{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | Parsers for antiquoted Haskell expressions inside strings. -- -- This module was largely copied from -- https://github.com/tmhedberg/here/blob/8a616b358bcc16bd215a78a8f6192ad9df8224b6/src/Data/String/Here/Interpolated.hs module Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ.Interpolated.Parser where import Data.Char (isDigit, isLetter) import Data.Functor (($>)) import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Monad.State (evalStateT, get, modify) import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Language.Haskell.Meta (parseExp) import Language.Haskell.TH (Exp, Q) import Text.Parsec ( ParseError, anyChar, between, char, eof, incSourceColumn , getInput, lookAhead, manyTill, noneOf, parse, setInput, statePos , string, try, updateParserState, (<|>) ) import Text.Parsec.String (Parser) data StringPart = Lit String | Esc Char | AntiInject String | AntiParam (Q Exp) data HsChompState = HsChompState { quoteState :: QuoteState , braceCt :: Int , consumed :: String , prevCharWasIdentChar :: Bool } data QuoteState = None | Single EscapeState | Double EscapeState deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data EscapeState = Escaped | Unescaped deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Show) parseInterpolated :: String -> Either ParseError [StringPart] parseInterpolated = parse pInterp "" pInterp :: Parser [StringPart] pInterp = manyTill pStringPart eof pStringPart :: Parser StringPart pStringPart = pAntiInject <|> pAntiParam <|> pEsc <|> pLit pAntiInject :: Parser StringPart pAntiInject = AntiInject <$> between (try pAntiOpenInject) pAntiClose pAntiName pAntiOpenInject :: Parser String pAntiOpenInject = string "!{" pAntiName :: Parser String pAntiName = manyTill anyChar (lookAhead pAntiClose) pAntiParam :: Parser StringPart pAntiParam = AntiParam <$> between (try pAntiOpenParam) pAntiClose pAntiExpr pAntiOpenParam :: Parser String pAntiOpenParam = string "${" pAntiExpr :: Parser (Q Exp) pAntiExpr = pUntilUnbalancedCloseBrace >>= either fail (pure . pure) . parseExp pAntiClose :: Parser String pAntiClose = string "}" pUntilUnbalancedCloseBrace :: Parser String pUntilUnbalancedCloseBrace = evalStateT go $ HsChompState None 0 "" False where go = do c <- lift anyChar modify $ \st@HsChompState {consumed} -> st {consumed = c:consumed} HsChompState{..} <- get let next = setIdentifierCharState c *> go case quoteState of None -> case c of '{' -> incBraceCt 1 *> next '}' | braceCt > 0 -> incBraceCt (-1) *> next | otherwise -> stepBack $> reverse (tail consumed) '\'' -> unless prevCharWasIdentChar (setQuoteState $ Single Unescaped) *> next '"' -> setQuoteState (Double Unescaped) *> next _ -> next Single Unescaped -> do case c of '\\' -> setQuoteState (Single Escaped) '\'' -> setQuoteState None _ -> pure () next Single Escaped -> setQuoteState (Single Unescaped) *> next Double Unescaped -> do case c of '\\' -> setQuoteState (Double Escaped) '"' -> setQuoteState None _ -> pure () next Double Escaped -> setQuoteState (Double Unescaped) *> next stepBack = lift $ updateParserState (\s -> s {statePos = incSourceColumn (statePos s) (-1)}) *> getInput >>= setInput . ('}':) incBraceCt n = modify $ \st@HsChompState {braceCt} -> st {braceCt = braceCt + n} setQuoteState qs = modify $ \st -> st {quoteState = qs} setIdentifierCharState c = modify $ \st -> st {prevCharWasIdentChar = or [isLetter c, isDigit c, c == '_', c == '\'']} pEsc :: Parser StringPart pEsc = Esc <$> (char '\\' *> anyChar) pLit :: Parser StringPart pLit = fmap Lit $ try (litCharTil $ try $ lookAhead pAntiOpenInject <|> lookAhead pAntiOpenParam <|> lookAhead (string "\\")) <|> litCharTil eof where litCharTil = manyTill $ noneOf ['\\']