stack- The Haskell Tool Stack

Safe HaskellNone



Extra Path utilities.



toFilePathNoTrailingSep :: Path loc Dir -> FilePath Source

Convert to FilePath but don't add a trailing slash.

dropRoot :: Path Abs t -> Path Rel t Source

Drop the root (either / on POSIX or C:\, D:\, etc. on Windows).

parseCollapsedAbsDir :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path Abs Dir) Source

Collapse intermediate "." and ".." directories from path, then parse it with parseAbsDir. (probably should be moved to the Path module)

parseCollapsedAbsFile :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path Abs File) Source

Collapse intermediate "." and ".." directories from path, then parse it with parseAbsFile. (probably should be moved to the Path module)