{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

-- | Finding files.

module Path.Find

import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.IO.Error (isPermissionError)
import Data.List
import Path
import Path.IO hiding (findFiles)
import System.PosixCompat.Files (getSymbolicLinkStatus, isSymbolicLink)

-- | Find the location of a file matching the given predicate.
findFileUp :: (MonadIO m,MonadThrow m)
           => Path Abs Dir                -- ^ Start here.
           -> (Path Abs File -> Bool)     -- ^ Predicate to match the file.
           -> Maybe (Path Abs Dir)        -- ^ Do not ascend above this directory.
           -> m (Maybe (Path Abs File))  -- ^ Absolute file path.
findFileUp = findPathUp snd

-- | Find the location of a directory matching the given predicate.
findDirUp :: (MonadIO m,MonadThrow m)
          => Path Abs Dir                -- ^ Start here.
          -> (Path Abs Dir -> Bool)      -- ^ Predicate to match the directory.
          -> Maybe (Path Abs Dir)        -- ^ Do not ascend above this directory.
          -> m (Maybe (Path Abs Dir))   -- ^ Absolute directory path.
findDirUp = findPathUp fst

-- | Find the location of a path matching the given predicate.
findPathUp :: (MonadIO m,MonadThrow m)
           => (([Path Abs Dir],[Path Abs File]) -> [Path Abs t])
              -- ^ Choose path type from pair.
           -> Path Abs Dir                     -- ^ Start here.
           -> (Path Abs t -> Bool)             -- ^ Predicate to match the path.
           -> Maybe (Path Abs Dir)             -- ^ Do not ascend above this directory.
           -> m (Maybe (Path Abs t))           -- ^ Absolute path.
findPathUp pathType dir p upperBound =
  do entries <- listDir dir
     case find p (pathType entries) of
       Just path -> return (Just path)
       Nothing | Just dir == upperBound -> return Nothing
               | parent dir == dir -> return Nothing
               | otherwise -> findPathUp pathType (parent dir) p upperBound

-- | Find files matching predicate below a root directory.
-- NOTE: this skips symbolic directory links, to avoid loops. This may
-- not make sense for all uses of file finding.
-- TODO: write one of these that traverses symbolic links but
-- efficiently ignores loops.
findFiles :: Path Abs Dir            -- ^ Root directory to begin with.
          -> (Path Abs File -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate to match files.
          -> (Path Abs Dir -> Bool)  -- ^ Predicate for which directories to traverse.
          -> IO [Path Abs File]      -- ^ List of matching files.
findFiles dir p traversep =
  do (dirs,files) <- catchJust (\ e -> if isPermissionError e
                                         then Just ()
                                         else Nothing)
                               (listDir dir)
                               (\ _ -> return ([], []))
     filteredFiles <- evaluate $ force (filter p files)
     filteredDirs <- filterM (fmap not . isSymLink) dirs
     subResults <-
       forM filteredDirs
            (\entry ->
               if traversep entry
                  then findFiles entry p traversep
                  else return [])
     return (concat (filteredFiles : subResults))

isSymLink :: Path Abs t -> IO Bool
isSymLink = fmap isSymbolicLink . getSymbolicLinkStatus . toFilePath

-- | @findInParents f path@ applies @f@ to @path@ and its 'parent's until
-- it finds a 'Just' or reaches the root directory.
findInParents :: MonadIO m => (Path Abs Dir -> m (Maybe a)) -> Path Abs Dir -> m (Maybe a)
findInParents f path = do
    mres <- f path
    case mres of
        Just res -> return (Just res)
        Nothing -> do
            let next = parent path
            if next == path
                then return Nothing
                else findInParents f next