{-| Module: Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query Description: structured query language Copyright: (c) Eitan Chatav, 2019 Maintainer: eitan@morphism.tech Stability: experimental structured query language -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds , DeriveGeneric , DerivingStrategies , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , GADTs , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , LambdaCase , MultiParamTypeClasses , OverloadedLabels , OverloadedStrings , QuantifiedConstraints , ScopedTypeVariables , StandaloneDeriving , TypeApplications , TypeFamilies , TypeInType , TypeOperators , RankNTypes , UndecidableInstances #-} module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query ( -- * Query Query (..) , Query_ -- ** Set Operations , union , unionAll , intersect , intersectAll , except , exceptAll ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Kind (Type) import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Type.PG import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Render import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Type.Schema -- $setup -- >>> import Squeal.PostgreSQL -- >>> import Data.Int (Int32, Int64) -- >>> import Data.Monoid (Sum (..)) -- >>> import Data.Text (Text) -- >>> import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP {- | The process of retrieving or the command to retrieve data from a database is called a `Query`. The general `Query` type is parameterized by * @lat :: FromType@ - scope for `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.From.Join.JoinLateral` and subquery expressions, * @with :: FromType@ - scope for all `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.From.common` table expressions, * @db :: SchemasType@ - scope for all `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.From.table`s and `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.From.view`s, * @params :: [NullType]@ - scope for all `Squeal.Expression.Parameter.parameter`s, * @row :: RowType@ - return type of the `Query`. Let's see some `Query` examples. simple query: >>> type Columns = '["col1" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4] >>> type Schema = '["tab" ::: 'Table ('[] :=> Columns)] >>> :{ let qry :: Query lat with (Public Schema) '[] '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select Star (from (table #tab)) in printSQL qry :} SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "tab" restricted query: >>> :{ let qry :: Query '[] with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select_ ((#col1 + #col2) `as` #col1 :* #col1 `as` #col2) ( from (table #tab) & where_ (#col1 .> #col2) & where_ (#col2 .> 0) ) in printSQL qry :} SELECT ("col1" + "col2") AS "col1", "col1" AS "col2" FROM "tab" AS "tab" WHERE (("col1" > "col2") AND ("col2" > (0 :: int4))) subquery: >>> :{ let qry :: Query lat with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select Star (from (subquery (select Star (from (table #tab)) `as` #sub))) in printSQL qry :} SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "tab") AS "sub" limits and offsets: >>> :{ let qry :: Query lat with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select Star (from (table #tab) & limit 100 & offset 2 & limit 50 & offset 2) in printSQL qry :} SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "tab" LIMIT 50 OFFSET 4 parameterized query: >>> :{ let qry :: Query '[] with (Public Schema) '[ 'NotNull 'PGint4] '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select Star (from (table #tab) & where_ (#col1 .> param @1)) in printSQL qry :} SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "tab" WHERE ("col1" > ($1 :: int4)) aggregation query: >>> :{ let qry :: Query '[] with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint8, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select_ ((fromNull 0 (sum_ (All #col2))) `as` #col1 :* #col1 `as` #col2) ( from (table (#tab `as` #table1)) & groupBy #col1 & having (sum_ (Distinct #col2) .> 1) ) in printSQL qry :} SELECT COALESCE(sum(ALL "col2"), (0 :: int8)) AS "col1", "col1" AS "col2" FROM "tab" AS "table1" GROUP BY "col1" HAVING (sum(DISTINCT "col2") > (1 :: int8)) sorted query: >>> :{ let qry :: Query '[] with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select Star (from (table #tab) & orderBy [#col1 & Asc]) in printSQL qry :} SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "tab" ORDER BY "col1" ASC joins: >>> :{ type OrdersColumns = '[ "id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "price" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGfloat4 , "customer_id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "shipper_id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 ] :} >>> :{ type OrdersConstraints = '["pk_orders" ::: PrimaryKey '["id"] ,"fk_customers" ::: ForeignKey '["customer_id"] "public" "customers" '["id"] ,"fk_shippers" ::: ForeignKey '["shipper_id"] "public" "shippers" '["id"] ] :} >>> type NamesColumns = '["id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4, "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext] >>> type CustomersConstraints = '["pk_customers" ::: PrimaryKey '["id"]] >>> type ShippersConstraints = '["pk_shippers" ::: PrimaryKey '["id"]] >>> :{ type OrdersSchema = '[ "orders" ::: 'Table (OrdersConstraints :=> OrdersColumns) , "customers" ::: 'Table (CustomersConstraints :=> NamesColumns) , "shippers" ::: 'Table (ShippersConstraints :=> NamesColumns) ] :} >>> :{ type OrderRow = '[ "price" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat4 , "customerName" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext , "shipperName" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext ] :} >>> :{ let qry :: Query lat with (Public OrdersSchema) params OrderRow qry = select_ ( #o ! #price `as` #price :* #c ! #name `as` #customerName :* #s ! #name `as` #shipperName ) ( from (table (#orders `as` #o) & innerJoin (table (#customers `as` #c)) (#o ! #customer_id .== #c ! #id) & innerJoin (table (#shippers `as` #s)) (#o ! #shipper_id .== #s ! #id)) ) in printSQL qry :} SELECT "o"."price" AS "price", "c"."name" AS "customerName", "s"."name" AS "shipperName" FROM "orders" AS "o" INNER JOIN "customers" AS "c" ON ("o"."customer_id" = "c"."id") INNER JOIN "shippers" AS "s" ON ("o"."shipper_id" = "s"."id") self-join: >>> :{ let qry :: Query lat with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select (#t1 & DotStar) (from (table (#tab `as` #t1) & crossJoin (table (#tab `as` #t2)))) in printSQL qry :} SELECT "t1".* FROM "tab" AS "t1" CROSS JOIN "tab" AS "t2" value queries: >>> :{ let qry :: Query lat with db params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGbool] qry = values ("true" `as` #col1 :* true `as` #col2) ["false" `as` #col1 :* false `as` #col2] in printSQL qry :} SELECT * FROM (VALUES ((E'true' :: text), TRUE), ((E'false' :: text), FALSE)) AS t ("col1", "col2") set operations: >>> :{ let qry :: Query lat with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select Star (from (table #tab)) `unionAll` select Star (from (table #tab)) in printSQL qry :} (SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "tab") UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "tab") with query: >>> :{ let qry :: Query lat with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = with ( select Star (from (table #tab)) `as` #cte1 :>> select Star (from (common #cte1)) `as` #cte2 ) (select Star (from (common #cte2))) in printSQL qry :} WITH "cte1" AS (SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "tab"), "cte2" AS (SELECT * FROM "cte1" AS "cte1") SELECT * FROM "cte2" AS "cte2" window functions: >>> :{ let qry :: Query '[] with (Public Schema) db '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint8] qry = select (#col1 & Also (rank `as` #col2 `Over` (partitionBy #col1 & orderBy [#col2 & Asc]))) (from (table #tab)) in printSQL qry :} SELECT "col1" AS "col1", rank() OVER (PARTITION BY "col1" ORDER BY "col2" ASC) AS "col2" FROM "tab" AS "tab" correlated subqueries: >>> :{ let qry :: Query '[] with (Public Schema) params '["col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4] qry = select #col1 (from (table (#tab `as` #t1)) & where_ (exists ( select Star (from (table (#tab `as` #t2)) & where_ (#t2 ! #col2 .== #t1 ! #col1))))) in printSQL qry :} SELECT "col1" AS "col1" FROM "tab" AS "t1" WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM "tab" AS "t2" WHERE ("t2"."col2" = "t1"."col1")) -} newtype Query (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (row :: RowType) = UnsafeQuery { renderQuery :: ByteString } deriving stock (GHC.Generic,Show,Eq,Ord) deriving newtype (NFData) instance RenderSQL (Query lat with db params row) where renderSQL = renderQuery {- | The `Query_` type is parameterized by a @db@ `SchemasType`, against which the query is type-checked, an input @params@ Haskell `Type`, and an ouput row Haskell `Type`. A `Query_` can be run using `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.runQueryParams`, or if @params = ()@ using `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.runQuery`. Generally, @params@ will be a Haskell tuple or record whose entries may be referenced using positional `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Parameter.parameter`s and @row@ will be a Haskell record, whose entries will be targeted using overloaded labels. `Query_` is a type family which resolves into a `Query`, so don't be fooled by the input params and output row Haskell `Type`s, which are converted into appropriate Postgres @[@`NullType`@]@ params and `RowType` rows. Use `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Statement.query` to fix actual Haskell input params and output rows. >>> :set -XDeriveAnyClass -XDerivingStrategies >>> type Columns = '["col1" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint8, "col2" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext] >>> type Schema = '["tab" ::: 'Table ('[] :=> Columns)] >>> :{ data Row = Row { col1 :: Maybe Int64, col2 :: String } deriving stock (GHC.Generic) deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo) :} >>> :{ let qry :: Query_ (Public Schema) (Int64, Bool) Row qry = select Star (from (table #tab) & where_ (#col1 .> param @1 .&& notNull (param @2))) stmt :: Statement (Public Schema) (Int64, Bool) Row stmt = query qry :} >>> :type qry qry :: Query '[] '[] '["public" ::: '["tab" ::: 'Table ('[] :=> Columns)]] '[ 'NotNull 'PGint8, 'NotNull 'PGbool] '["col1" ::: 'Null 'PGint8, "col2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext] >>> :type stmt stmt :: Statement '["public" ::: '["tab" ::: 'Table ('[] :=> Columns)]] (Int64, Bool) Row -} type family Query_ (db :: SchemasType) (params :: Type) (row :: Type) where Query_ db params row = Query '[] '[] db (TuplePG params) (RowPG row) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `union`. Duplicate rows are eliminated. union :: Query lat with db params columns -- ^ -> Query lat with db params columns -> Query lat with db params columns q1 `union` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderSQL q1) <+> "UNION" <+> parenthesized (renderSQL q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `unionAll`, the disjoint union. Duplicate rows are retained. unionAll :: Query lat with db params columns -- ^ -> Query lat with db params columns -> Query lat with db params columns q1 `unionAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderSQL q1) <+> "UNION" <+> "ALL" <+> parenthesized (renderSQL q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `intersect`, the intersection. Duplicate rows are eliminated. intersect :: Query lat with db params columns -- ^ -> Query lat with db params columns -> Query lat with db params columns q1 `intersect` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderSQL q1) <+> "INTERSECT" <+> parenthesized (renderSQL q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `intersectAll`, the intersection. Duplicate rows are retained. intersectAll :: Query lat with db params columns -- ^ -> Query lat with db params columns -> Query lat with db params columns q1 `intersectAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderSQL q1) <+> "INTERSECT" <+> "ALL" <+> parenthesized (renderSQL q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `except`, the set difference. Duplicate rows are eliminated. except :: Query lat with db params columns -- ^ -> Query lat with db params columns -> Query lat with db params columns q1 `except` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderSQL q1) <+> "EXCEPT" <+> parenthesized (renderSQL q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `exceptAll`, the set difference. Duplicate rows are retained. exceptAll :: Query lat with db params columns -- ^ -> Query lat with db params columns -> Query lat with db params columns q1 `exceptAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderSQL q1) <+> "EXCEPT" <+> "ALL" <+> parenthesized (renderSQL q2)