfg [const 1000] --todo

    -- -- req.append ( len + self._groupsort )
    str (groupSort cfg)

    -- -- req.append ( pack ( '>LLL', self._cutoff, self._retrycount, self._retrydelay)) 
    nums cfg [const 0, const 0, const 0]
    -- -- req.append ( self._groupdistinct)
    str "" --todo
    -- -- anchor point
    num 0 --todo
    -- -- per index weights
    num 0 --todo
    -- pack [max_query_time]
    num 0 --todo
    -- -- per-field weights
    num 0 --todo
    -- pack commentLen + comment
    str comment

-- | A basic, default configuration.
defaultConfig = Configuration {
                  port = PortNumber 3312
                , host = ""
                , offset = 0
                , limit = 20
                , mode = sph_match_all
                , ranker = sph_rank_proximity_bm25
                , sort = sort_relevance
                , sortBy = ""
                , minId = 0
                , maxId = 0
                , groupSort = "@group desc"

sph_match_all = 0
sph_rank_proximity_bm25 = 0
sort_relevance = 0

cmdSearch = putWord16be 0
verCmdSearch = putWord16be 0x113

query :: Configuration -> String -> IO [Text.Search.Sphinx.SearchResult]
query config s = do
    conn <- connect config
    let q = addQuery conn s "*" ""
    runQueries (fst conn) q 1

runQueries :: Handle -> Put -> Int -> IO [SearchResult]
runQueries conn q numQueries = do
    let req = runPut (makeRunQuery q numQueries)
    hPut conn req
    hFlush conn
    getResponse conn 1

makeRunQuery query numQueries =  do
  num $ fromEnum $ BS.length (runPut query) + 4
  num numQueries

--getResponse :: Handle -> Int -> IO [SearchResult]
getResponse conn numResults = do
  bs <- hGet conn 8
  let x@(status, version, len) = runGet f bs
  response <- hGet conn (fromIntegral len)
  return $ runGet (numResults `times` getResult) response
  f = do status <- getWord16be
         version <- getWord16be
         length <- getWord32be
         return (status, version, length)

-- todo applicative
getNum :: Get Int
getNum = getWord32be >>= return . fromEnum

getNum64 :: Get Int64
getNum64 = getWord64be >>= return . fromIntegral

readList f = do num <- getNum
                num `times` f

type SearchResult = ([(Int64, Int, [Int])], Int, Int, Int, [(ByteString, Int, Int)])
getResult :: Get SearchResult
getResult = do
    status     <- getNum
    -- todo: we suppose the status is OK
    fields     <- readList readField
    attrs      <- readList readAttr
    matchCount <- getNum
    id64       <- getNum
    matches    <- matchCount `times` readMatch (id64 > 0) (map snd attrs)
    [total, totalFound, time, numWords] <- 4 `times` getNum
    wrds       <- numWords `times` readWord
    return $ (matches, total, totalFound, time, wrds)

times = replicateM

readWord = do s <- readStr
              [doc, hits] <- 2 `times` getNum
              return (s, doc, hits)

readField = readStr

readMatch isId64 attrs = do
    doc <- if isId64 then getNum64 else (getNum >>= return . fromIntegral)
    weight <- getNum
    matchAttrs <- mapM readMatchAttr attrs
    return (doc, weight, matchAttrs)

readMatchAttr AttrFloat = error "readMatchAttr for AttrFloat not implemented yet."
readMatchAttr AttrMulti = error "readMatchAttr for AttrFloat not implemented yet."
readMatchAttr _         = getNum

readStr = do len <- getNum
             getLazyByteString (fromIntegral len)

readAttr = do
    s <- readStr
    t <- getNum
    return (s, attributeType t)