module Database.SQLCipher
( module Database.SQLCipher.Base
, module Database.SQLCipher.Types
, module Database.SQL.Types
, openConnection
, openReadonlyConnection
, closeConnection
, SQLiteResult
, execStatement
, execStatement_
, execParamStatement
, execParamStatement_
, insertRow
, defineTable
, defineTableOpt
, getLastRowID
, Row
, Value(..)
, addRegexpSupport
, RegexpHandler
, withPrim
, SQLiteHandle()
, newSQLiteHandle
, IsValue(..)
, IsFunctionHandler(..)
, createFunction
, createFunctionPrim
, createAggregatePrim
) where
import Database.SQLCipher.Types
import Database.SQLCipher.Base
import Database.SQL.Types
import Foreign.Marshal hiding (free, malloc)
import Foreign.C (CString, CStringLen)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable
import qualified Foreign.Concurrent as Conc
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Data.List
import Data.Int
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, packCStringLen, useAsCStringLen)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafePackCStringLen, unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import Control.Exception (bracketOnError)
import Control.Monad ((<=<),when)
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
newtype SQLiteHandle = SQLiteHandle (ForeignPtr ())
addSQLiteHandleFinalizer :: SQLiteHandle -> IO () -> IO ()
addSQLiteHandleFinalizer (SQLiteHandle h) = Conc.addForeignPtrFinalizer h
newSQLiteHandle :: SQLite -> IO SQLiteHandle
newSQLiteHandle h@(SQLite p) = SQLiteHandle `fmap` Conc.newForeignPtr p close
where close = sqlite3_close h >> return ()
openConnection :: String -> IO SQLiteHandle
openConnection dbName =
alloca $ \ptr -> do
st <- withUtf8CString dbName $ \ c_dbName ->
sqlite3_open c_dbName ptr
case st of
0 -> do db <- peek ptr
newSQLiteHandle db
_ -> fail ("openDatabase: failed to open " ++ show st)
openReadonlyConnection :: String -> IO SQLiteHandle
openReadonlyConnection dbName =
alloca $ \ptr -> do
st <- withUtf8CString dbName $ \ c_dbName ->
sqlite3_open_v2 c_dbName ptr sQLITE_OPEN_READONLY nullPtr
case st of
0 -> do db <- peek ptr
newSQLiteHandle db
_ -> fail ("openDatabase: failed to open " ++ show st)
closeConnection :: SQLiteHandle -> IO ()
closeConnection (SQLiteHandle h) = finalizeForeignPtr h
withPrim :: SQLiteHandle -> (SQLite -> IO a) -> IO a
withPrim (SQLiteHandle h) f = withForeignPtr h (f . SQLite)
type Row a = [(ColumnName,a)]
defineTableOpt :: SQLiteHandle -> Bool -> SQLTable -> IO (Maybe String)
defineTableOpt h check tab = execStatement_ h (createTable tab)
opt = if check then " IF NOT EXISTS " else ""
createTable t = case t of
Table{} -> "CREATE TABLE " ++ namePart ++ bodyPart
VirtualTable{} -> "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE " ++ namePart ++ " USING " ++ tabUsing t ++ bodyPart
namePart = opt ++ toSQLString (tabName t)
bodyPart = tupled (map toCols (tabColumns t)) ++ ";"
toCols col =
toSQLString (colName col) ++ " " ++ showType (colType col) ++
' ':unwords (map showClause (colClauses col))
defineTable :: SQLiteHandle -> SQLTable -> IO (Maybe String)
defineTable h tab = defineTableOpt h False tab
insertRow :: SQLiteHandle -> TableName -> Row String -> IO (Maybe String)
insertRow h tab cs = do
let stmt = ("INSERT INTO " ++ tab ++
tupled (toVals fst) ++ " VALUES " ++
tupled (toVals (quote.snd)) ++ ";")
execStatement_ h stmt
toVals f = map (toVal f) cs
toVal f p = f p
quote "" = "''"
quote nm
| isNumber nm = nm
| otherwise = '\'':toSQLString nm ++ "'"
isNumber x = case reads x of
[(_ :: Float, "")] -> True
_ -> False
getLastRowID :: SQLiteHandle -> IO Integer
getLastRowID h = withPrim h $ \ p -> do
v <- sqlite3_last_insert_rowid p
return (fromIntegral v)
data Value
= Double Double
| Int Int64
| Text String
| Blob ByteString
| Null
deriving (Show,Typeable,Data)
foreign import ccall "stdlib.h malloc"
malloc :: CSize -> IO (Ptr a)
foreign import ccall "stdlib.h free"
free :: Ptr a -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "stdlib.h &free"
p_free :: FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "string.h memcpy"
memcpy :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> CSize -> IO ()
bindValue :: SQLiteStmt -> String -> Value -> IO (Status, IO ())
bindValue stmt key value =
withUtf8CString key $ \ ckey -> do
ix <- sqlite3_bind_parameter_index stmt ckey
if ix <= 0 then return (sQLITE_OK, return ()) else do
case value of
Text txt ->
do (cptr, len) <- mallocUtf8CStringLen txt
res <- sqlite3_bind_text stmt ix cptr (fromIntegral len) p_free
when (res /= sQLITE_OK) (free cptr)
return (res, return ())
Null -> addEmpty `fmap` sqlite3_bind_null stmt ix
Int x -> addEmpty `fmap` sqlite3_bind_int64 stmt ix x
Double x -> addEmpty `fmap` sqlite3_bind_double stmt ix x
Blob x -> useAsCStringLen x $ \ (ptr,bytes) -> do
outPtr <- mallocBytes bytes
memcpy outPtr ptr (fromIntegral bytes)
status <- sqlite3_bind_blob stmt ix (castPtr outPtr)
(fromIntegral bytes)
return (status, free outPtr)
addEmpty :: Status -> (Status, IO ())
addEmpty x = (x, return ())
to_error :: SQLite -> IO (Either String a)
to_error db = Left `fmap` (peekUtf8CString =<< sqlite3_errmsg db)
execParamStatement_ :: SQLiteHandle -> String -> [(String,Value)]
-> IO (Maybe String)
execParamStatement_ db q ps =
either Just (const Nothing) `fmap`
(execParamStatement db q ps :: IO (Either String [[Row ()]]))
execParamStatement :: SQLiteResult a => SQLiteHandle -> String
-> [(String,Value)] -> IO (Either String [[Row a]])
execParamStatement h query params = withPrim h $ \ db ->
alloca $ \stmt_ptr ->
alloca $ \pzTail ->
withUtf8CString query $ \zSql -> do
poke pzTail zSql
prepare_loop db stmt_ptr pzTail
prepare_loop db stmt_ptr sqltxt_ptr = loop [] where
loop xs =
peek sqltxt_ptr >>= \ sqltxt ->
ensure_ (peek sqltxt) (/= 0) (eReturn (reverse xs)) $
ensure_ (sqlite3_prepare db sqltxt (1) stmt_ptr sqltxt_ptr)
(== sQLITE_OK) (to_error db) $
ensure (peek stmt_ptr)
(not . isNullStmt) (loop xs) $ \ stmt ->
then_finalize db (recv_rows db stmt) stmt `ebind` \ x ->
loop (x:xs)
recv_rows db stmt =
do gcs <- map snd `fmap` mapM (uncurry $ bindValue stmt) params
col_num <- sqlite3_column_count stmt
let cols = [0..col_num1]
names <- mapM (peekUtf8CString <=< sqlite3_column_name stmt) cols
res <- get_rows db stmt cols names []
return (res, gcs)
get_rows db stmt cols col_names rows = do
res <- sqlite3_step stmt
if res == sQLITE_ROW
then do
txts <- mapM (get_sqlite_val stmt) cols
let row = zip col_names txts
get_rows db stmt cols col_names (row:rows)
else if res == sQLITE_DONE
then eReturn (reverse rows)
else to_error db
then_finalize db m stmt = do
(e, gcs) <- m
_ <- sqlite3_finalize stmt
sequence_ gcs
case e of
Left _ -> to_error db
Right r -> return (Right r)
execStatement :: SQLiteResult a
=> SQLiteHandle -> String -> IO (Either String [[Row a]])
execStatement db s = execParamStatement db s []
execStatement_ :: SQLiteHandle -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
execStatement_ h sqlStmt = withPrim h $ \ db ->
withUtf8CString sqlStmt $ \ c_sqlStmt ->
sqlite3_exec db c_sqlStmt noCallback nullPtr nullPtr >>= \ st ->
if st == sQLITE_OK
then return Nothing
else fmap Just . peekUtf8CString =<< sqlite3_errmsg db
tupled :: [String] -> String
tupled xs = "(" ++ concat (intersperse ", " xs) ++ ")"
infixl 1 `ebind`
ebind :: Monad m => m (Either e a) -> (a -> m (Either e b)) -> m (Either e b)
m `ebind` f = do x <- m
case x of Left e -> return $ Left e
Right r -> f r
eReturn :: Monad m => a -> m (Either e a)
eReturn x = return $ Right x
ensure :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> Bool) -> m b -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ensure m p t f = m >>= \ x -> if p x then f x else t
ensure_ :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> Bool) -> m b -> m b -> m b
ensure_ m p t f = ensure m p t (const f)
class SQLiteResultPrivate a
class SQLiteResultPrivate a => SQLiteResult a where
get_sqlite_val :: SQLiteStmt -> CInt -> IO a
instance SQLiteResultPrivate String
instance SQLiteResult String where
get_sqlite_val = get_text_val
instance SQLiteResultPrivate ()
instance SQLiteResult () where
get_sqlite_val _ _ = return ()
instance SQLiteResultPrivate Value
instance SQLiteResult Value where
get_sqlite_val = get_val
get_text_val :: SQLiteStmt -> CInt -> IO String
get_text_val stmt n =
do ptr <- sqlite3_column_text stmt n
bytes <- sqlite3_column_bytes stmt n
peekUtf8CStringLen (ptr, fromIntegral bytes)
get_val :: SQLiteStmt -> CInt -> IO Value
get_val stmt n = sqlite3_value_value =<< sqlite3_column_value stmt n
sqlite3_value_value :: SQLiteValue -> IO Value
sqlite3_value_value val =
do typ <- sqlite3_value_type val
case () of
_ | typ == sQLITE_NULL -> return Null
| typ == sQLITE_INTEGER -> Int `fmap` sqlite3_value_int64 val
| typ == sQLITE_FLOAT -> Double `fmap` sqlite3_value_double val
| typ == sQLITE_TEXT ->
fmap Text . peekUtf8CStringLen =<< sqlite3_value_cstringlen val
| typ == sQLITE_BLOB ->
do SQLiteBLOB ptr <- sqlite3_value_blob val
bytes <- sqlite3_value_bytes val
str <- packCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral bytes)
return $ Blob str
| otherwise -> fail "get_val: unknown type"
type RegexpHandler = ByteString -> ByteString -> IO Bool
addRegexpSupport :: SQLiteHandle -> RegexpHandler -> IO ()
addRegexpSupport h f =
withUtf8CString "REGEXP" $ \ zFunctionName ->
do xFunc <- mkStepHandler $ regexp_callback f
_ <- withPrim h $ \ db ->
sqlite3_create_function db zFunctionName 2 sQLITE_UTF8 nullPtr
xFunc noCallback noCallback
addSQLiteHandleFinalizer h (freeCallback xFunc)
regexp_callback :: RegexpHandler -> StepHandler
regexp_callback f ctx argc argv =
if argc /= 2 then return_fail else
do arg0 <- sqlite3_value_cstringlen =<< peek argv
arg1 <- sqlite3_value_cstringlen =<< peekElemOff argv 1
if isNullCStringLen arg0 || isNullCStringLen arg1 then return_fail else
do regexp_str <- unsafePackCStringLen arg0
str <- unsafePackCStringLen arg1
res <- f regexp_str str
if res then return_success else return_fail
return_fail = sqlite3_result_int ctx 0
return_success = sqlite3_result_int ctx 1
isNullCStringLen :: CStringLen -> Bool
isNullCStringLen (p,_) = p == nullPtr
sqlite3_value_cstringlen :: SQLiteValue -> IO CStringLen
sqlite3_value_cstringlen v =
do str <- sqlite3_value_text v
len <- sqlite3_value_bytes v
return (str, fromIntegral len)
checkedFromIntegral :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> b
checkedFromIntegral x
| toInteger x == toInteger y = y
| otherwise = error "safeFromIntegral: cannot convert integer (out of range)"
where y = fromIntegral x
encodeCStringLen :: String -> ([CChar], Int)
encodeCStringLen str = (str', length str')
where str' = fromIntegral <$> UTF8.encode str
decodeCString :: [CChar] -> String
decodeCString = UTF8.decode . fmap fromIntegral
mallocUtf8CStringLen :: String -> IO CStringLen
mallocUtf8CStringLen str =
bracketOnError (malloc (checkedFromIntegral len)) free $ \ ptr -> do
pokeArray ptr str'
return (ptr, len)
where (str', len) = encodeCStringLen str
peekUtf8CString :: CString -> IO String
peekUtf8CString ptr =
fmap decodeCString (peekArray0 0 ptr)
peekUtf8CStringLen :: CStringLen -> IO String
peekUtf8CStringLen (ptr, len) =
fmap decodeCString (peekArray len ptr)
withUtf8CString :: String -> (CString -> IO b) -> IO b
withUtf8CString str action =
allocaArray0 len $ \ ptr -> do
pokeArray0 0 ptr str'
action ptr
where (str', len) = encodeCStringLen str
withUtf8CStringLen :: String -> (CStringLen -> IO b) -> IO b
withUtf8CStringLen str action = do
allocaArray len $ \ ptr -> do
pokeArray ptr str'
action (ptr, len)
where (str', len) = encodeCStringLen str
type Arity = Int
type FunctionName = String
type FunctionHandler = SQLiteContext -> [SQLiteValue] -> IO ()
class IsFunctionHandler a where
funcArity :: a -> Arity
funcHandler :: a -> FunctionHandler
instance IsValue r => IsFunctionHandler r where
funcArity _ = 0
funcHandler f ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx f
instance IsValue r => IsFunctionHandler (String -> r) where
funcArity _ = 1
funcHandler f ctx (x:_) = returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< fmap f (fromSQLiteValue x)
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler (a -> r) where
funcArity _ = 1
funcHandler f ctx (x:_) = returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< fmap f (fromSQLiteValue x)
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue b, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler (a -> b -> r) where
funcArity _ = 2
funcHandler f ctx (x:y:_) = do
x' <- fromSQLiteValue x
y' <- fromSQLiteValue y
returnSQLiteValue ctx $ f x' y'
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue b, IsValue c, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler (a -> b -> c -> r) where
funcArity _ = 3
funcHandler f ctx (x:y:z:_) = do
x' <- fromSQLiteValue x
y' <- fromSQLiteValue y
z' <- fromSQLiteValue z
returnSQLiteValue ctx $ f x' y' z'
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue b, IsValue c, IsValue d, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler (a -> b -> c -> d -> r) where
funcArity _ = 4
funcHandler f ctx (x:y:z:w:_) = do
x' <- fromSQLiteValue x
y' <- fromSQLiteValue y
z' <- fromSQLiteValue z
w' <- fromSQLiteValue w
returnSQLiteValue ctx $ f x' y' z' w'
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler ([a] -> r) where
funcArity _ = 1
funcHandler f ctx args = do
args' <- mapM fromSQLiteValue args
returnSQLiteValue ctx $ f args'
instance IsValue r => IsFunctionHandler (IO r) where
funcArity _ = 0
funcHandler f ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< f
instance IsValue r => IsFunctionHandler (String -> IO r) where
funcArity _ = 1
funcHandler f ctx (x:_) = returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< f =<< fromSQLiteValue x
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler (a -> IO r) where
funcArity _ = 1
funcHandler f ctx (x:_) = returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< f =<< fromSQLiteValue x
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue b, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler (a -> b -> IO r) where
funcArity _ = 2
funcHandler f ctx (x:y:_) = do
x' <- fromSQLiteValue x
y' <- fromSQLiteValue y
returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< f x' y'
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue b, IsValue c, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler (a -> b -> c -> IO r) where
funcArity _ = 3
funcHandler f ctx (x:y:z:_) = do
x' <- fromSQLiteValue x
y' <- fromSQLiteValue y
z' <- fromSQLiteValue z
returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< f x' y' z'
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue b, IsValue c, IsValue d, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler (a -> b -> c -> d -> IO r) where
funcArity _ = 4
funcHandler f ctx (x:y:z:w:_) = do
x' <- fromSQLiteValue x
y' <- fromSQLiteValue y
z' <- fromSQLiteValue z
w' <- fromSQLiteValue w
returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< f x' y' z' w'
funcHandler _ ctx _ = returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance (IsValue a, IsValue r) => IsFunctionHandler ([a] -> IO r) where
funcArity _ = 1
funcHandler f ctx args = do
args' <- mapM fromSQLiteValue args
returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< f args'
createFunction :: IsFunctionHandler a => SQLiteHandle -> FunctionName -> a -> IO ()
createFunction h name f = createFunctionPrim h name (funcArity f) (funcHandler f)
function_callback :: FunctionHandler -> StepHandler
function_callback f ctx argc argv = do
args <- peekArray (fromEnum argc) argv
f ctx args
createFunctionPrim :: SQLiteHandle -> FunctionName -> Arity -> FunctionHandler -> IO ()
createFunctionPrim h name arity f = do
xFunc <- mkStepHandler $ function_callback f
_ <- withPrim h $ \db -> do
withUtf8CString name $ \zFunctionName -> do
(toEnum arity)
addSQLiteHandleFinalizer h (freeCallback xFunc)
finalize_callback :: IsValue v => a -> (a -> IO v) -> FinalizeContextHandler
finalize_callback x f ctx = do
aVal <- get_aggr_context x ctx
returnSQLiteValue ctx =<< f aVal
get_aggr_context :: a -> SQLiteContext -> IO a
get_aggr_context x ctx = do
SQLiteContextBuffer aBuf <- sqlite3_aggregate_context ctx _SZ
aPtr <- peek (castPtr aBuf)
if aPtr == nullPtr then return x else do
let sPtr = castPtrToStablePtr aPtr
rv <- deRefStablePtr sPtr
freeStablePtr sPtr
return rv
set_aggr_context :: SQLiteContext -> a -> IO ()
set_aggr_context ctx x = do
SQLiteContextBuffer aBuf <- sqlite3_aggregate_context ctx _SZ
aPtr <- newStablePtr x
poke (castPtr aBuf) $ castStablePtrToPtr aPtr
_SZ :: CInt
_SZ = toEnum $ sizeOf nullPtr
step_callback :: IsValue v => a -> (a -> [v] -> IO a) -> StepHandler
step_callback x f ctx argc argv = do
args <- peekArray (fromEnum argc) argv
aVal <- get_aggr_context x ctx
newVal <- f aVal =<< mapM fromSQLiteValue args
set_aggr_context ctx newVal
createAggregatePrim :: (IsValue i, IsValue o) => SQLiteHandle -> FunctionName -> Arity -> (a -> [i] -> IO a) -> a -> (a -> IO o) -> IO ()
createAggregatePrim h name arity step x finalize = do
stepFunc <- mkStepHandler $ step_callback x step
finalizeFunc <- mkFinalizeContextHandler $ finalize_callback x finalize
_ <- withPrim h $ \db -> do
withUtf8CString name $ \zFunctionName -> do
(toEnum arity)
addSQLiteHandleFinalizer h (freeCallback stepFunc)
addSQLiteHandleFinalizer h (freeCallback finalizeFunc)
class IsValue a where
fromSQLiteValue :: SQLiteValue -> IO a
returnSQLiteValue :: SQLiteContext -> a -> IO ()
instance IsValue SQLiteValue where
fromSQLiteValue = return
returnSQLiteValue = sqlite3_result_value
instance IsValue Value where
fromSQLiteValue = sqlite3_value_value
returnSQLiteValue ctx v = case v of
Double d -> returnSQLiteValue ctx d
Int i -> returnSQLiteValue ctx i
Text s -> returnSQLiteValue ctx s
Blob b -> returnSQLiteValue ctx b
Null -> returnSQLiteValue ctx ()
instance IsValue Double where
fromSQLiteValue = sqlite3_value_double
returnSQLiteValue = sqlite3_result_double
instance IsValue Int64 where
fromSQLiteValue = sqlite3_value_int64
returnSQLiteValue = sqlite3_result_int64
instance IsValue CInt where
fromSQLiteValue = sqlite3_value_int
returnSQLiteValue = sqlite3_result_int
instance IsValue Int where
fromSQLiteValue = fmap fromEnum . sqlite3_value_int
returnSQLiteValue = (. toEnum) . sqlite3_result_int
instance IsValue CStringLen where
fromSQLiteValue = sqlite3_value_cstringlen
returnSQLiteValue ctx (cptr, len) = sqlite3_result_text ctx cptr (toEnum len) sqlite3_static_destructor
instance IsValue String where
fromSQLiteValue v = do
cstrlen <- fromSQLiteValue v
peekUtf8CStringLen cstrlen
returnSQLiteValue ctx str = withUtf8CStringLen str $ \(cptr, len) -> do
sqlite3_result_text ctx cptr (toEnum len) sqlite3_transient_destructor
instance IsValue ByteString where
fromSQLiteValue = unsafePackCStringLen <=< fromSQLiteValue
returnSQLiteValue ctx bytes = unsafeUseAsCStringLen bytes $ \(cptr, len) -> do
sqlite3_result_text ctx cptr (toEnum len) sqlite3_transient_destructor
instance IsValue () where
fromSQLiteValue _ = return ()
returnSQLiteValue ctx _ = sqlite3_result_null ctx
instance IsValue a => IsValue (Maybe a) where
fromSQLiteValue v = do
typ <- sqlite3_value_type v
if typ == sQLITE_NULL
then return Nothing
else fmap Just (fromSQLiteValue v)
returnSQLiteValue ctx v = case v of
Just v' -> returnSQLiteValue ctx v'
_ -> returnSQLiteValue ctx ()