# GHCJS To use GHCJS with stack `>= 0.1.8`, place a GHCJS version in the [`compiler`](yaml_configuration.md#compiler) field of `stack.yaml`. After this, all stack commands should work with GHCJS, except for `ide`. In particular: * `stack setup` will install GHCJS from source and boot it, which takes a long time. * `stack build` will compile your code to JavaScript. In particular, the generated code for an executable ends up in `$(stack path --local-install-root)/bin/EXECUTABLE.jsexe/all.js` (bash syntax, where `EXECUTABLE` is the name of your executable). You can also build existing stack projects which target GHC, and instead build them with GHCJS. For example: `stack build --compiler ghcjs-` Sidenote: If you receive a message like `The program 'ghcjs' version >=0.1 is required but the version of .../ghcjs could not be determined.`, then you may need to install a different version of `node`. See [stack issue #1496](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1496). ## Example Configurations ### GHCJS `master` (a.k.a. improved base) To use the master branch, a.k.a improved base, add the following to your `stack.yaml`: GHCJS compiled with GHC 7.10.3 LTS-5.12 (stack.yaml upgraded from stock GHCJS) ```yaml compiler: ghcjs- compiler-check: match-exact setup-info: ghcjs: source: ghcjs- url: https://s3.amazonaws.com/ghcjs/ghcjs- sha1: 6d6f307503be9e94e0c96ef1308c7cf224d06be3 ``` GHCJS compiled with GHC 7.10.2 LTS-3.6 (stack.yaml that comes with GHCJS) ```yaml compiler: ghcjs- compiler-check: match-exact setup-info: ghcjs: source: ghcjs- url: https://s3.amazonaws.com/ghcjs/ghcjs- sha1: f0a7243e781e27ebfe601eebaf5c57422007c142 ``` ### GHCJS (old base) You can use this resolver for GHCJS (old base) in your `stack.yaml`: ```yaml compiler: ghcjs- compiler-check: match-exact ``` ### Custom installed GHCJS (development branch) In order to use a GHCJS installed on your path, just add the following to your `stack.yaml`: ```yaml compiler: ghcjs-0.2.0_ghc-7.10.2 ``` (Or, `ghcjs-0.1.0_ghc-7.10.2` if you are working with an older version) ## Project with both client and server For projects with both a server and client, the recommended project organization is to put one or both of your `stack.yaml` files in sub-directories. This way, you can use the current working directory to specify whether you're working on the client or server. This will also allow more straightforward editor tooling, once projects like `ghc-mod` and `haskell-ide-engine` support GHCJS. For example, here's what a script for building both client and server looks like: ```bash #!/bin/bash # Build the client stack build --stack-yaml=client/stack.yaml # Copy over the javascript rm -f server/static/all.js cp $(stack path --stack-yaml=client/stack.yaml --local-install-root)/bin/client.jsexe/all.js server/static/all.js # Build the server stack build --stack-yaml=server/stack.yaml ``` You can also put both the yaml files in the same directory, and have e.g. `ghcjs-stack.yaml`, but this won't work well with editor integrations. ## Using stack without a snapshot If you don't want to use a snapshot, instead place the ghcjs version in the `resolver` field of your `stack.yaml`. This is also necessary when using stack `< 0.1.8`.