{-| Module: Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration Description: Squeal migrations Copyright: (c) Eitan Chatav, 2017 Maintainer: eitan@morphism.tech Stability: experimental This module defines a `Migration` type to safely change the schema of your database over time. Let's see an example! >>> :set -XDataKinds -XOverloadedLabels >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -XFlexibleContexts -XTypeOperators >>> :{ type UsersTable = '[ "pk_users" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"] ] :=> '[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext ] :} >>> :{ type EmailsTable = '[ "pk_emails" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"] , "fk_user_id" ::: 'ForeignKey '["user_id"] "users" '["id"] ] :=> '[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "user_id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "email" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGtext ] :} >>> :{ let makeUsers :: Migration IO '[] '["users" ::: UsersTable] makeUsers = Migration { name = "make users table" , up = void . define $ createTable #users ( serial `As` #id :* (text & notNull) `As` #name :* Nil ) ( primaryKey (Column #id :* Nil) `As` #pk_users :* Nil ) , down = void . define $ dropTable #users } :} >>> :{ let makeEmails :: Migration IO '["users" ::: UsersTable] '["users" ::: UsersTable, "emails" ::: EmailsTable] makeEmails = Migration { name = "make emails table" , up = void . define $ createTable #emails ( serial `As` #id :* (int & notNull) `As` #user_id :* text `As` #email :* Nil ) ( primaryKey (Column #id :* Nil) `As` #pk_emails :* foreignKey (Column #user_id :* Nil) #users (Column #id :* Nil) OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade `As` #fk_user_id :* Nil ) , down = void . define $ dropTable #emails } :} Now that we have a couple migrations we can chain them together. >>> let migrations = makeUsers :>> makeEmails :>> Done >>> :{ let numMigrations :: Has "schema_migrations" schema MigrationsTable => PQ schema schema IO () numMigrations = do result <- runQuery (selectStar (from (table (#schema_migrations `As` #m)))) num <- ntuples result liftBase $ print num :} >>> :{ withConnection "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" $ manipulate (UnsafeManipulation "SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;") -- suppress notices & pqThen (migrateUp migrations) & pqThen numMigrations & pqThen (migrateDown migrations) & pqThen numMigrations :} Row 2 Row 0 -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables , OverloadedStrings , DataKinds , GADTs , LambdaCase , PolyKinds , OverloadedLabels , TypeApplications , FlexibleContexts , TypeOperators #-} module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration ( -- * Migration Migration (..) , migrateUp , migrateDown -- * Aligned lists , AlignedList (..) , single -- * Migration table , MigrationsTable , createMigrations , insertMigration , deleteMigration , selectMigration ) where import Control.Category import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Base import Control.Monad.Trans.Control import Data.Monoid import Generics.SOP (K(..)) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Text (Text) import Prelude hiding (id, (.)) import Squeal.PostgreSQL -- | A `Migration` should contain an inverse pair of -- `up` and `down` instructions and a unique `name`. data Migration io schema0 schema1 = Migration { name :: Text -- ^ The `name` of a `Migration`. -- Each `name` in a `Migration` should be unique. , up :: PQ schema0 schema1 io () -- ^ The `up` instruction of a `Migration`. , down :: PQ schema1 schema0 io () -- ^ The `down` instruction of a `Migration`. } -- | An `AlignedList` is a type-aligned list or free category. data AlignedList p x0 x1 where Done :: AlignedList p x x (:>>) :: p x0 x1 -> AlignedList p x1 x2 -> AlignedList p x0 x2 infixr 7 :>> instance Category (AlignedList p) where id = Done (.) list = \case Done -> list step :>> steps -> step :>> (steps >>> list) -- | A `single` step. single :: p x0 x1 -> AlignedList p x0 x1 single step = step :>> Done -- | Run `Migration`s by creating the `MigrationsTable` -- if it does not exist and then in a transaction, for each each `Migration` -- query to see if the `Migration` is executed. If not, then -- execute the `Migration` and insert its row in the `MigrationsTable`. migrateUp :: MonadBaseControl IO io => AlignedList (Migration io) schema0 schema1 -- ^ migrations to run -> PQ ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0) ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1) io () migrateUp migration = define createMigrations & pqBind okResult & pqThen (transactionallySchema_ (upMigrations migration)) where upMigrations :: MonadBaseControl IO io => AlignedList (Migration io) schema0 schema1 -> PQ ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0) ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1) io () upMigrations = \case Done -> return () step :>> steps -> upMigration step & pqThen (upMigrations steps) upMigration :: MonadBase IO io => Migration io schema0 schema1 -> PQ ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0) ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1) io () upMigration step = queryExecuted step & pqBind (\ executed -> if executed == 1 -- up step has already been executed then PQ (\ _ -> return (K ())) -- unsafely switch schemas else pqEmbed (up step) -- safely switch schemas & pqThen (manipulateParams insertMigration (Only (name step))) -- insert execution record & pqBind okResult) queryExecuted :: MonadBase IO io => Migration io schema0 schema1 -> PQ ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0) ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0) io Row queryExecuted step = do result <- runQueryParams selectMigration (Only (name step)) okResult result ntuples result -- | Rewind `Migration`s by creating the `MigrationsTable` -- if it does not exist and then in a transaction, for each each `Migration` -- query to see if the `Migration` is executed. If it is, then -- rewind the `Migration` and delete its row in the `MigrationsTable`. migrateDown :: MonadBaseControl IO io => AlignedList (Migration io) schema0 schema1 -- ^ migrations to rewind -> PQ ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1) ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0) io () migrateDown migrations = define createMigrations & pqBind okResult & pqThen (transactionallySchema_ (downMigrations migrations)) where downMigrations :: MonadBaseControl IO io => AlignedList (Migration io) schema0 schema1 -> PQ ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1) ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0) io () downMigrations = \case Done -> return () step :>> steps -> downMigrations steps & pqThen (downMigration step) downMigration :: MonadBase IO io => Migration io schema0 schema1 -> PQ ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1) ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0) io () downMigration step = queryExecuted step & pqBind (\ executed -> if executed == 0 -- up step has not been executed then PQ (\ _ -> return (K ())) -- unsafely switch schemas else pqEmbed (down step) -- safely switch schemas & pqThen (manipulateParams deleteMigration (Only (name step))) -- delete execution record & pqBind okResult) queryExecuted :: MonadBase IO io => Migration io schema0 schema1 -> PQ ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1) ("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1) io Row queryExecuted step = do result <- runQueryParams selectMigration (Only (name step)) okResult result ntuples result okResult :: MonadBase IO io => K Result results -> PQ schema schema io () okResult result = do status <- resultStatus result when (not (status `elem` [CommandOk, TuplesOk])) $ do errorMessageMaybe <- resultErrorMessage result case errorMessageMaybe of Nothing -> error "migrateDown: unknown error" Just msg -> error ("migrationDown: " <> show msg) -- | The `TableType` for a Squeal migration. type MigrationsTable = '[ "migrations_unique_name" ::: 'Unique '["name"]] :=> '[ "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext , "executed_at" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGtimestamptz ] -- | Creates a `MigrationsTable` if it does not already exist. createMigrations :: Has "schema_migrations" schema MigrationsTable => Definition schema schema createMigrations = createTableIfNotExists #schema_migrations ( (text & notNull) `As` #name :* (timestampWithTimeZone & notNull & default_ currentTimestamp) `As` #executed_at :* Nil ) ( unique (Column #name :* Nil) `As` #migrations_unique_name :* Nil ) -- | Inserts a `Migration` into the `MigrationsTable` insertMigration :: Has "schema_migrations" schema MigrationsTable => Manipulation schema '[ 'NotNull 'PGtext] '[] insertMigration = insertRow_ #schema_migrations ( Set (param @1) `As` #name :* Default `As` #executed_at :* Nil ) -- | Deletes a `Migration` from the `MigrationsTable` deleteMigration :: Has "schema_migrations" schema MigrationsTable => Manipulation schema '[ 'NotNull 'PGtext ] '[] deleteMigration = deleteFrom_ #schema_migrations (#name .== param @1) -- | Selects a `Migration` from the `MigrationsTable`, returning -- the time at which it was executed. selectMigration :: Has "schema_migrations" schema MigrationsTable => Query schema '[ 'NotNull 'PGtext ] '[ "executed_at" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtimestamptz ] selectMigration = select (#executed_at `As` #executed_at :* Nil) ( from (table (#schema_migrations `As` #m)) & where_ (#name .== param @1))