{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ConstraintKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, MultiWayIf, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards, TemplateHaskell, TupleSections #-} -- | Run commands in Docker containers module Stack.Docker (cleanup ,CleanupOpts(..) ,CleanupAction(..) ,dockerCleanupCmdName ,dockerCmdName ,dockerOptsFromMonoid ,dockerPullCmdName ,execWithOptionalContainer ,preventInContainer ,pull ,reexecWithOptionalContainer ,reset ,reExecArgName ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception.Lifted import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow,throwM,MonadCatch) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO,liftIO) import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger,logError,logInfo,logWarn) import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader,asks) import Control.Monad.Writer (execWriter,runWriter,tell) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.Aeson.Extended (FromJSON(..),(.:),(.:?),(.!=),eitherDecode) import Data.ByteString.Builder (stringUtf8,charUtf8,toLazyByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import Data.Char (isSpace,toUpper,isAscii,isDigit) import Data.List (dropWhileEnd,find,intercalate,intersperse,isPrefixOf,isInfixOf,foldl',sortBy) import Data.List.Extra (trim) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Streaming.Process (ProcessExitedUnsuccessfully(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Time (UTCTime,LocalTime(..),diffDays,utcToLocalTime,getZonedTime,ZonedTime(..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Path import Path.IO (getWorkingDir,listDirectory,createTree,removeFile,removeTree,dirExists) import Prelude -- Fix redundant import warnings import Stack.Constants (projectDockerSandboxDir,stackProgName,stackDotYaml,stackRootEnvVar) import Stack.Types import Stack.Types.Internal import Stack.Docker.GlobalDB import System.Environment (lookupEnv,getProgName,getArgs,getExecutablePath) import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitWith) import System.FilePath (dropTrailingPathSeparator,takeBaseName) import System.Info (arch,os) import System.IO (stderr,stdin,stdout,hIsTerminalDevice) import System.Process.PagerEditor (editByteString) import System.Process.Read import System.Process.Run import System.Process (CreateProcess(delegate_ctlc)) import Text.Printf (printf) #ifndef WINDOWS import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (liftBaseWith) import System.Posix.Signals #endif -- | If Docker is enabled, re-runs the currently running OS command in a Docker container. -- Otherwise, runs the inner action. -- -- This takes an optional release action which should be taken IFF control is -- transfering away from the current process to the intra-container one. The main use -- for this is releasing a lock. After launching reexecution, the host process becomes -- nothing but an manager for the call into docker and thus may not hold the lock. reexecWithOptionalContainer :: M env m => Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> Maybe (m ()) -> IO () -> Maybe (m ()) -> Maybe (m ()) -> m () reexecWithOptionalContainer mprojectRoot = execWithOptionalContainer mprojectRoot getCmdArgs where getCmdArgs = do args <- (("--" ++ reExecArgName) :) <$> getArgs if arch == "x86_64" && os == "linux" then do exePath <- getExecutablePath let mountPath = concat ["/opt/host/bin/",takeBaseName exePath] return (mountPath ,args ,[] ,\c -> c{configDocker=(configDocker c) {dockerMount=Mount exePath mountPath : dockerMount (configDocker c)}}) else do progName <- getProgName return (takeBaseName progName,args,[],id) -- | If Docker is enabled, re-runs the OS command returned by the second argument in a -- Docker container. Otherwise, runs the inner action. -- -- This takes an optional release action just like `reexecWithOptionalContainer`. execWithOptionalContainer :: M env m => Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> IO (FilePath,[String],[(String,String)],Config -> Config) -> Maybe (m ()) -> IO () -> Maybe (m ()) -> Maybe (m ()) -> m () execWithOptionalContainer mprojectRoot getCmdArgs mbefore inner mafter mrelease = do config <- asks getConfig inContainer <- getInContainer isReExec <- asks getReExec if | inContainer && not isReExec && (isJust mbefore || isJust mafter) -> throwM OnlyOnHostException | inContainer -> liftIO (do inner exitSuccess) | not (dockerEnable (configDocker config)) -> do fromMaybeAction mbefore liftIO inner fromMaybeAction mafter liftIO exitSuccess | otherwise -> do (cmd_,args,envVars,modConfig) <- liftIO getCmdArgs fromMaybeAction mrelease runContainerAndExit modConfig mprojectRoot (fromMaybeAction mbefore) cmd_ args envVars (fromMaybeAction mafter) where fromMaybeAction Nothing = return () fromMaybeAction (Just hook) = hook -- | Error if running in a container. preventInContainer :: (MonadIO m,MonadThrow m) => m () -> m () preventInContainer inner = do inContainer <- getInContainer if inContainer then throwM OnlyOnHostException else inner -- | 'True' if we are currently running inside a Docker container. getInContainer :: (MonadIO m) => m Bool getInContainer = liftIO (isJust <$> lookupEnv inContainerEnvVar) -- | Run a command in a new Docker container, then exit the process. runContainerAndExit :: M env m => (Config -> Config) -> Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> m () -> FilePath -> [String] -> [(String, String)] -> m () -> m () runContainerAndExit modConfig mprojectRoot before cmnd args envVars after = do config <- fmap modConfig (asks getConfig) let docker = configDocker config envOverride <- getEnvOverride (configPlatform config) checkDockerVersion envOverride uidOut <- readProcessStdout Nothing envOverride "id" ["-u"] gidOut <- readProcessStdout Nothing envOverride "id" ["-g"] (dockerHost,dockerCertPath,bamboo,jenkins) <- liftIO ((,,,) <$> lookupEnv "DOCKER_HOST" <*> lookupEnv "DOCKER_CERT_PATH" <*> lookupEnv "bamboo_buildKey" <*> lookupEnv "JENKINS_HOME") isStdoutTerminal <- asks getTerminal (isStdinTerminal,isStderrTerminal) <- liftIO ((,) <$> hIsTerminalDevice stdin <*> hIsTerminalDevice stderr) pwd <- getWorkingDir when (maybe False (isPrefixOf "tcp://") dockerHost && maybe False (isInfixOf "boot2docker") dockerCertPath) ($logWarn "Warning: Using boot2docker is NOT supported, and not likely to perform well.") let image = dockerImage docker maybeImageInfo <- inspect envOverride image imageInfo <- case maybeImageInfo of Just ii -> return ii Nothing | dockerAutoPull docker -> do pullImage envOverride docker image mii2 <- inspect envOverride image case mii2 of Just ii2 -> return ii2 Nothing -> throwM (InspectFailedException image) | otherwise -> throwM (NotPulledException image) let uid = dropWhileEnd isSpace (decodeUtf8 uidOut) gid = dropWhileEnd isSpace (decodeUtf8 gidOut) imageEnvVars = map (break (== '=')) (icEnv (iiConfig imageInfo)) sandboxID = fromMaybe "default" (lookupImageEnv sandboxIDEnvVar imageEnvVars) sandboxIDDir <- parseRelDir (sandboxID ++ "/") let stackRoot = configStackRoot config sandboxDir = projectDockerSandboxDir projectRoot sandboxSandboxDir = sandboxDir $(mkRelDir "_sandbox/") sandboxIDDir sandboxHomeDir = sandboxDir homeDirName sandboxRepoDir = sandboxDir sandboxIDDir sandboxSubdirs = map (\d -> sandboxRepoDir d) sandboxedHomeSubdirectories isTerm = not (dockerDetach docker) && isStdinTerminal && isStdoutTerminal && isStderrTerminal keepStdinOpen = not (dockerDetach docker) && (isTerm || (isNothing bamboo && isNothing jenkins)) liftIO (do updateDockerImageLastUsed config (iiId imageInfo) (toFilePath projectRoot) mapM_ createTree (concat [[sandboxHomeDir, sandboxSandboxDir, stackRoot] ++ sandboxSubdirs])) containerID <- (trim . decodeUtf8) <$> readDockerProcess envOverride (concat [["create" ,"--net=host" ,"-e",inContainerEnvVar ++ "=1" ,"-e",stackRootEnvVar ++ "=" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep stackRoot ,"-e","WORK_UID=" ++ uid ,"-e","WORK_GID=" ++ gid ,"-e","WORK_WD=" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep pwd ,"-e","WORK_HOME=" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep sandboxRepoDir ,"-e","WORK_ROOT=" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep projectRoot ,"-v",toFPNoTrailingSep stackRoot ++ ":" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep stackRoot ,"-v",toFPNoTrailingSep projectRoot ++ ":" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep projectRoot ,"-v",toFPNoTrailingSep sandboxSandboxDir ++ ":" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep sandboxDir ,"-v",toFPNoTrailingSep sandboxHomeDir ++ ":" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep sandboxRepoDir ,"-v",toFPNoTrailingSep stackRoot ++ ":" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep (sandboxRepoDir $(mkRelDir ("." ++ stackProgName ++ "/")))] ,concatMap (\(k,v) -> ["-e", k ++ "=" ++ v]) envVars ,concatMap sandboxSubdirArg sandboxSubdirs ,concatMap mountArg (dockerMount docker) ,concatMap (\nv -> ["-e", nv]) (dockerEnv docker) ,case dockerContainerName docker of Just name -> ["--name=" ++ name] Nothing -> [] ,["-t" | isTerm] ,["-i" | keepStdinOpen] ,dockerRunArgs docker ,[image] ,[cmnd] ,args]) before #ifndef WINDOWS runInBase <- liftBaseWith $ \run -> return (void . run) oldHandlers <- forM (concat [[(sigINT,sigTERM) | not keepStdinOpen] ,[(sigTERM,sigTERM)]]) $ \(sigIn,sigOut) -> do let sigHandler = runInBase (readProcessNull Nothing envOverride "docker" ["kill","--signal=" ++ show sigOut,containerID]) oldHandler <- liftIO $ installHandler sigIn (Catch sigHandler) Nothing return (sigIn, oldHandler) #endif e <- try (callProcess' (if keepStdinOpen then id else (\cp -> cp { delegate_ctlc = False })) Nothing envOverride "docker" (concat [["start"] ,["-a" | not (dockerDetach docker)] ,["-i" | keepStdinOpen] ,[containerID]])) #ifndef WINDOWS forM_ oldHandlers $ \(sig,oldHandler) -> liftIO $ installHandler sig oldHandler Nothing #endif unless (dockerPersist docker || dockerDetach docker) (readProcessNull Nothing envOverride "docker" ["rm","-f",containerID]) case e of Left (ProcessExitedUnsuccessfully _ ec) -> liftIO (exitWith ec) Right () -> do after liftIO exitSuccess where lookupImageEnv name vars = case lookup name vars of Just ('=':val) -> Just val _ -> Nothing mountArg (Mount host container) = ["-v",host ++ ":" ++ container] sandboxSubdirArg subdir = ["-v",toFPNoTrailingSep subdir++ ":" ++ toFPNoTrailingSep subdir] toFPNoTrailingSep = dropTrailingPathSeparator . toFilePath projectRoot = fromMaybeProjectRoot mprojectRoot -- | Clean-up old docker images and containers. cleanup :: M env m => CleanupOpts -> m () cleanup opts = do config <- asks getConfig envOverride <- getEnvOverride (configPlatform config) checkDockerVersion envOverride let runDocker = readDockerProcess envOverride imagesOut <- runDocker ["images","--no-trunc","-f","dangling=false"] danglingImagesOut <- runDocker ["images","--no-trunc","-f","dangling=true"] runningContainersOut <- runDocker ["ps","-a","--no-trunc","-f","status=running"] restartingContainersOut <- runDocker ["ps","-a","--no-trunc","-f","status=restarting"] exitedContainersOut <- runDocker ["ps","-a","--no-trunc","-f","status=exited"] pausedContainersOut <- runDocker ["ps","-a","--no-trunc","-f","status=paused"] let imageRepos = parseImagesOut imagesOut danglingImageHashes = Map.keys (parseImagesOut danglingImagesOut) runningContainers = parseContainersOut runningContainersOut ++ parseContainersOut restartingContainersOut stoppedContainers = parseContainersOut exitedContainersOut ++ parseContainersOut pausedContainersOut inspectMap <- inspects envOverride (Map.keys imageRepos ++ danglingImageHashes ++ map fst stoppedContainers ++ map fst runningContainers) (imagesLastUsed,curTime) <- liftIO ((,) <$> getDockerImagesLastUsed config <*> getZonedTime) let planWriter = buildPlan curTime imagesLastUsed imageRepos danglingImageHashes stoppedContainers runningContainers inspectMap plan = toLazyByteString (execWriter planWriter) plan' <- case dcAction opts of CleanupInteractive -> liftIO (editByteString (intercalate "-" [stackProgName ,dockerCmdName ,dockerCleanupCmdName ,"plan"]) plan) CleanupImmediate -> return plan CleanupDryRun -> do liftIO (LBS.hPut stdout plan) return LBS.empty mapM_ (performPlanLine envOverride) (reverse (filter filterPlanLine (lines (LBS.unpack plan')))) allImageHashesOut <- runDocker ["images","-aq","--no-trunc"] liftIO (pruneDockerImagesLastUsed config (lines (decodeUtf8 allImageHashesOut))) where filterPlanLine line = case line of c:_ | isSpace c -> False _ -> True performPlanLine envOverride line = case filter (not . null) (words (takeWhile (/= '#') line)) of [] -> return () (c:_):t:v:_ -> do args <- if | toUpper c == 'R' && t == imageStr -> do $logInfo (concatT ["Removing image: '",v,"'"]) return ["rmi",v] | toUpper c == 'R' && t == containerStr -> do $logInfo (concatT ["Removing container: '",v,"'"]) return ["rm","-f",v] | otherwise -> throwM (InvalidCleanupCommandException line) e <- try (readDockerProcess envOverride args) case e of Left (ReadProcessException _ _ _ _) -> $logError (concatT ["Could not remove: '",v,"'"]) Left e' -> throwM e' Right _ -> return () _ -> throwM (InvalidCleanupCommandException line) parseImagesOut = Map.fromListWith (++) . map parseImageRepo . drop 1 . lines . decodeUtf8 where parseImageRepo :: String -> (String, [String]) parseImageRepo line = case words line of repo:tag:hash:_ | repo == "" -> (hash,[]) | tag == "" -> (hash,[repo]) | otherwise -> (hash,[repo ++ ":" ++ tag]) _ -> throw (InvalidImagesOutputException line) parseContainersOut = map parseContainer . drop 1 . lines . decodeUtf8 where parseContainer line = case words line of hash:image:rest -> (hash,(image,last rest)) _ -> throw (InvalidPSOutputException line) buildPlan curTime imagesLastUsed imageRepos danglingImageHashes stoppedContainers runningContainers inspectMap = do case dcAction opts of CleanupInteractive -> do buildStrLn (concat ["# STACK DOCKER CLEANUP PLAN" ,"\n#" ,"\n# When you leave the editor, the lines in this plan will be processed." ,"\n#" ,"\n# Lines that begin with 'R' denote an image or container that will be." ,"\n# removed. You may change the first character to/from 'R' to remove/keep" ,"\n# and image or container that would otherwise be kept/removed." ,"\n#" ,"\n# To cancel the cleanup, delete all lines in this file." ,"\n#" ,"\n# By default, the following images/containers will be removed:" ,"\n#"]) buildDefault dcRemoveKnownImagesLastUsedDaysAgo "Known images last used" buildDefault dcRemoveUnknownImagesCreatedDaysAgo "Unknown images created" buildDefault dcRemoveDanglingImagesCreatedDaysAgo "Dangling images created" buildDefault dcRemoveStoppedContainersCreatedDaysAgo "Stopped containers created" buildDefault dcRemoveRunningContainersCreatedDaysAgo "Running containers created" buildStrLn (concat ["#" ,"\n# The default plan can be adjusted using command-line arguments." ,"\n# Run '" ++ unwords [stackProgName, dockerCmdName, dockerCleanupCmdName] ++ " --help' for details." ,"\n#"]) _ -> buildStrLn (unlines ["# Lines that begin with 'R' denote an image or container that will be." ,"# removed."]) buildSection "KNOWN IMAGES (pulled/used by stack)" imagesLastUsed buildKnownImage buildSection "UNKNOWN IMAGES (not managed by stack)" (sortCreated (Map.toList (foldl' (\m (h,_) -> Map.delete h m) imageRepos imagesLastUsed))) buildUnknownImage buildSection "DANGLING IMAGES (no named references and not depended on by other images)" (sortCreated (map (,()) danglingImageHashes)) buildDanglingImage buildSection "STOPPED CONTAINERS" (sortCreated stoppedContainers) (buildContainer (dcRemoveStoppedContainersCreatedDaysAgo opts)) buildSection "RUNNING CONTAINERS" (sortCreated runningContainers) (buildContainer (dcRemoveRunningContainersCreatedDaysAgo opts)) where buildDefault accessor description = case accessor opts of Just days -> buildStrLn ("# - " ++ description ++ " at least " ++ showDays days ++ ".") Nothing -> return () sortCreated l = reverse (sortBy (\(_,_,a) (_,_,b) -> compare a b) (catMaybes (map (\(h,r) -> fmap (\ii -> (h,r,iiCreated ii)) (Map.lookup h inspectMap)) l))) buildSection sectionHead items itemBuilder = do let (anyWrote,b) = runWriter (forM items itemBuilder) if or anyWrote then do buildSectionHead sectionHead tell b else return () buildKnownImage (imageHash,lastUsedProjects) = case Map.lookup imageHash imageRepos of Just repos@(_:_) -> do case lastUsedProjects of (l,_):_ -> forM_ repos (buildImageTime (dcRemoveKnownImagesLastUsedDaysAgo opts) l) _ -> forM_ repos buildKeepImage forM_ lastUsedProjects buildProject buildInspect imageHash return True _ -> return False buildUnknownImage (hash, repos, created) = case repos of [] -> return False _ -> do forM_ repos (buildImageTime (dcRemoveUnknownImagesCreatedDaysAgo opts) created) buildInspect hash return True buildDanglingImage (hash, (), created) = do buildImageTime (dcRemoveDanglingImagesCreatedDaysAgo opts) created hash buildInspect hash return True buildContainer removeAge (hash,(image,name),created) = do let display = (name ++ " (image: " ++ image ++ ")") buildTime containerStr removeAge created display buildInspect hash return True buildProject (lastUsedTime, projectPath) = buildInfo ("Last used " ++ showDaysAgo lastUsedTime ++ " in " ++ projectPath) buildInspect hash = case Map.lookup hash inspectMap of Just (Inspect{iiCreated,iiVirtualSize}) -> buildInfo ("Created " ++ showDaysAgo iiCreated ++ maybe "" (\s -> " (size: " ++ printf "%g" (fromIntegral s / 1024.0 / 1024.0 :: Float) ++ "M)") iiVirtualSize) Nothing -> return () showDays days = case days of 0 -> "today" 1 -> "yesterday" n -> show n ++ " days ago" showDaysAgo oldTime = showDays (daysAgo oldTime) daysAgo oldTime = let ZonedTime (LocalTime today _) zone = curTime LocalTime oldDay _ = utcToLocalTime zone oldTime in diffDays today oldDay buildImageTime = buildTime imageStr buildTime t removeAge time display = case removeAge of Just d | daysAgo time >= d -> buildStrLn ("R " ++ t ++ " " ++ display) _ -> buildKeep t display buildKeep t d = buildStrLn (" " ++ t ++ " " ++ d) buildKeepImage = buildKeep imageStr buildSectionHead s = buildStrLn ("\n#\n# " ++ s ++ "\n#\n") buildInfo = buildStrLn . (" # " ++) buildStrLn l = do buildStr l tell (charUtf8 '\n') buildStr = tell . stringUtf8 imageStr = "image" containerStr = "container" -- | Inspect Docker image or container. inspect :: (MonadIO m,MonadThrow m,MonadLogger m,MonadBaseControl IO m,MonadCatch m) => EnvOverride -> String -> m (Maybe Inspect) inspect envOverride image = do results <- inspects envOverride [image] case Map.toList results of [] -> return Nothing [(_,i)] -> return (Just i) _ -> throwM (InvalidInspectOutputException "expect a single result") -- | Inspect multiple Docker images and/or containers. inspects :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m) => EnvOverride -> [String] -> m (Map String Inspect) inspects _ [] = return Map.empty inspects envOverride images = do maybeInspectOut <- try (readDockerProcess envOverride ("inspect" : images)) case maybeInspectOut of Right inspectOut -> -- filtering with 'isAscii' to workaround @docker inspect@ output containing invalid UTF-8 case eitherDecode (LBS.pack (filter isAscii (decodeUtf8 inspectOut))) of Left msg -> throwM (InvalidInspectOutputException msg) Right results -> return (Map.fromList (map (\r -> (iiId r,r)) results)) Left (ReadProcessException _ _ _ _) -> return Map.empty Left e -> throwM e -- | Pull latest version of configured Docker image from registry. pull :: M env m => m () pull = do config <- asks getConfig let docker = configDocker config envOverride <- getEnvOverride (configPlatform config) checkDockerVersion envOverride pullImage envOverride docker (dockerImage docker) -- | Pull Docker image from registry. pullImage :: (MonadLogger m,MonadIO m,MonadThrow m,MonadBaseControl IO m) => EnvOverride -> DockerOpts -> String -> m () pullImage envOverride docker image = do $logInfo (concatT ["Pulling image from registry: '",image,"'"]) when (dockerRegistryLogin docker) (do $logInfo "You may need to log in." callProcess Nothing envOverride "docker" (concat [["login"] ,maybe [] (\u -> ["--username=" ++ u]) (dockerRegistryUsername docker) ,maybe [] (\p -> ["--password=" ++ p]) (dockerRegistryPassword docker) ,[takeWhile (/= '/') image]])) e <- try (callProcess Nothing envOverride "docker" ["pull",image]) case e of Left (ProcessExitedUnsuccessfully _ _) -> throwM (PullFailedException image) Right () -> return () -- | Check docker version (throws exception if incorrect) checkDockerVersion :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m) => EnvOverride -> m () checkDockerVersion envOverride = do dockerExists <- doesExecutableExist envOverride "docker" unless dockerExists (throwM DockerNotInstalledException) dockerVersionOut <- readDockerProcess envOverride ["--version"] case words (decodeUtf8 dockerVersionOut) of (_:_:v:_) -> case parseVersionFromString (dropWhileEnd (not . isDigit) v) of Just v' | v' < minimumDockerVersion -> throwM (DockerTooOldException minimumDockerVersion v') | v' `elem` prohibitedDockerVersions -> throwM (DockerVersionProhibitedException prohibitedDockerVersions v') | otherwise -> return () _ -> throwM InvalidVersionOutputException _ -> throwM InvalidVersionOutputException where minimumDockerVersion = $(mkVersion "1.3.0") prohibitedDockerVersions = [$(mkVersion "1.2.0")] -- | Remove the project's Docker sandbox. reset :: (MonadIO m) => Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> Bool -> m () reset maybeProjectRoot keepHome = liftIO (removeDirectoryContents (projectDockerSandboxDir projectRoot) [homeDirName | keepHome] []) where projectRoot = fromMaybeProjectRoot maybeProjectRoot -- | Remove the contents of a directory, without removing the directory itself. -- This is used instead of 'FS.removeTree' to clear bind-mounted directories, since -- removing the root of the bind-mount won't work. removeDirectoryContents :: Path Abs Dir -- ^ Directory to remove contents of -> [Path Rel Dir] -- ^ Top-level directory names to exclude from removal -> [Path Rel File] -- ^ Top-level file names to exclude from removal -> IO () removeDirectoryContents path excludeDirs excludeFiles = do isRootDir <- dirExists path when isRootDir (do (lsd,lsf) <- listDirectory path forM_ lsd (\d -> unless (dirname d `elem` excludeDirs) (removeTree d)) forM_ lsf (\f -> unless (filename f `elem` excludeFiles) (removeFile f))) -- | Produce a strict 'S.ByteString' from the stdout of a -- process. Throws a 'ReadProcessException' exception if the -- process fails. Logs process's stderr using @$logError@. readDockerProcess :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m) => EnvOverride -> [String] -> m BS.ByteString readDockerProcess envOverride args = readProcessStdout Nothing envOverride "docker" args -- | Subdirectories of the home directory to sandbox between GHC/Stackage versions. sandboxedHomeSubdirectories :: [Path Rel Dir] sandboxedHomeSubdirectories = [$(mkRelDir ".ghc/") ,$(mkRelDir ".cabal/") ,$(mkRelDir ".ghcjs/")] -- | Name of home directory within docker sandbox. homeDirName :: Path Rel Dir homeDirName = $(mkRelDir "_home/") -- | Interprets DockerOptsMonoid options. dockerOptsFromMonoid :: Maybe Project -> Path Abs Dir -> DockerOptsMonoid -> DockerOpts dockerOptsFromMonoid mproject stackRoot DockerOptsMonoid{..} = DockerOpts {dockerEnable = fromMaybe (fromMaybe False dockerMonoidExists) dockerMonoidEnable ,dockerImage = let defaultTag = case mproject of Nothing -> "" Just proj -> case projectResolver proj of ResolverSnapshot n@(LTS _ _) -> ":" ++ T.unpack (renderSnapName n) _ -> throw (ResolverNotSupportedException (projectResolver proj)) in case dockerMonoidRepoOrImage of Nothing -> "fpco/stack-build" ++ defaultTag Just (DockerMonoidImage image) -> image Just (DockerMonoidRepo repo) -> case find (`elem` (":@" :: String)) repo of Just _ -> -- Repo already specified a tag or digest, so don't append default repo Nothing -> repo ++ defaultTag ,dockerRegistryLogin = fromMaybe (isJust (emptyToNothing dockerMonoidRegistryUsername)) dockerMonoidRegistryLogin ,dockerRegistryUsername = emptyToNothing dockerMonoidRegistryUsername ,dockerRegistryPassword = emptyToNothing dockerMonoidRegistryPassword ,dockerAutoPull = fromMaybe False dockerMonoidAutoPull ,dockerDetach = fromMaybe False dockerMonoidDetach ,dockerPersist = fromMaybe False dockerMonoidPersist ,dockerContainerName = emptyToNothing dockerMonoidContainerName ,dockerRunArgs = dockerMonoidRunArgs ,dockerMount = dockerMonoidMount ,dockerEnv = dockerMonoidEnv ,dockerDatabasePath = case dockerMonoidDatabasePath of Nothing -> stackRoot $(mkRelFile "docker.db") Just fp -> case parseAbsFile fp of Left e -> throw (InvalidDatabasePathException e) Right p -> p } where emptyToNothing Nothing = Nothing emptyToNothing (Just s) | null s = Nothing | otherwise = Just s -- | Convenience function to decode ByteString to String. decodeUtf8 :: BS.ByteString -> String decodeUtf8 bs = T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 (bs)) -- | Convenience function constructing message for @$log*@. concatT :: [String] -> Text concatT = T.pack . concat -- | Fail with friendly error if project root not set. fromMaybeProjectRoot :: Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> Path Abs Dir fromMaybeProjectRoot = fromMaybe (throw CannotDetermineProjectRootException) -- | Environment variable that contains the sandbox ID. sandboxIDEnvVar :: String sandboxIDEnvVar = "DOCKER_SANDBOX_ID" -- | Environment variable used to indicate stack is running in container. inContainerEnvVar :: String inContainerEnvVar = concat [map toUpper stackProgName,"_IN_CONTAINER"] -- | Command-line argument for "docker" dockerCmdName :: String dockerCmdName = "docker" -- | Command-line argument for @docker pull@. dockerPullCmdName :: String dockerPullCmdName = "pull" -- | Command-line argument for @docker cleanup@. dockerCleanupCmdName :: String dockerCleanupCmdName = "cleanup" -- | Command-line option for @--internal-re-exec@. reExecArgName :: String reExecArgName = "internal-re-exec" -- | Options for 'cleanup'. data CleanupOpts = CleanupOpts { dcAction :: !CleanupAction , dcRemoveKnownImagesLastUsedDaysAgo :: !(Maybe Integer) , dcRemoveUnknownImagesCreatedDaysAgo :: !(Maybe Integer) , dcRemoveDanglingImagesCreatedDaysAgo :: !(Maybe Integer) , dcRemoveStoppedContainersCreatedDaysAgo :: !(Maybe Integer) , dcRemoveRunningContainersCreatedDaysAgo :: !(Maybe Integer) } deriving (Show) -- | Cleanup action. data CleanupAction = CleanupInteractive | CleanupImmediate | CleanupDryRun deriving (Show) -- | Parsed result of @docker inspect@. data Inspect = Inspect {iiConfig :: ImageConfig ,iiCreated :: UTCTime ,iiId :: String ,iiVirtualSize :: Maybe Integer } deriving (Show) -- | Parse @docker inspect@ output. instance FromJSON Inspect where parseJSON v = do o <- parseJSON v (Inspect <$> o .: T.pack "Config" <*> o .: T.pack "Created" <*> o .: T.pack "Id" <*> o .:? T.pack "VirtualSize") -- | Parsed @Config@ section of @docker inspect@ output. data ImageConfig = ImageConfig {icEnv :: [String]} deriving (Show) -- | Parse @Config@ section of @docker inspect@ output. instance FromJSON ImageConfig where parseJSON v = do o <- parseJSON v (ImageConfig <$> o .:? T.pack "Env" .!= []) -- | Exceptions thrown by Stack.Docker. data StackDockerException = DockerMustBeEnabledException -- ^ Docker must be enabled to use the command. | OnlyOnHostException -- ^ Command must be run on host OS (not in a container). | InspectFailedException String -- ^ @docker inspect@ failed. | NotPulledException String -- ^ Image does not exist. | InvalidCleanupCommandException String -- ^ Input to @docker cleanup@ has invalid command. | InvalidImagesOutputException String -- ^ Invalid output from @docker images@. | InvalidPSOutputException String -- ^ Invalid output from @docker ps@. | InvalidInspectOutputException String -- ^ Invalid output from @docker inspect@. | PullFailedException String -- ^ Could not pull a Docker image. | DockerTooOldException Version Version -- ^ Installed version of @docker@ below minimum version. | DockerVersionProhibitedException [Version] Version -- ^ Installed version of @docker@ is prohibited. | InvalidVersionOutputException -- ^ Invalid output from @docker --version@. | HostStackTooOldException Version (Maybe Version) -- ^ Version of @stack@ on host is too old for version in image. | ContainerStackTooOldException Version Version -- ^ Version of @stack@ in container/image is too old for version on host. | ResolverNotSupportedException Resolver -- ^ Only LTS resolvers are supported for default image tag. | CannotDetermineProjectRootException -- ^ Can't determine the project root (where to put docker sandbox). | DockerNotInstalledException -- ^ @docker --version@ failed. | InvalidDatabasePathException SomeException -- ^ Invalid global database path. deriving (Typeable) -- | Exception instance for StackDockerException. instance Exception StackDockerException -- | Show instance for StackDockerException. instance Show StackDockerException where show DockerMustBeEnabledException = concat ["Docker must be enabled in your ",toFilePath stackDotYaml," to use this command."] show OnlyOnHostException = "This command must be run on host OS (not in a Docker container)." show (InspectFailedException image) = concat ["'docker inspect' failed for image after pull: ",image,"."] show (NotPulledException image) = concat ["The Docker image referenced by " ,toFilePath stackDotYaml ," has not\nbeen downloaded:\n " ,image ,"\n\nRun '" ,unwords [stackProgName, dockerCmdName, dockerPullCmdName] ,"' to download it, then try again."] show (InvalidCleanupCommandException line) = concat ["Invalid line in cleanup commands: '",line,"'."] show (InvalidImagesOutputException line) = concat ["Invalid 'docker images' output line: '",line,"'."] show (InvalidPSOutputException line) = concat ["Invalid 'docker ps' output line: '",line,"'."] show (InvalidInspectOutputException msg) = concat ["Invalid 'docker inspect' output: ",msg,"."] show (PullFailedException image) = concat ["Could not pull Docker image:\n " ,image ,"\nThere may not be an image on the registry for your resolver's LTS version in\n" ,toFilePath stackDotYaml ,"."] show (DockerTooOldException minVersion haveVersion) = concat ["Minimum docker version '" ,versionString minVersion ,"' is required (you have '" ,versionString haveVersion ,"')."] show (DockerVersionProhibitedException prohibitedVersions haveVersion) = concat ["These Docker versions are prohibited (you have '" ,versionString haveVersion ,"'): " ,concat (intersperse ", " (map versionString prohibitedVersions)) ,"."] show InvalidVersionOutputException = "Cannot get Docker version (invalid 'docker --version' output)." show (HostStackTooOldException minVersion (Just hostVersion)) = concat ["The host's version of '" ,stackProgName ,"' is too old for this Docker image.\nVersion " ,versionString minVersion ," is required; you have " ,versionString hostVersion ,"."] show (HostStackTooOldException minVersion Nothing) = concat ["The host's version of '" ,stackProgName ,"' is too old.\nVersion " ,versionString minVersion ," is required."] show (ContainerStackTooOldException requiredVersion containerVersion) = concat ["The Docker container's version of '" ,stackProgName ,"' is too old.\nVersion " ,versionString requiredVersion ," is required; the container has " ,versionString containerVersion ,"."] show (ResolverNotSupportedException resolver) = concat ["Resolver not supported for Docker images:\n " ,show resolver ,"\nUse an LTS resolver, or set the '" ,T.unpack dockerImageArgName ,"' explicitly, in " ,toFilePath stackDotYaml ,"."] show CannotDetermineProjectRootException = "Cannot determine project root directory for Docker sandbox." show DockerNotInstalledException= "Cannot find 'docker' in PATH. Is Docker installed?" show (InvalidDatabasePathException ex) = concat ["Invalid database path: ",show ex] type M env m = (MonadIO m,MonadReader env m,MonadLogger m,MonadBaseControl IO m,MonadCatch m ,HasConfig env,HasTerminal env,HasReExec env)