{- Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Dr. Alistair Ward This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -} {- | [@AUTHOR@] Dr. Alistair Ward [@DESCRIPTION@] Defines a performance-test, based on randomly generated /virtual/ files. -} module Squeeze.Test.Performance( -- * Functions run ) where import qualified Control.Monad import qualified Control.Monad.Writer import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified Factory.Math.Probability import qualified Squeeze.Data.CommandOptions as Data.CommandOptions import qualified Squeeze.Data.File as Data.File import qualified Squeeze.Data.FileCombination as Data.FileCombination import qualified Squeeze.Squeeze as Squeeze import qualified System.IO import qualified System.Random {- | * Find the best-fit, into the available space, using a set composed from the specified number of virtual files. * The files have a random size, conforming to the specified distribution. * The generated file-name, is merely a counter. * CAVEAT: fewer files than requested may be used, because depending on the requested distribution, some may overflow the maximum permissible size. -} run :: (Factory.Math.Probability.Distribution distribution, RealFrac ratio) => Data.CommandOptions.CommandOptions ratio -> Int -- ^ The number of virtual files to randomly generate. -> distribution -> IO [Data.FileCombination.FileCombination] run commandOptions fileCount probabilityDistribution = do randomGen <- Data.Maybe.maybe System.Random.getStdGen {-use the global random-number generator-} ( return {-to IO-monad-} . System.Random.mkStdGen -- Seed the random-number generator as specified. ) $ Data.CommandOptions.getMaybeRandomSeed commandOptions -- Select a random-number generator. let (acceptedFileSizeAndPathList, logFile) = Control.Monad.Writer.runWriter . Data.File.selectSuitableFileSizes ( <= Data.CommandOptions.getMaximumBytes commandOptions -- This may reduce the requested number of files, but compensating distorts the requested distribution. ) . ( `zip` map show [0 :: Int ..] -- Construct a Data.File.FileSizeAndPath, by using a counter as the file-name. ) . take fileCount . filter ( >= 0 -- A suitable distribution shouldn't generate negative file-sizes. ) . map ( ceiling :: Double -> Integer -- File-sizes are integral. ) $ Factory.Math.Probability.generatePopulation probabilityDistribution randomGen Control.Monad.when (Data.CommandOptions.getVerbosity commandOptions > minBound) . System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr $ Data.List.intercalate "\n" logFile Squeeze.distributeAndFindBestFit commandOptions acceptedFileSizeAndPathList