module Main where import System (getArgs) import System.Exit import Control.Monad.RWS as RWS import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List import Data.Ord import Data.Function import Data.Maybe import Data.Time import Data.Time.Parse import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import Graphics.Rendering.Chart import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Gtk import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C import Data.Colour import Data.Colour.SRGB import Data.Colour.Names data Event = Event {time :: LocalTime, track :: String, edge :: Edge} deriving (Show) data Edge = Begin { color :: String } | End { color :: String } deriving (Show) data Bar = Bar Double Double String | ExpiredBar Double Double String getArg :: String -> String -> [String] -> String getArg name def args = case [(k,v) | (k,v) <- zip args (tail args), k==("-"++name)] of (_,v):_ -> v _ -> def parse :: (B.ByteString -> (LocalTime, B.ByteString)) -> B.ByteString -> Event parse parseTime s = Event { time = ts, track = B.unpack $ B.tail track', edge = edge } where (ts, s') = parseTime s (track', color) = B.break (==' ') (B.tail s') clr = if B.null color then "" else B.unpack (B.tail color) edge = case (B.head track') of '>' -> Begin clr '<' -> End clr diffToMillis :: LocalTime -> LocalTime -> Double diffToMillis t2 t1 = fromIntegral (truncate (1000000*d)) / 1000 where d = diffUTCTime (localTimeToUTC utc t2) (localTimeToUTC utc t1) data BarHeight = BarHeightFixed Double | BarHeightFill data RenderConfiguration = RenderConf { barHeight :: BarHeight, tickIntervalMs :: Double, largeTickFreq :: Int, expireTimeMs :: Double, cmpTracks :: Event -> Event -> Ordering, phantomColor :: Maybe String, fromTime :: Maybe LocalTime, toTime :: Maybe LocalTime, forcedNumTracks :: Maybe Int, streaming :: Bool } data TickSize = LargeTick | SmallTick renderEvents :: RenderConfiguration -> IO [Event] -> Renderable () renderEvents conf readEs = Renderable {minsize = return (0,0), render = render' (c $ liftIO readEs)} where maybeM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> Maybe a -> m () maybeM f Nothing = return () maybeM f (Just x) = f x >> return () readColour ('#':r1:r2:g1:g2:b1:b2:[]) = Just (sRGB24 r g b) where r = fromIntegral $ unhex r2 + 16*unhex r1 g = fromIntegral $ unhex g2 + 16*unhex g1 b = fromIntegral $ unhex b2 + 16*unhex b1 unhex c | c >= '0' && c <= '9' = fromEnum c - fromEnum '0' | c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' = fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a' | c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' = 10 + fromEnum c - fromEnum 'A' readColour cs = readColourName cs makeBars time2ms minRenderTime maxRenderTime es = snd $ RWS.execRWS (mapM_ step es >> flush) () M.empty where step e@(Event t track edge) = do (i, ms0) <- summon e flip maybeM ms0 $ \(t0,c0) -> do let overrideEnd c0 = case edge of { End c | c /= "" -> c ; _ -> c0 } if (time2ms t - time2ms t0 < expireTimeMs conf) then RWS.tell [(i, Bar (time2ms t0) (time2ms t) (overrideEnd c0))] else RWS.tell [(i, ExpiredBar (time2ms t0) (time2ms t0 + expireTimeMs conf) (overrideEnd c0))] putTrack track (i, case edge of { Begin c -> Just (t,c); End _ -> Nothing }) flush = RWS.gets M.keys >>= mapM_ flushTrack flushTrack track = do (i,ms0) <- RWS.gets (M.! track) flip maybeM ms0 $ \(t0,c0) -> RWS.tell [(i, Bar (time2ms t0) (time2ms maxRenderTime) c0)] putTrack track s = modify (M.insert track s) summon (Event t track edge) = do m <- RWS.get when (not (M.member track m)) $ do let i = M.size m RWS.put (M.insert track (i, Nothing) m) case (phantomColor conf, edge) of (_, End c) | c /= "" -> RWS.tell [(i, Bar (time2ms minRenderTime) (time2ms t) c)] (Just c, End _) -> RWS.tell [(i, Bar (time2ms minRenderTime) (time2ms t) c)] _ -> return () RWS.gets (M.! track) render' :: CRender [Event] -> (Double,Double) -> CRender (PickFn a) render' readEs (w,h) = do es <- readEs minRenderTime <- case (fromTime conf, streaming conf) of { (Just t, _) -> return t; (Nothing, True) -> fmap (minimum . map time) readEs; (Nothing, False) -> return . minimum . map time $ es -- Will evaluate the whole of 'es' and hold it in memory } maxRenderTime <- case (toTime conf, streaming conf) of { (Just t, _) -> return t; (Nothing, True) -> fmap (maximum . map time) readEs; (Nothing, False) -> return . maximum . map time $ es -- Same here. } let time2ms t | t < minRenderTime = time2ms minRenderTime | t > maxRenderTime = time2ms maxRenderTime | otherwise = diffToMillis t minRenderTime let rangeMs = time2ms maxRenderTime let numUnique xs = M.size $ M.fromList $ zip xs (repeat ()) numTracks <- case (forcedNumTracks conf, streaming conf) of { (Just n, _) -> return n; (Nothing, True) -> fmap (numUnique . map track) readEs; (Nothing, False) -> return . numUnique . map track $ es } let ticks = takeWhile (( if i`mod`largeTickFreq conf == 0 then (LargeTick, fromIntegral i*tickIntervalMs conf) else (SmallTick, fromIntegral i*tickIntervalMs conf)) [0..] let ms2x ms = 10 + ms / rangeMs * (w - 10) let time2x t = ms2x (time2ms t) let yStep = case barHeight conf of { BarHeightFixed _ -> (h-20) / fromIntegral (numTracks+1) ; BarHeightFill -> (h-20) / fromIntegral numTracks } let track2y i = case barHeight conf of { BarHeightFixed bh -> fromIntegral (i+1) * yStep - bh/2 ; BarHeightFill -> fromIntegral (i+1) * yStep - yStep/2 } let drawTick (t, ms) = do { setLineStyle $ solidLine 1 (opaque black) ; moveTo $ Point (ms2x ms) (h-20) ; lineTo $ Point (ms2x ms) (h-case t of { LargeTick -> 13 ; SmallTick -> 17 }) ; c $ C.stroke } let fillRectAA (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = do { c $ C.newPath ; c $ C.moveTo x1 y1 ; c $ C.lineTo x1 y2 ; c $ C.lineTo x2 y2 ; c $ C.lineTo x2 y1 ; c $ C.closePath ; c $ C.fill } let strokeLineAA (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = do { c $ C.newPath ; c $ C.moveTo x1 y1 ; c $ C.lineTo x2 y2 ; c $ C.stroke } let drawBar i (Bar ms1 ms2 color) = do { setLineStyle $ solidLine 1 transparent ; setFillStyle $ solidFillStyle $ opaque $ fromMaybe (error $ "unknown color: " ++ color) (readColour color) ; case barHeight conf of { BarHeightFixed bh -> fillRectAA (Point (ms2x ms1) (track2y i - bh /2)) (Point (ms2x ms2) (track2y i + bh /2)) ; BarHeightFill -> fillRectAA (Point (ms2x ms1) (track2y i - yStep/2)) (Point (ms2x ms2) (track2y i + yStep/2)) } } drawBar i (ExpiredBar ms1 ms2 color) = do { setLineStyle $ dashedLine 1 [3,3] (opaque $ fromMaybe (error $ "unknown color: " ++ color) (readColour color)) ; strokeLineAA (Point (ms2x ms1) (track2y i)) (Point (ms2x ms2) (track2y i)) ; setLineStyle $ solidLine 1 (opaque red) ; strokeLineAA (Point (ms2x ms2 - 5) (track2y i - 5)) (Point (ms2x ms2 + 5) (track2y i + 5)) ; strokeLineAA (Point (ms2x ms2 + 5) (track2y i - 5)) (Point (ms2x ms2 - 5) (track2y i + 5)) } setFillStyle $ solidFillStyle (opaque white) fillPath $ rectPath $ Rect (Point 0 0) (Point w h) setLineStyle $ solidLine 1 (opaque black) moveTo (Point 10 (h-20)) lineTo (Point w (h-20)) c $ C.stroke moveTo (Point 10 (h-20)) lineTo (Point 10 0) c $ C.stroke moveTo (Point 10 (h-3)) c $ C.showText $ "Origin at " ++ show minRenderTime ++ ", 1 small tick = " ++ show (tickIntervalMs conf) ++ "ms" mapM_ drawTick ticks let bars = makeBars time2ms minRenderTime maxRenderTime es mapM_ (\(i,e) -> drawBar i e) bars return nullPickFn showHelp = mapM_ putStrLn [ "splot - a tool for visualizing the lifecycle of many concurrent multi-stage processes. See", "Usage: splot [-if INFILE] [-o PNGFILE] [-w WIDTH] [-h HEIGHT] [-bh BARHEIGHT] ", " [-tf TIMEFORMAT] [-sort SORT] [-expire EXPIRE]", " [-fromTime TIME] [-toTime TIME] [-numTracks NUMTRACKS]", " [-tickInterval TICKINTERVAL] [-largeTickFreq N]", " [-stream true]", " -if INFILE - filename from where to read the trace.", " If omitted or '-', read from stdin.", " -o PNGFILE - filename to which the output will be written in PNG format.", " If omitted, it will be shown in a window.", " -w, -h - width and height of the resulting picture. Default 640x480.", " -bh - height of the bar depicting each individual process. Default 5 pixels.", " Use 1 or so, or 'fill' if you have a lot of them. ", " '-bh fill' means 'fill the screen with bars, without vertical gaps'", " -tf - time format, as in but with ", " fractional seconds supported via %OS - will parse 12.4039 or 12,4039", " Also, %^[+-][N]s will parse seconds since the epoch, for example ", " %^-3s are milliseconds since the epoch (N can only be 1 digit)", " -tickInterval - ticks on the X axis will be this often (in millis, default 1000).", " -largeTickFreq N - every N'th tick will be larger than the others (default 10).", " -sort SORT - sort tracks by SORT, where: 'time' - sort by time of first event, ", " 'name' - sort by track name.", " -expire - expire activities after given time period (in millis) - for instance,", " to account that if an activity doesn't tell you it's finished for too long,", " then it probably was killed.", " -phantom COL - 'phantom color' - if a track starts from a '<' event, it is assumed that", " the corresponding '>' event (not present in the log) was of color COL.", " Useful if you're drawing pieces of large logs.", " -fromTime TIME - clip picture on left (time in same format as in trace)", " -toTime TIME - clip picture on right (time in same format as in trace)", " -numTracks NUMTRACKS - explicitly specify number of tracks when using '-stream true'", " -stream true - use 'streaming mode' where the input is not loaded into memory and you", " can process multi-gigabyte inputs.", " In this mode, you MUST use an actual filename in '-if'.", " Note that you better also indicate -fromTime, -toTime and -numTracks,", " otherwise the data will be re-scanned once per each of these properties", " that is not indicated.", "", "Input is read from stdin. Example input (speaks for itself):", "2010-10-21 16:45:09,431 >foo green", "2010-10-21 16:45:09,541 >bar green", "2010-10-21 16:45:10,631 >foo yellow", "2010-10-21 16:45:10,725 >foo #ff0000", "2010-10-21 16:45:10,930 >bar blue", "2010-10-21 16:45:11,322 FOO COLOR' means 'start a bar of color COLOR on track FOO',", "'FOO was wasted, COLOR", "might be red)" ] main = do args <- getArgs case args of ["--help"] -> showHelp >> exitSuccess _ -> return () let (w,h) = (read $ getArg "w" "640" args, read $ getArg "h" "480" args) let barHeight = case getArg "bh" "5" args of { "fill" -> BarHeightFill ; bh -> BarHeightFixed $ read bh } let tickIntervalMs = read $ getArg "tickInterval" "1000" args let largeTickFreq = read $ getArg "largeTickFreq" "10" args let timeFormat = getArg "tf" "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS" args let ptime = strptime (B.pack timeFormat) let parseTime s = fromMaybe (error $ "Invalid time: " ++ show s) . ptime $ s let fromTime = fst `fmap` (strptime timeFormat $ getArg "fromTime" "" args) let toTime = fst `fmap` (strptime timeFormat $ getArg "toTime" "" args) let forcedNumTracks = case getArg "numTracks" "" args of { "" -> Nothing ; n -> Just $ read n } let outPNG = getArg "o" "" args let inputFile = getArg "if" "-" args let pruneLF b | not (B.null b) && (B.last b == '\r') = B.init b | otherwise = b let cmpTracks = case getArg "sort" "time" args of { "time" -> comparing time ; "name" -> comparing track } let expireTimeMs = read $ getArg "expire" "Infinity" args let phantomColor = case getArg "phantom" "" args of { "" -> Nothing; c -> Just c } let streaming = case getArg "stream" "false" args of { "true" -> True; _ -> False } let readInput = if inputFile == "-" then B.getContents else B.readFile inputFile let readEvents = (map (parse parseTime . pruneLF) . B.lines) `fmap` readInput when (streaming && (inputFile == "-")) $ error "In streaming mode (-stream true) you MUST use an actual filename in '-if'" when (streaming && isNothing fromTime) $ putStrLn "Warning: without -fromTime, input will be re-scanned to compute it." when (streaming && isNothing toTime) $ putStrLn "Warning: without -toTime, input will be re-scanned to compute it." when (streaming && isNothing forcedNumTracks) $ putStrLn "Warning: without -numTracks, input will be re-scanned to compute it." let pic = renderEvents (RenderConf barHeight tickIntervalMs largeTickFreq expireTimeMs cmpTracks phantomColor fromTime toTime forcedNumTracks streaming) readEvents case outPNG of "" -> renderableToWindow pic w h f -> const () `fmap` renderableToPNGFile pic w h outPNG